What is the best soccer game? Or football, depend on what part of the world you're in.
What is the best soccer game? Or football, depend on what part of the world you're in
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should i do it?
>not futbol
OwO what's this?
Is this the new thread?
Why the fuck does his mascot costume look so much worse?
So you could stop masturbating
what game lets me play as a kemoshota or let me fuck one
Only who suck at it call it soccer.
It is football. You use your foot to drive the ball to the goal.
Anubis and the Buried Bone.
How about a fun one
No such thing
Nice fetish furfags
>still cant play kemoshota sobek and horus
I'm contacting Putin right now.
Inazuma Eleven is pretty good.
I'd like to play as Horus.
>mfw next years footie games are contractually obligated to feature furries
not gonna lie, the porn will piss off the Kremlin.
Zabivaka looks so fucking bad for a soccer mascot, and for a mascot in general.
Why the goggles?
The CGI trailer for him or whatever looked better, but still.
Can't wait for Russian news outlets to lose their shit over the gay fanart they'll inevitably make based on the mascot
That's one spicy chicken.
Moar Spicy chicken.
I ain't got more, I leave it to you to post thicc furs
Fucking Strikers was way more fun than it had any right to be.
I know this is a furry thread, but holy fuck Strikers was fun
Sega Soccer Slam
Male human on female anthro is the best
I've since changed computers, most of my thicc furries are on my other machine.
Most, anyway.
Why do you people want to fuck animals
What the fuck
Shut the fuck up
This nigga gets it.
I don't want to fuck animals. Furry porn can be nice though.
Would you play soccer with Zabivaka?
Furry stuff isn't bestiality, it's xenophilia. Learn your fetishes.