Looks through yester year of games I've played

> Looks through yester year of games I've played.
> Finds Bloodborne, a game I remember playing and getting very far.
> Sees saved file left off at Byrgenwerth
> Slay some beasts, and a hunter, have a great time.
> Opens door in Byrgenwerth, see bridge and old faggot.
> Old faggot points to the moon.
> dafuq.jpg
> gets closer and closer to bridge and decides to check it out
> Leapoffaith.avi
> It's covered in fog everywhere.
> Boss health shows on screen. Rom the Spider.
> Goes to challenge it, and gets one shotted by little spider faggots.
> Keeps trying.
> Herewegoagain.mp3
> Gets Rom to half health.
> Rom unleashes mega-fart and insta-kills me.
> Now I remember why I stopped playing Bloodborne, and why I moved on to Dark Souls 3 instead.

nice blog

Its factually one of the easiest bosses in the game, all you have to do is unlock and walk in spirals towars it. Once it lifts its upper body, just run and hit it a couple of times when she recovers from the attack. Rinse and repeat.
It's fucking NOTHING compared to FRC dungeons you fag.


I think you might have lifted my spirits to fight Rom once more.

Rom is pretty iritating, he's not hard, but damn is he annoying. The key is to keep moving and not attack his head. As long as you keep on your feet his little spider dudes are not much of a threat. Be warned, however, the next area is the worst thing ever.

Seriously, just get a +6 weapon and buff it with bolt paper. If you run, the meteor shower attack wont hit you, and the explosion/reverse meteor AOEs are easy to avoid. Just run around it, the spiders are passive enough, so once she stops casting meteors just bop her a couple of times and bait that out again.

thank you

You can do it, I believe in you!

>Struggle with boss
>Learn its patterns
>got gud
>Win and move on to the next.

Souls game.
Is this your first time playing one? Keep it up, you can do it if you try, you fucking faggot

This isn't my first souls game. I've played the trilogy already, but I'm not entirely used to Bloodborne's mechanics.

>he's not hard


Rom is pretty iritating, he's not hard, but damn is he annoying. The key is to keep moving and not attack his head. As long as you keep on your feet his little spider dudes are not much of a threat. Be warned, however, the next area is the worst thing ever.

Rom is a girl? I remember hearing that somewhere but I always thought she was a guy. Its kinda hard to tell with great ones i guess.

I would have never guessed, I'm surprised about this.

Gaining insight drives you mad

>rage quits a game because he can't kill a boss

I'm willing to accept that. But now I'm trying to fight Rom again. Got her down to 3/4 health but died.

The whole game is fucking easy.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

There are core mechanics to the game that make it so inherently easy.

You people wouldn't have a hope against any actual challenging titles if you think this is hard.

Holy Shit. You're the stuff of legends man.

I like betting on how long someone who posts the same thing over and over will keep doing it. I have you at 2 years.

You made a thread not too long ago. How much of a faggot are you?

>shock paper
>dead rom

I don't get why you all struggle with this fucking lump. If you're dying too fast, wear better arcane defence, equip arcane runes, increase your health or just get better at rolling. The attacks are telegraphed as fuck.

You underestimate me.

Where do I like subscribe and peace?

I think Miyazaki mentioned it in an interview that she is (or was after becoming a great one?) female.

Not at all in any way a homosexual.

I wonder if it's against the rules to constantly shitpost with the same thing. Even though it's vidya related, black man's hand on pile o' games gets deleted all the time, because it's obviously just for the purposes of getting (you)'s.

I've been banned 15 times in the past 4 months for posting about me platinuming Bloodborne.

Fuck off impostor, is not even the original filename.

Don't let them stop you, champ.

So it is against the rules, I guess.
Ban evasion or waiting out the bans?


Truly a legendary player.

It's me you fucking prick.

Profile is Cloud__ffvii, message me and I'll call you a fucking retard.

Good work! Enjoy the rest of the game.

Not sure if sarcasm, but Thank you very much.

>getting very far

My job has me with access to circa 5-6 free to use wifi connections every day.

With that, my mobile data, my dongle and my home wifi, I have enough options to consistently post even if I do get banned.

I wanna thank everyone who encouraged me to beat Rom.

Yeah. A noob's version of getting very far. My bad.

I'd love to see you fight defiled Hotdog or Amy G

Good job! I was in your exafy same position a few weeks ago (though I had beaten Rom and given up after once before) and managed to whoop him and beat the rest of the game over two days. The next(?) boss, The One Reborn, is the one I had the hardest time with.

Easy fights.
Loran Darkbeast is harder.

Legitimately a boring and tedious boss that I've never enjoyed fighting. Don't feel too bad about it user, you're not alone.

>attack one leg
>it falls on the ground
>attack the other leg
>it falls on the ground again
>saw spear L1 spam or Whirligig L2
He only gets hard if you let him stand up.

>not doing it in three
What did you jerk off the whole time you was playing it?

This implies you can easily down him. You need a very powerful weapon do to this and he jumps around all over the fucking place. He's the only boss I can't kill on my lvl 4 run.

BBP do the damage on normal runs (or its fire weakness for arc builds because BBP only increases physical damage).
Of course he is harder if you cripple yourself, he most likely wasn't designed for BL 4 runs.

>Of course he is harder if you cripple yourself, he most likely wasn't designed for BL 4 runs.
Naturally, but even on my regular chalice runs to get to FRC gem farming, he gives me the most trouble. Using a powerful serrated weapon with BBP and fire paper can make the fight easy on some builds, as you say. But he's the most inconsistent boss. Hotdog and Amy are easy to do the entire fight without getting hit (hotdog you can just boop the nose or wait until the vomit attack and amy is easy until the final phase, whereby you just stay under the legs and you're untouchable) but Loran Darkbeast jumps around all over the fucking place and the camera sucks ass.

Why would you farm him though?
Watchers give better gems. Watchers have a lower drop rate but you almost never die to them, so in the time you do 1 FRC Darkbeast, you could have multiple watchers.
I agree that Darkbeasts are inconsistent, either they kick your shit in and drop your framerate to 5FPS or you bully them and break their legs over and over.
From my experience with random SRRC shitters don't boop hotdog's nose and get caught by the 10 second animated charge, and Amy with random SRRC almost never works.
Against Darkbeasts the host atleast distracts them and is less likely to die from my experience.
I also agree on its shitty camera.

I don't, I said to get to FRC farming. You need to kill him to be able to farm Loran chalices.
Also, watchers are only worth farming for certain gems, mostly 27.2% phy (or thrust/blunt if you want to suffer...)
With co-op, hotdog doesn't need the same tactics, one player distracts while the other hits from behind and then while he's distracted, the first player hits and so on.
Amy becomes significantly harder (IMO) when playing co-op compared to fighting amy solo.

>remember why I stopped playing Bloodborne, and why I moved on to Dark Souls 3 instead.
kek you got me OP, but it's still true.

you have autism. stop posting a story that isn't yours, just to force a meme.

Rom is easy, you just have to wait it out.

When he's aggressive you run around him and after he does an attack you make a bee line for his side and do a hit or two then run, don't be greedy or else the little guys will get you. Just repeat this. The only easier boss is Amygdala.

Rom is not that bad. Just put on some arcane resistant equipment (like the student clothing), pick off the spiders one by one, and slowly make your way inwards towards Rom. You can dodge the hail attack by just running.

>Very far


I just beat him a while back.

>The only easier boss is Amygdala.
Witch of Hemwick says hi