Overrated trash Sup Forums loves to pretend are good



next thread, please

Acquire taste in vidya

Game you like.


Deus Ex is fucking top tier but yea everything else in there is garbage.

you forgot overwatch and bloodborne and w/e other game Sup Forums is shilling this month

I'm going to put every game in this thread into a list so I can play them.

Deus Ex is trash though

>Dragon's Crown

Overrated != Bad


Middle row is all great.

Nier 1 is a masterpiece. Get a modded PS3 and download the english translation for the original version though, Papa Nier a shit.

Also Dragon's Crown is the GOAT beat em up and amazingly fun to play with friends.

Deus ex is awesome

Deus Ex gameplay is mediocre at best, it wasn't good even back then.

>Reptitive reused assets the game
>good game


thanks for the list of good games.

>Papa Nier a shit
Fuck right off with that shit opinion.

The rest of your post is alright though.

>Pick a list of amazing games.
>Call them shit.
Now you're playing with power.

Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.

This has to be a troll thread. No one can possibly hate Radiant Historia. I wish they'd remaster it.

It's not that I dislike Papa, it's that I dislike the fact that his version of the game removed some cool stuff.

In the original your appearance and the types of weapons you're able to wield change drastically after the time jump among other smaller things.

fuck off dude sex is great

you realise that papa nier is the intended character? even yoko taro said that and they just made the bro nier version because the Japanese tend to like younger mains

Is Deux Ex still good without nostalgia?

>95% of gamers don't know these games exist

>this image

Nigga where do you think you are? This is the closet hipster board #1, everything even remotely popular by mainstream media is instantly deemed utter shit that has to be disregarded asap.

Radiant Historia felt like some uninspired generic shitty anime, fuck off.

Deus Ex and Dragon's Dogma are pretty good, I agree the rest of that weeb shit is pure trash though.

Papa Nier also gets an eyepatch and access to spears/greatswords though. I'm interested in knowing how Brother Nier changes now, somehow never looked it up.

95% of gamers think video games consist of Call of Duty and Minecraft.

not really

and based on sales and total copies sold, it sorta is

does Sup Forums talk about radiant historia at all?

What's it like living with shitty taste? Is it horrible or do you just get used to it?

It's brilliant. I played it for the first time only about a month ago. If you can get past the first mission and story dump which is a little slow then you're good.


None of those games are deemed popular by the mainstream tho. This isn't just the typical Sup Forums contrarianism, this dumbass is so contrarian, that he's even started to reject Sup Forums's already contrarian opinions. He's the contrarian king.

daily reminder that if you're a newfriend you should definitely check out all the games on these lists


Its great because you don't spend wasting time on below the average, generic filler weeb trash.

The only worth playing jrpgs were made in the 90s.

The middle three are fucking grand, the other six I have yet to play so I can't formulate an opinion on them

They announced a remaster for 3ds before E3. Check it out.

Nocturne and Final Fantasy X are objectively top 10 JRPGs buddy.

>all the games
I don't know about Bioshock Infinite and Braid.
Gotta mix some shitty titles in there to bait out all the (You)s.

>look at how contrarian I am guys!

i agree with you on nier, BD, TiTS, and persona. never played whatever that top left trash is.

Not Infinite