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From vicious giant insects who have once again come back


We'll show them all our forces we won't cut them any slack!


You honestly think we have a chance vs aliens? Please even /tg/ themselves have turned on the notion of humans beating everything 24/7

Shittiest game I have ever played.

Shittiest post I have ever seen.

the EDF deploys!

Giant insect scum get off my board

Any news on 5?

Room where?

Last thing I saw was a summer release in Japan but I guess that isn't happening

Never could get into EDF for some reason. Is there anything i might be doing wrong?

wing diver a qt


Yeah, right, who do you think you are tricking?

Not everyone has to like cheesy things. Don't force yourself.

Is EDF 4.1 any good? I've wanted to get into the EDF series for a little while and I hear that's the best place to start

ye it's a ton of fun, especially with friends

Its the only one i have played that does not have insane frame drops 90% of the time. Its just an enhanced version of 2025. Its pretty fun though, the main appeal would be having so many weapons to just slaughter insects with.

h-how is it solo?

Still a ton of fun. Nothing can replicate a full team of air raiders with missle vehicles though.

>tfw I have no friends that play games I like
y-you too

Yes. It's essentially 2025 for current gen platforms with a bunch of enhancements.

good times

played the dlc missions mostly solo it can be fuckng difficult alone but doable

Hey that's EDF2 on Vita! Great game. Still haven't fiished a single class on Inferno, that difficulty's near impossible.

Streams on D3 Publisher's youtube showing off characters and their weapons. Some behaviour seems adjusted; the Air Raider's gunship call-ins actually seem to track enemies now; it's like the gunship can actually fucking aim for once. Fencer also seems slightly faster on their feet by default.

EDF 4.1 room is up, Hardest difficulty starting at mission 1 so shitters can get some decent stuff.
Room Name: vidya


Release is still 2017, they've removed the 'Summer' bit.

Yeah, I feel like vita version is much harder than 4.1, not sure if it's just me. Too bad it's basically dead. I was really surprised to find someone willing to form a team online.

PC or Ps4?

PC. Full now, dunno if there's any pubbies.

Fug, lemme know if a spot opens up.

DC during loading screen, empty now

Who's best girl and why is it Proteus?

did you get that black screen eternal loading screen thing? something I've learned from hosting a bunch of lobbies over the year is that even if their player card says they readied up, you shouldn't ready up until you see the "(player) is ready" text pop up in the corner

just someone with a shit PC locking us the loadscreen for too long, not happening with the new folks


i want to fug a wing diver

>play Ranger
>always be reminded of how slow I am
>cant carry by myself because I get swarmed hardcore

>Not blast railgun
>mfw one-shotting Deroys on inferno


Well, in EDF5, Ranger can sprint!

They can also request basic vehicles, like the main battle tank BLACKER II.

Thanks Steam maintenance

>be airraider
>always try to help my ranger bros out by bringing transport and laser painters
>they never hop in my car and never use the good rockets

>Tuesday maintenance

>They can also request basic vehicles, like the main battle tank BLACKER II.
I wonder how useful that'll really be. Tanks are kinda useless desu, but at least they're fast

>Fighting Red Drones in Inferno

Where's the room at

>h-hayai fast
>tons of hp for something so hard to hit
>super fast projectiles dealing tons of damage

>Flies at incredible hihg speed behind u
>Evaporates your full 3K healthbar in a single volley
>psshh nothin' personnel kid

Room is back up

>voice chat on restricted
It restricts the text chat as well you know.

where my Air Raiders at


>that one mission where its nothing but all the types of drones
>online and party member gets us to follow them to a few high buildings
>take potshots from cover
>REDLAZERFUCKS still sit between buildings shooting deathbeams into our safespace
>have to be rescued as a fencer with 5k+ hp

I dont know whats worse, drones that just fly anywhere at any speed, bees that go mach 3 on inferno, or super fast ants that charge you

>start as Air Raider
>have fun calling in air strikes
>as I start scaling up the difficulty it gets harder and harder to get anything done
>switch to fencer/ranger
I'm so sorry AR bros, I failed you

>using anything but voice commands
That's epic.

>Restricted chat
How are we going to send banter?


drones would be a lot less of a pain if getting shot didn't set your momentum to 0. you get clipped by something and now suddenly in you're THE DEATH ZONE

>calls in a Balam
>loses Balam to spiders/ants in seconds
Save me!
Why do they do this

Because Balams are awesome.

it's only really an issue with Wing Divers.

If you want to have revenge on those cunts you should play a Ranger with the AF99-ST.

Because the EDF engineers forgot to implement the Bug Zapper Protocol.


Why did you join the EDF?

Commander I wont let you die!


I did it before I knew it!

>Game crashed
Game's got too many bugs in it
Time to fumigate!

It crashed for me as well. Good to know it wasn't just me.

time to back up the save

Nobody actually uses text chat despite all those voice acted commands, surely.

>mfw reflecting king spider webs
>mfw their own webs kill them almost instantly, even on inferno

>Volcanic Napalm in cave levels
It's basically cheating, you can solo four man Inferno levels with that sucker.

It somewhat upsets me that you can't sing all the lines of the full song

Humans are busted because we believe in ourselves way too easily and therefore unleash unlimited amounts of Spiral Power strong enough to surmount any foe. Our recklessness and stupidity is our strength, and pulling out absurd victories at the very last second is our speciality.

Don't underestimate the human race. Stand in its way, and you be drilled through as we carve a path toward tomorrow.

>volcanic napalm in hardest missions
>accidentally stick it to an ants head
>now you have a fucking acid spitting fire breathing golden demon ant.

Post yfw
>giants insects can fly

>DLC costs more than the game itself

>tfw progress faster than science is possible


That doujin was fucking trash, I just want to say.

Reminder that wing divers have subtle tiddy physics

>EDF 5 on PC is probably a longass time away
I dont think I'm gonna make it, I need more kaiju shit

Room gone?

>longass time away
Quite the opposite: never ever

Delete this

So what will you be doing when EDF 5 releases? I'll be playing Bannerlord.

Why do you assume that we would inferior technology in our first run in with an alien species?

Between Half Life 3 and me getting a gf I don't know that I'll have time to play it unfortunately

>EDF5 supposed to release within 4 months
>still no release date


Yes but you can demolish hordes of Hectors all on your own.


>OP House

>mfw jap player rode around in the ambulance the whole stage reviving us as we died

Literally was just playing 2025.
Worth it to get 4.1 on ps4, or is it mainly the same? Maybe I should just wait for 5.

4.1 is an enormous improvement, honestly. I could never go back to 2025. I'd get the PC version if you can but the PS4 one's still good.

>it's only really an issue with Wing Divers.
Other characters, too. You can't even roll away when lasers are hitting you.

Were you playing solo? Air Raiders can only really shine when they're making use of their support gear. A targeting system in tandem with a Fencer's nuke will wreck just about anything if you can grab a buddy.

No I was playing online, it's just I dont really trust randoms to stay alive long enough to be good meatshields