Why the fuck do mods instantly delete LOL threads and anything fun but leave up Shill threads and actual CP and mlp spam?

Other urls found in this thread:

>imblying the mods aren't the ones posting CP

Why are there so much mlp porn threads all of a sudden

I told you 4 months ago: Hiro allowed neogaf admins to moderate here

stop deleting good threads!

ebin raid

>actual CP
user, are you pretending drawings are CP again?

i meant food threads

because hiro doesnt actually exist

>mfw i was in that thread


I'd believe it

>he wasn't there

>he missed the thread
haHAA. i jerked off before the mods deleted the threads.

>That guy who asked if he could save the photos without going to jail

Theres nothing wrong with Sup Forums

>actually saving CP
nigga you deserve it

One thing is for sure, that guy is definitely gonna be arrested.

why does anywhere Sup Forumsirgins go turn to useless shit with assholes competing to see who can fuck each other the hardest

it's gotten to the point that I can't even stand to see you kikes agreeing because I know you're only doing it to spite some poor fucker

holy shit this board should've never been made

Honestly girls aged 10 - 15 are VERY cute.

>hey guys can i save cp
>without going to jail

Around 15 minutes ago someone did a pony porn thread and within it people began posting CP.

Mods took forever to nuke the thread.
They also left a Game Grumps thread last since yesterday.

Alright, fucking finally this thread came up

>2 threads up with furry porn
>2 threads in the past hour about politics shit
>multiple threads up about Boogie

>the only thing being changed is that "roll" is now spamfiltered

The god damn mods are watching this shithole rot with Sup Forums, ecelebs, and furfags and the only thing they have the fucking audacity to enforce is the shit that is used to clean up these kinds of threads.

Not only that, but they delete the meta thread Hiro himself allows and the LOL threads.

Who is this god damn cunt trying to ruin the board?

I didnt save it, i got the fuck out of there at super sonic speeds.

i only clicked it, i hope everyone did too. so i'm not the only one going to jail

The problem is when you leave one shitpost thread up too long it gives other dumbfucks the idea that mods are dead. Hence why the catalog will fill with shit.

Answer? Constant moderation and not let one shitpost thread last more than 5 minutes




this thread will be deleted anyways so lets go

LOL threads have always been cancer.

>tfw image hover sends you to prison

Fuck off faggot


Die you degenerate Barneyfag

>Tumblr filename

Literally all I want is Let's Player threads banned. This alone would vastly improve the board.

lol no.

>Video games are shit
>Video game community is shit
>Video game culture is shit
>Surprised that the board dedicated to Video games is shit


Kill yourself

Sup Forums was good before leftist/neogaf influx

Lol threads are Sup Forums culture
Don't let (((they))) destroy your culture

from what i get the deal is that ever since Sup Forums has started pushing their luck every mod has had to likely put in a few hours to clean up that mess which has pissed them off to earths end and enacted a zero tolerance policy across the board on anything that could be something they have to clean up, with other threads that would never previously be allowed slipping under the radar while they scout out for what would cause them problems

Damn, you're losing your edge


>he keeps posting mlp

Sure it would user

now check this 3

Hey, while you're here Barneyfag, what's YOUR opinion on the state of Sup Forums or whatever fucking Sup Forums board you lurk?

>thread is already on autosage
Can you idiots fuck off now?

seriously can someone explain to me what's up with this plague of fucking locusts
8gag was great for the first year and then it turned into fuckoff land
why are you so fucking cursed


??? how does this happen

How did a board about video games end up to be such a shit hole. It's like people come to Sup Forums to talk about everything but video games.

Well done, Yugi.
Check this 8.

What's going on in this thread?


probably keyword combos triggering it or mods doing it so no-one notices it

Shows over, you missed out on the fun. Autosage here.

It's been shit for the better part of a decade, but there are way more people now, so it's more noticeable.

I heard Sup Forums created the mlp meme as a joke and people (normies) took seriously
true or false?

Fuck off

Kill yourself

If i cant talk about my favorite ecelebs here can i make an eceleb general on /vg/?

brb omw 2 fireden no speciFic reason

Petition to make mods not take down good threads

exist to sign


CP is never archived on fireden, user.

it was a reaction to toxic "irony" culture and the general adversarial shittiness of the internet
basically comfort food

hang yourself

>he keeps being a ponyfaggot


>toxic "irony" culture
Yea, and now where we are.

because everything ends up on console wars,politics,waifufagging and legit vidya discussion gets called as "shilling" and get deleted
>muh this console has no games because I don't count what I call shit exclusives and multiplats even though that's what people buy them for
>I WANT (female character) TO SIT ON MY FACE!
the foxhole threads were legitimaly talking about the game and their opinions but it was taken as shilling.
MGO2 revival threads were simply ignored and literally everyone was calling one of the best online modes of all time "buggy garbage"
welcome to nu-Sup Forums,enjoy your stay
fun is not allowed.

>Disable links.
The reasons are more than obvious, but looks like jewhiro gets a cut for looking the other way.

Well im looking at it right now or did you think fireden has 24/7 monitoring checking every thread thats archived instantly?

>He still posting e-celebs
Refer to

fucking hang yourself

also everyone here is a fickle faggot who ends up hating whatever it is


Here's my two cents. Have any threads that a made go through a approval process and be screened by janny or mod, then that same person will oversee all activity to that thread and nuke things at will

>Add thread specific IDs
>Ban all links

>it was a reaction to toxic "irony" culture

You should have strayed from this path, user...I'm actually an FBI agent and I've been tracking your activity up until now.
You're going away for a long time, buddy.

when I proposed that back in '10 I was fucking joking
I hope you are too

In the past 72 hours, 6000 threads were created and killed. You expect people to sit through and vet over 2000 threads per day? Get real.

for some reason hating on everything is a fucking meme now and everyone is buying into it
one thing that could fix this problem is specific IDs and/or a larger bump,like Sup Forums,where threads don't get deleted in 5 minutes
no seriously why is the bump timer so fucking fast in Sup Forums?

nice blog

Fucking die faggot

nice vintage modcat meme, why don't you donate him your fucking eye so he can see extra good as he rides his dick up your sweaty ass