Is Spirit of Justice good? I remember a lot of people saying they didn't like Dual Destinies all that much, how does this one hold up?
Is Spirit of Justice good? I remember a lot of people saying they didn't like Dual Destinies all that much...
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Only thing people seem to agree on are the 2nd & 3rd cases being good, rest of the game is pretty divisive.
In my opinion the best thing it does is unfuck what DD did to investigations.
>In my opinion the best thing it does is unfuck what DD did to investigations.
what you mean
I'm a big fan of Apollo so I really liked this game. The truth is there's not really a bad Ace Attorney game. They're only good or bad relative to each other and I'd say SoJ isn't one of the best but it isn't the worst either. Definitely an enjoyable experience.
I like it more than DD. A lot of Sup Forums was putting it in their top 3 in the series after release which I'm not too sure about, but people are still saying it recently which means a lot I think.
You can inspect stuff everywhere again.
Kind of dull. Both of the mainline 3DS games feel too disconnected from the earlier entries.
They're less streamlined and have more dialog for exploring and investigating stuff.
I think people are dumb in that regard though. Investigations were the worst part of the franchise, so I feel DD made a good choice with making them easier.
DD heavily streamlined what and how you can investigate to the point where it felt too hand hold-y for me. SoJ undoes that.
>Investigations were the worst part of the franchise
I disagree, it's where most of the cast are characterized and where pretty much all the best dialogue is too. Only issue with it is that in some cases the event flagging and required backtracking is tedious (AA1 has particular problems with this, even 1-5 somehow despite being written way later on)
I liked it a lot while it lasted, for some reason it felt shorter than most AA games though.
The actual mechanics, the backtracking (just touch everywhere bro) and the flavor dialog (for things you DONT need) makes them more boring and tedious. Only game that does it somewhat correctly are the Miles Edgeworth game, main games are awful in this regard.
Basically, dialog is fine as long as it makes the story move forward or explains something interesting, but the actual investigating stuff ("umm, chair looks comfy", "that looks nice hummm") is a waste of time.
>nostalgiafags hating something new
gee i wonder why
I genuinely believe it's on par with 1 and 3. The first parts of case 1 and 5 drag on a bit though.
It was alright. The parts with Apollo and Athena were good, the rest was meh. I hate the spirit medium shit though so I'm a bit biased.
Good job posting that in thread with responses consisting solely of either praise or general indifference man.
Why are Maya and Nahyuta blurry in that pic?
In terms of gameplay it blows DD the fuck out.
In terms of story it gets blown the fuck out.
As someone who liked DD, I thought SoJ was mostly a straight upgrade. The one exception is the prosecutor, Blackwell was superior (though he has a big role in SoJ's filler case and he's amazing).
In terms of story and how everything adds up at the end, it blows every mainline game except T&T the fuck out, user.
Blackquill is stupidly great but I really liked Nahyuta too. I hope to see more shenanigans from both of them in AA7.
Can we all take a moment to acknowledge how crazy it is that after everyone though the series was dead forever it for 4 new games and a Layton spin off?
because they ruin the old good things?
nice reddit spacing btw
It's not real box art. The game was only released digitally in English.
Better than DD
DD has no investigations. You just press A wherever the pointer turns red and then just press A to continue the text. They went several steps back from AJ and the GBA games
Evidence also gets cleared out very often.
>In terms of story it gets blown the fuck out.
What are you talking about? DD had a shit story. SoJ is somewhat better
>In terms of story and how everything adds up at the end, it blows every mainline game except T&T the fuck out, user.
Ok, this is just stupid. The story is better than DD, sure but still behind the other games
It's a mixed bag but ultimately a step up from DD and worth playing if you enjoy the series as a whole
>Knows how to defend himself
>Shows mercy to his foes
>Will take you around the world to please you
>Protects his sister at all costs
>Bullies putrid red peppers and egg yolks
How can one man be so perfect?
>In terms of story and how everything adds up at the end
AA1 does that better, partly by virtue of being the first game in the series but every single case in that game built up to the ending. It was designed as a standalone game and you can tell, whereas every other game feels (to varying degrees) like sequel bait.
I'd argue that AA5 handled and balanced it's story out better than AA6 too (despite personally enjoying AA6 more overall) by virtue of not resorting to throwing almost the entire game's cast under the bus just to try to make one character seem cool at the end. Too many of the crime methods in AA6 went beyond being obtuse and just outright made no sense too, and that's the core of these games even.
I know everyone likes to compare it to DD, but how does it compare to the other games like AJ and DGS?
>On the last case
>long as fuck and its not very interesting
I can already guess, the queen is the mastermind evil bitch
I liked the cases, character development and mechanics than other AA games. It's my favourite.
That's not the real twist, nigga.
> I hate the spirit medium shit though so I'm a bit biased.
I find it hard to believe that anyone who's played 5 or the AAI games could even say this, it's a complaint that only makes sense on paper. The crimes have actually gotten more nonsensical after the Feys retired from the series, somehow.
As far as Takumi is concerned, evidently he never went supernatural enough as opposed to what people here keep saying, considering what his actual best game is.
>by virtue of not resorting to throwing almost the entire game's cast under the bus just to try to make one character seem cool at the end
What do you mean by this?
I just think it's played out. It takes the focus away from the courtroom. I found Rayfa's whole smug tsundere thing to be more annoying than endearing and I'm not a big fan of Maya either, she seems to slow the game's pace to a tedious crawl every time she appears.
Aside from Datz pretty much every character, old and new, turned into a complete retard in order to justify Apollo saving the day. Don't even have a problem with Apollo getting the limelight but they handled it horrifically.
Hehe. Not even close.
>she seems to slow the game's pace to a tedious crawl every time she appears.
Only felt this was the case in AA2 & AA6 personally. Though she's at her best in that one game no one really likes, go figure.
I loved PlvAA, although granted, it's completely dominated by Layton. He's just too competent for the Ace Attorney world. I like how they essentially had to remove him from the game for a while just so Nick could have a chance.
PL vs AA is the peak for both series. They just nailed absolutely everything.
What do you guys think the next game plot will be about? do you see apollo making a return?
Its really good.
What do you mean? Everybody was more or less the same in 6-5 unless you're talking about Nick losing the Civil case which is actually perfectly understandable.
>He's just too competent for the Ace Attorney world
Now I'm just wondering how Layton would do in a actual AA game then a crossover.
He'd be too OP.
Only major one is Maya almost getting Phoenix & Apollo killed really. I think everyone has accepted that the new team had no idea what to do with her or how to write her in general though.
>there are actually people that think that the reason Apollo moved to Khura'in at the end wasn't so Seances, Rayfa and Nahyuta could keep appearing
Thats not a twist, thats pretty explicit from the start.
Edgeworth or Manfred might put up a good fight, but Layton would steamroll just about any other lawyer.
I wouldn't go that far, but it really hit it out of the park. The character design, witnesses, group cross examinations, the humor, the music, everything was top notch.
The only strike I'll give it is for having Maya "die." I'm willing to forgive every other plot aspect, but that had me rolling my eyes. There's no way in hell they'd kill off a major character in a spinoff of all places, so watching them mope about her death was annoying.
I actually enjoyed DD a lot, but I thought SJ was better.
The lows of that game outweighs the highs, but it still has highs. Beats out AJ in terms of atmosphere and music which are the only two things everyone agrees on being great about AJ.
It's average.
Nothing awful, nothing great.
I disliked the story, Nahyuta, the villain, and the final case was lame as fuck.
Still better than DD, but just barely. Only because cases 2 and 3.
I didn't mind that because it was interesting to see how Phoenix would handle it. Him snapping at Barnham over it was great.
It beats DD on almost every regard, the shitty prosecutor is really the worst thing in it. When I started playing DD I expected to end up hating Blackquill, but in the end he was actually great - SoJ prosecutor however stays shit for the entire game, repeating those same annoying phrases and generally being a boring opponent.
Everything DD might've done subpar I forgive.
The story tugged at every single one of my heartstrings and the OST accompanied that feeling 100%, SoJ somehow managed to downgrade its OST somewhat. Not dissing on SoJ, its amazing as well, DD is still higher for me that's all.
Having unpopular opinions is suffering. People can't ever accept them when they could while not actually agreeing with them. This is mine though.
I'd like to be AJ2 but about 70% of that desire is because I want Horiyama to be lead composer again.
I think Apollo is inevitable either way because AA6 likely gave him some new fans and they still haven't told him and Trucy yet.
I just want Gumshoe to return, preferably as chief of police because the banter with Edgeworth would be insane.
My only complaint with SoJ's OST is that they totally butchered Athena's theme.
Nahyuta was a cunt but at least he had his reasons. Him saying "a dragon never yields" was pretty much the highlight of the game for me. I still like Blackquill more but I could stare at that floating sash for hours.
>butcher Athena's theme
>make Nick and Apollo themes 10/10
I'll take it.
we can all agree blackquil is best prosecutor, right?
Best non-chief prosecutor
Well he has an air katana and a trained hawk of course he is
My complaints with the OST are the lack of cutscene tracks and that a few of the tracks on the soundtrack were noticeably weaker than they were ingame, Phoenix's objection theme and the magic show theme.
I still like the OG more
He's pretty good.
Objection was only a 10/10 song in 2001. I don't hate 2004 but it's definitely not better.
His banter is top notch, wish he was a main stay defense attorney
he's a weeb, so he can relate a lot more to Sup Forums, so yes in a way he's the best
I recently just started it and the first case in my opinion is terrible. I didn't like the premise, the insight and seánce shit feel utterly pointless, and worst of all, I didn't like the setting one bit. I was quite happy when I realized the second case was back in Japanese Los Angeles.
I'm assuning all cases with Wright take place in Kurain, right?
Does the game get better or is it just this same shit every case? I really don't like Kurain. Only thing I'm looking forward is to seeing Maya again.
at least Blackquil got out of prison
Objection 2011 is p great. Great bassline and when the saxophone kicks in, goddamn.
>that same theme plays for the 60th time in a case because god forbid we use something else during a trial
>I really don't like Kurain
You are going to have a very bad time.
Godot was cool but I think Blackquil's banter makes him win out.
>he doesnt know
you're in for an assblast of a life time
fuck you, I liked it
>when the best case is the filler case
I LIKED it but just like dual destinies they overused it to the point that i can't stand it anymore
>loses every case as a prosecutor
>prosecutes someone he knows is innocent to spite someone he blames for things beyond his control
>betrays all his principles out of dispaced aggression
>ultimately kills the mother of his dead girlfriend because of a selfish and irrational desire not to let anyone else know what was about to happen
He's the worst.
You're thinking of the logic theme
Is it gay if it's a female personality in a male body?
Every Godot hater:
>what are character flaws?
I feared someone might say that.
Let me guess, all cases but the second one take place in Kurain?
It's a shame, I really loved all games, even DD, but the setting alone is making me want to drop this game.
i just looked the actual logic theme up and now i'm really annoyed
There's a filler case that has literally nothing to do with Khurain that contains one of the best witnesses in the series, but 80% of the game is centered around fixing Khurain.
no thats just feminism
desu it felt rushed towards the last third of it
His character flaws overwhelm everything else about him, though. I honestly don't understand why a running gag about coffee and a jazzy theme let his fans excuse so many negatives.
of course not silly user
it's totally straight
>tfw I wish Mei Karma would whip me
Godot haters:
>what is the point of character flaws?
To be fair, it's a damn good theme.
>I really liked Nahyuta
>I hope to see more
Holy shit how can you have such a bad taste.
It's better than AJ DD or JFA
It's much better than AJ.
AJ is the worst game in the series and its not funny