Godlike streamers

is there anyone like the doc?

-has a better production than a real tv show
-uses greenscreen smart
-gives you life advice on being the best, and always go all in
-dances on chair and floor
-has great catchphrases
-fun multi language bits
-doesnt give a fuck if he gets banned hes always ready
-great character
-does 360s kills for a great show
-and hes decent at video games


he's a bit of a shouty dickhead and his moustache is kind of shit lad

Great the faggot streamer found about Sup Forums

Problem with the Doc's streams, is that if you've seen one you've seen them all.

sounds like reddit shit

>nothing about video games

can you elebrity worshipping loser fuck off

don't know anything about streamers but yeah in the last 2 days i've seen this faggots picture multiple times on Sup Forums

Someone should expand on the Doc's shtick and make a whole group
They could have scripted deathmatches and trash talk each other, essentially become the WWE of gaming.

video game "personality"

All streamers are shit and those that follow them are tremendous faggots. Please fuck off and never come back.

>watching streamers
you're not old enough to browse this website, young man

hehe haha XD le funny mustache man XD back to back blockbuster world champion haha YELLING HEHE THIS GAME SUX XD PLAYING IT STILL YAHOO XD WOW NICE GAME XD OLD SPICE COMMERCIAL YAHOO

for once anime knows what's up

He is apparently one of the level designer for Call of duty INFINITE WARFARE?
well i mean, he was already a streamer but then got on a hiatus for CoD IW and came back

There's only one good streamer and doc faggot or whatever his name is isn't that one.

>Yells all the time
>Le wacky XD persona
>Plays Meme of the Month games

Reminder to report this thread.

well its his character

hes decent and play videogames, are you stupid?

i dont like streamers either, but he is different, hes
not like the regular streamer, he has a pretty entertaining show with a director and shit, he is going to revolutionize streaming

i bet you all faggots wish you had a show like docs but of your favorite game, i bet you guys play overwatch and league of legends lmao

>Chuck Norris tier joke persona
Jesus fucking christ

I wish. Only streamer I watch. He's entertaining unlike every other streamer out there.

Take a look around you kiddo, everything is a cliche including you. You should just kill yourself now.


would watch

fuck off underage shill

think jerma is the only stream i watch besides grubby when he plays wc3

Why is there no one posting cp and gore to stop this eceleb shit.
Please user, we need you.

all ecelebs and especially streamers are horrendous shit and not video games

i prefer forsen because of the cancerous chat. forsen's chat actually call out his bullshit whereas doc's chat just suck his cock which isn't fun.


he plays the worst game ever made PUBG

Haha i love streamer!!!!

Like your streamer hero?


>dev got so BTFO'd that he actually banned the doc

Do you fear that someone actually do this? So you try to shit on this with buzzwords?


>uses greenscreen smart
You haven't been watching Doc's transitions, have you? Go watch the part where he puts on a pure white background and how it fucks up his glasses
>even Sons of Anarchy can do better CGI than that

Yoooo, you're from Reddit too, OP? Redditors unite!!

He makes the all shitty games he plays incredibly entertaining. Probably one of the best personalities on twitch.

Contamination board when?


>I like how he does thing
>do you remember when he did x?
>haha he so funny
Sup Forums - video games

LOL this guy is so funny XD he reminds me of charly sheen TIGERS BLOOD XD WINNING LOL

/ve/ - videogame celebrities and drama

Try /r9k/, you'll fit right in with all the other people who hate themselves enough to post in a thread about things they don't like

If this post ends in 5, mods change the board title to "Sup Forums - E-celebs and Twitter Drama".

need a contamination board for e-celebs across the entire board quite honestly.

>just don't enter the thread bro
>50 percent of the threads on a vidya board are ok bro
>if you close your eyes there is no problem bro
>just don't talk about vydia on a vydia board bro
Fuck off underage streamer shitter

>brings his faggot girlfriend into all his new vids
Fucking dropped hard.

Oh my, it's even worse. You hate yourself so much that you browse an entire board about things you don't like. You're way past /r9k/ my friend, just end yourself now.

Nice defend. When do you stream fellow eceleb? Don't get stream sniped ;)

No thanks, I don't talk to dead teenagers.

Don't stream too much you must be tired.
Haha, but do you remember when streamer did a thing? Haha, like and subscribe my channel.

i wish streamers put on a show like this guy, hes entertaining as fuck

>LP's and streams used to just be chill guys playing vidya and shooting the shit
>now it's just unfunny tryhards tripping over themselves to make a joke every minute for their retarded fanbases of ADD ridden 12 year olds
>people actually like them and they make money

this guy is still around? i remember him back in machinima
anyway streamers are only good for background noise and checking out how broken the recent fotm early access game is


LOL!!! the 80s!!!!!!!!!!!! WERE SO EPIC!!!


fuck off shill



What is the purpose of this thread



Was a ok video but still not Video Games

christ the whole joke was supposed to be that the virgin panel was stuff everyone did, you plebbit fucks already ran the meme into the ground

swim puts on the best show in cardgames desu

Not even close.

inb4 Ninja Dagger

You'll just attract more underage retards coming to Sup Forums to discuss their favorite e-celeb. What we need is better moderation.


GOAT Streamer

picture fucking unrelated

>only funny to 12 year olds
>bitched about affiliates having emotes despite having his garbage recolor bullshit emotes spammed so hard that AGDQ banned them
>bitches about the affiliate system despite the only reason he ever got popular was because blizzard and seagull shilled him

>""""character"""" streamer

haha LOL hes so badass LOL

>watching unstable virgin losers on twitch/youtube playing video ga,es
I don't think I envy your lifes.

he looks like a fag

nah that faggot has got chicken legs and shops a lidl

>lol threads with borderline video game comics get deleted
>eceleb cancer stay
Sasuga mods, deleting something not vidya but keeping this.

This is pitiful shilling

I just cannot watch any of the top streamers. It feels like its only children in chat spamming emoticons and the streamer is always focusing on being retarded more than on the game and they jump from flavor game to another. Less viewers better the stream as long as it doesnt fall much below 100.

I started watching him after this, he is a pretty entertaining lad

Ebin. Did you see him make awesome twitter comments after that? Video games.

>I only like things based on what other people think of it and how many others like it

So you're literally a hipster. Why do you play video games when it's something that children do, all the same?

one of the better streamers out there, he only streamed 2 hours today though :(

What's it like being under the age of 13?

Nice. Now watch the new stream and tell your friends to subscribe and donate.

I like that the doc calls out how faggoty that PUBG dev was and how the game is often broken as fuck, but I wish he'd man up and stop playing it then. He won't because it makes him a fuckton of money, and I'd probably do the same for all of the retards on the PUBG wagon, but I still wish his popularity didn't promote that trash game.

Boring dude honestly. Seems to use the character to legitimize real frustration and comes off as annoying.

Also, only plays fucking battle royale games. Who the fuck would want to watch the same fucking game all day? "Skill" in games should be a test of all genres.

I prefer lirik, summit, and joshog

Cool guys. Did you donate or are you a leech?

Even worse. Summit is the only tolerable person you listed and he's a boring guy.

I leech. I let them play while I do work.

Boring is better than gimmicks. I dont like watching him play CS though

Out of all the cancerous garbage on this god awful board, this has to be the worst thread right now. That's a huge accomplishment. Congrats on being the worst of the worst.

Not cool brah. Please donate. They need it you know?

-extremely bad at videogames
-humor targeted at 12 yearolds (like OP)
-just a middle aged man with a mustache
-plays shitty early access BR garbage games

Summit said Josh has more subs and summit admitted he has 21k subs

Thats over 100k a month

Lirik has close to 30k

Not counting donations these fuckers make tons of cash and dont need my money

>Thread is still up
>after 2 hours
Video games

But its not like that. The top streamers quite literally overact and do dumb shit just for the sake of the (man)children. And theres a lot of video games so I can just play something else than Overwatch, PUBG, CSGO or other cancerous gamer(tm) games.


-is a cuck
-is a big dick dota man
-survived ass cancer
-pisses out the window

-murdered doibs