
Wait, is that a...?

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Could this be, dare I say it...

>played through the single player story
>half of it is QTEs
>the other half is mini-games that don't use the versus mode controls
>spend 20 minutes playing fucking cards with D'arby to progress the story

Awful. Just awful.

Playstation version was dogshit, Dreamcast version is superior.

Don't be so hasty user, there's no guarantee that it's a...


I wish the hd port was still around

Wait, is that an Overwatch reference?

How did the PS1 version fuck up the Stand colors?

But user, what if it is? What do we do then?

i never thought i'd see the day where these faggots became more annoying than the jojoposters

sounds like the kind of so good it's bad it's so bad it's good quality that JoJo's became famous for in the first place.

how did the scene with the other d'arby go down? did you have to play a racing mini-game as kakyoin?

>see people praising this as the best jojo game
>play it
>it's shit
Doesn't help that part 3 is boring as fuck. It's better than Eyes of Heaven though.


>PS1 version


Which version should I play?

it's just poker. poker with cards 10 through Ace.

And the "racing mini-game" is just another series of QTEs where you press a direction. Not worth anyone's time.

I honestly can't tell if that guy is cosplaying or just happened to be dressed like that, you don't see older people cosplaying VERY often or maybe that's just some really good make up

Why are they full of semen?

Dreamcast or if you want to play against people fightcade

PS1 version isn't accurate

Probably a cosplay, judging from the gloves.

I wonder how the butthurt user that started the JoJo reference meme feels right now

PS1 version is easy to play on PSP.

Gappy is best JoJo

We need a new Jojo game, eyes of heaven isn't fun but the fan service is godlike

You misspelled Johnny

What's your guy's opinion of 7th Stand User?

That shmup section to defeat the tower of grey was neat.

Dead on arrival

Cardigans is my Standfu even though the early game is hell, especially on Submarine route's overworld.

Was zenyatta a reference to hierophant green?
>both look kind of similar
>zenyatta's secondary fire is basically emerald splash

Really really cool with lots of love put into it but very messy and outdated.

That fan sequel on Tumblr isn't going be anywhere near as good as the original, which is a shame because Part 4 is great.

>part 3 is boring as fuck
>JJBA is a shit game
shit taste and can't play fighting games

heem urself my man

Gappy is literally worst jojo and eoh is fun.



>tfw rubber soul can take off 1/4 of someone's lifebar from one counter

Feels fantastic.

>not playing hol horse

the whole horse?

the entire horse

>jotaro theme starts playing

the entire horse?!


>you can timestop to cancel a timestop which still makes time stopped in the background

>Sexy cool character was pretty much made up whole cloth and has other character's traced over for her comic book panels

What did Capcom mean by this?

I thought her story was Capcom being like "hey can we get an actual full picture of Midler" and Araki instead submitted a full redesign for her?

Its a cool look

>download demo
>uses default RTP assets
>they go for the "use shitty early part 4 art and then make them get better as the game goes on" shit but it's really jarring because the protag art looks just fine
>at one point Jotaro calls the MC and tells him to meet him downtown but gives no other directions other than that he's "downtown"
>you can't romance any characters
It's shit

>not playing best birb


HD Ver. on PS4/PC when?

Still mad this design wasn't used for anything else other than one game.

When Capcom actually gives a shit. I don't understand why they took it out of PSN.

Get that banned shit outta here

Oh yeah and another thing
>male art for all MC body types look fine
>all the female ones except for the default one are all overdesigned garbage

Namco owns the video game rights to the JoJo IP, but Capcom owns HotF game itself, if the game is ever rereleased then both companies have to work together.

>arbitrary bans
You guys are pathetic.


bad port, dreamcast got it better

the %100 equestrian


how so

Pink Dark Boy is a SHIT manga.

There, I said it.


It was a port of the original version of the JoJo fighting game with the Heritage for the Future characters tacked on, rather than a port of HFTF.
Anything added in HFTF aside from characters are absent from the PS1 port. This includes new Supers for characters like Polnareff and DIO. IIRC it doesn't even have tandems, which is a major part of high level HFTF.
It's like if there was a port of 3rd Strike that was actually just New Generation/2nd Impact but with the 3rd Strike character list.

not just that, the ps1 could barely handle cps2 games and Jojo is a cps3 so i it run like shit, they had to simplify the fuck out of the stand sprites because they were too much for the ps1 to handle so they had to do them as a solid single color rather than have their own palette like in the arcade game. The super story mode and some artwork was thrown in to compensate that but it doesn't make up for the fact that you are playing gimped version of the game. And Polnareff is missing his Silver Chariot requiem super for some reason.


"make me cum watermelon's you little nigger!" joseph's grandmother erina screamed as she proceeded to rape smokey. his cock was flacid with fear, but her dry vaginal lips were so loose that he could have probably fucked her from 3 feet away. her labia hung low like hairy purse straps, slapping smokey on the stomach as he tried to crawl away in fear "giddie up sambo! we're going down the Mississippi, the chocolate river!" she cackled as she farted onto smokey's face. the smell was so terrible that smokey shit into his hand and shoved it into his mouth to improve the taste he was tasting. speedwagon walked into the room and began to have palpitations. as he died from shock, shit and piss fled his body and slid down his leg into his shoe. granny erina removed this shoe and used to beat smokey's balls from behind. smokey came blood onto the snarled white pubes on her stomach and with that, granny erina died as well. she shat out smokey's cock. acting as a cork does on a bottle of champagne, smokey's cock was followed by a torrent of shitty, pissy, bloody goop.




>Try to get the game working on MAME
>Open up a jap site with a rom
>Immediately get blasted with Jotaro's theme

I still flinch a little everytime I hear those opening notes.

SEGAkeks are still salty.

Hol Horse keeps kicking my ass

okuyasu's anus danced with delight, it was filled to the brim with ham tonio cackled wildly, shoving slice after slice between okuyasu's virgin cheeks. during a considerably difficult shove his hand became caught in the meat. this was when things got weird. okuyasu shat out the ham at such a great speed and velocity that tonio's face was covered with half baked anus meats. he began to eat it with vigor. his twisted penis unfurled from his butchers apron, forming a sort of broken question mark of cock. he attempted to shove it into okuyasu's anus but missed. it slipped off of okuyasu's bulbous ass it rammed into the wall. his penis slapped in half and okuyasu ran away screaming, ham falling from his ass the entire way. though he was in incredible pain, tonio screamed "you have to pay for that ham you thieving jew"!

>Try to get all the Secret Factors
>The Lovers stage
>Closest idea anyone had on doing it was to spam the rope move

you my nigga doc

>eoh is fun
It's literally the most derivative generic fighter


Awesome jojo reference OP! My favrit series and also my first! XD Joseph is so cool and the best jojo! Also I'm still on part 3 lol ;) JojO is soooo0 cool and a good series at that!!1!1!1!!

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

that's not ironic shitposting, that's butthurt pedo animefag venting frustration because the superior series is more popular than his fotm generic moe shit

I want to FUCK Jolyne.


is the psn version any good

that's grey matter user


watch this plebs

its censored, it has bad netcode and they fucked up the combo scaling for some reason.
Beside that you can't buy it anymore since it got delisted from the stores.

>tfw know people like this
Anime only fags are the fucking worst. At least the ones I know are insufferable meme spouters.

just play it on fightcade

*masturbates* LOL isn't Jolyne hilarious. I LOVE ARAKI NOW!!

gay preeist is here now!!!!!

>Part 6 main group changes dynamics half way through, now with more men than woman
>the writing also improves
>first female jojo shits the bed and dies and gets Jotaro and the rest of her party killed
>the schoolgirls ignore Shigechi's bleeding cries because he is short and ugly
>Holly has less willpower than a rat, a fly, and a cellphone tower
>Yasuho immiediately falls fof Gappy because he has a huge cock and 4 balls
is Araki redpilled on women?

>>Holly has less willpower than a rat, a fly, and a cellphone tower

bruh I'm dead

also I'm not on p8, does gappy actually have those things

yes he does

you need willpower and a fighting spirit
the cellphone tower was Toyohiro Kanedaichi stand
and we have never seen a fly with a stand
and jotaro was the one who give up killing pucchi to save jolyne

that doesn't prove a huge cock or four balls

Gappy is a fusion of two people and because of this he has some... weird properties.

he literally has a throbbing erection in that panel, what more do you want?

The gray fly in part 3.

The Tower's stand user was a human