What is the game of thrones of videogames that is not Game of Thrones by Telltale?

What is the game of thrones of videogames that is not Game of Thrones by Telltale?

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Tactics Ogre

Mount and Blade

Mount and Blade: Warband

Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre
Final Fantasy Tactics
Crusader Kings 2

This should be the best place to ask. What is the name of the preppy girl song intro?


>Sup Forums incoming in 5 posts

Final Fantasy Tactics also is a strong candidate.

Game of Thrones by that other dev





You mean the current normalfag meme game?

maybe that gay dad vn on steam or pubg


>"its so good!"
>"DUDE dont spoil it I havent watched/played it!"

african genes

She has such a massive weird vag

Uncooked mince meat is usually dangerous because the mincer is covered in bacteria, and traces of feces (which may contain worm eggs) and other waste material are likely blended in with it.

However, it's perfectly safe if you buy a whole cut of meat and mince it yourself in sanitary conditions. I would eat that burger were it prepared in such a fashion.

Come on, man, you can't drop a fun-fact like that without the name.

The Witcher 3
>fat bearded ruler who beats his wife
>arrogant soldiers
>medieval setting
>enemy is nonhumans controlling a bunch of demons who bring white frosts and blizzards wherever they go
>south v north, southerners are well funded but despised
>average people don't give a damn but are slaughtered anyway
>weird magic shit
>people getting burned at the stake by religious fanatics
>that religion is just a front to control the population and give them a scapegoat
>large medieval independent port city (novigrad/braavos) that actually isnt independent and funds the winning side
>radovid is a cunt, but smarter than joffrey
>powerful independent womyns
>brann is an oneiromancer

Conker's BFD.

Fetal alcohol syndrome, seriously, she has it