>Console measures storage in proprietary units
Why though?
Console measures storage in proprietary units
Gigabytes and megabytes are too complicated for Nintenbros.
PS1, and huge xbox used proprietary units
Yes, Chaika.
What the fuck is a "block" anyway?
On the front page!
Normies only barely comprehend storage space nowadays, imagine how it was 5-10 years ago? Blocks/whatever are simple to understand; no decimals or shit. I work retail, do you know how many people come to me asking for "something with a lot of jee bees?" people are fucking morons.
I'm not defending it, just saying why.
It's a grouping of kilobytes
>console has no gaems
No shit. What's the actual conversion?
1 Block = ??? Bytes
We got boned the most with PS1 memory cards.
15 blocks, iirc, and no matter how little info was actually being saved to the memory card it would always take up at least 1 block. Like, if I had a game save process that just stored a single "The Current Level You're On" variable to the memory card, which would be basically nothing at all, that would take up a whole block.
Then there were games that needed more memory card space for a save and would consume multiple blocks.
1 block = 100 centiblocks
is ther a game where i can play as /ourgirl/?
Honest question, answer me Sup Forums:
Is Chaika a good anime? Should I watch it? Currently marathoning Raildex; I'm thinking about what anime to watch next.
You are asking Sup Forums of all places whether an anime is good or not, and you are also marathoning railsucks. You don't deserve to watch good anime.
This is the only correct answer OP
>You are asking Sup Forums of all places whether an anime is good or not
I'd rather Sup Forums's opinion than Sup Forums tbqh with you desu.
>you are also marathoning railsucks. You don't deserve to watch good anime.
Literally only watching it to prepare myself for Virtual On's grand revivial next year. Had no interest in Raildex before the game's announcement.
>console must collect parts
>Chaika was 3 years ago
Oh god what the fuck, it feels like yesterday.
A quick googling says 50 000 blocks was 6GB on the OG Xbox. That´s seems like an awkward number to shoot for, but whatever.
>90 Xbox Live points equals $1
Literally fucking why? What retard thought of that?
It's a mediocre shonen harem comedy with an autistic heroine that gained meme status on Sup Forums
So no
I think 1 block is 128KB for 3DS
So they could price things at 500 points but make you spend more than 5 bucks
1st season is decent but the second one completely shits the bed. That said, Chaika is criminally adorable. She's literally built for hugs.
>Microsoft launched xbox with large enough HDD that it literally would never even bother counting all the "blocks" and just say that you have 99999+ blocks or whatever because save files took up basically nothing and there was barely any DLC
>Release 360 without a HDD and a 64MB memory card when DLC was becoming a thing
I haven't seen this meme girl in a long time
>New Virtual-On
>But it's weeb'd
Why god
Chaika is forever
Milking up the consumer once they realized storage was cheap and no one understood what a gig means
Sell your console with just barely enough storage and then sell more storage, like they did with the 360HDD that costed way more than a just a HDD because it had a special case
Meanwhile sony shipped a machine with a standard HDD tray, so you could get a 20gb PS3 and shove in that old 120gb laptop HDD that you had laying around back in 2007 for a quick bump up in storage
or once PS3s became cheap just get a base model and shove a 500gb in it to pirate loads of games
Hestia took her place, then umaru took her place, then some other shit took her place, now kirino 2.0 took its place Now astolfo took their place
Weeb Virtual On is better than No Virtual On at all, in my opinion desu kedo.
>kirino 2.0
>Storage 8 or 10 GB internal hard drive (formatted to 8 GB with allotted system reserve and MS Dash), 8 MB memory card
It was just a cheap 10 gig drive, user
a qt
The new Imouto from the same author from Oreimo
Here is her taking the panties of a girl she made her brother lure in
The new trap from Fate/cashgrab
not gonna lie, an rpg maker where you create your very own chaika from scratch and change some few things like hair style weapon skills and magic would be very fucking great, and the objetive is to retrieve the most parts of dad while also fighting animals on the wild, soldiers from the nations that killed chaika dad, and other chaikas how come nobody tough of this? is there even another game that share this plot?
10 GB was far from cheap in 2001, that was like a $80 drive.
>go to someone's house who have a xbox one
>the memory cap is something either 500 or one whole gb
>every single AAA game requires a download into the console
>a day 1 patch
>and download of every single dlc
>halo 5 already takes 10% of space
>gears of wars 5 also takes 10%
>the newest battlefield takes another 10%
>list goes on and on
holy shit how the fuck console fags accep this?
damn right
i like astolfo
My man did you just step out of a time machine? Everything other than switch, be it PC, PS4 or xbone requires the game to be fully installed to the HDD. Modern games don't play off optical media anymore.
>My man did you just step out of a time machine?
Something like that i think, only play on PC last console i had was a xbox hueg.
baby chaika!
Looking at you, duke nukem total meltdown
PS4 at least use the disk besides a physical rar file for you to install the game
Bloodborn and Uncharted 4 install part on the HDD, then use the BD drive for other files, in the case of uncharted it uses for video files and it pulls a MGS4 but on the background switching what levels are on the HDD so the game can load faster, no idea what bloodborn does, my guess its something similar or it keeps common assets that can be used on several levels on the HDD to speed load
Halo 5 and gears 5 offload all the disk content into the HDD and the disk becomes just a glorified CDkey so you can play your game
That is not the norm though, Injustice 2 installs the whole game into the HDD on both consoles
Let me get you fully up to speed then. PS3 and 360 had a few of games that required mandatory installs, most ran off the disc, 360 had an option to install non-mandatory games to the HDD for faster loading. Since PS4/Xbone all games have to be installed to the HDD just like PC, their storage can be upgraded with USB drives.
I have a 2TB drive on my PC devoted just to games and it's always almost full no matter how many installs I delete. Can't believe I need another fucking 2TB drive.
and again, how people accept this shit?does the woman holding her have a smug face?
>USB drives
this was this year though, these machines have been out for almost half a decade and just now they allow for external storage
So for years we had no option but buy a larger HDD and replace the factory one or cycle through games by deleting and re installing
Does it? What's your install size on uncharted 4 from the disc? I have a digital copy and it's 62.96GB with updates and stuff installed.
she most likely does
can't be bothered to read the thread but I imagine it's so that they can hide how much they are jewing you on storage media. If you can't directly compare storage space to like an SD card then people are less likely to notice.
for example, imagine if the 64GB proprietary vita cards were 500 "blocks" instead -- their high price may not seem as bad as it seems now that they do measure in bytes.
Defrag it
if it doesnt help, back up your save files and format it
Soft cleaning a HDD by manually deleting shit never helps because you forget about all that other shit you never gave a fuck about but you saved anyway and now have no idea where it is
Cosnoles need uncompressed audio and textures because the CPU's are too weak to decompress anything in the middle of gameplay. So games look and sound a tiny bit better but take up 500% more storage.
Red Chaika > White Chaika > Shit > Blue Chaika
most of the thread is exactly how you described it, that also reminds me, what happened to disks?
Do they exist? still used?
>show only had 3 chaikas
>from the first episodes they mentioned many more
>no movie or ova about the Gaz war only a few seconds of flashbacks
Ruined potential and a way to explain who was the real girl.
Fuck, I sold my disk copy of Uncharted 4, but I remember hearing the disk spooling up more than any other disk game I owned
Google doesnt give me an accurate measure, but most foruns report install size of disk version is around half of the digital before all the updates
So Sony says the file on PSN is 55GB, Im gonna assume that is around 27GB
Xbone supported USB HDDs since launch back in 2013.
All storage media can be called a disk if you want it user, but if you are meaning optical media, CDs are still a thing, so is DVD and all consoles but the switch uses BDs
I have a hard time it's such a low number if it's just reading video files off the bluray. Uncharted 4 has very few video files, pretty much every cut scene in the game is rendered in real time from in game assets.
There was no real girl, GAZ was a dick and wanted a safe way to be revived, so he created a dead man switch then Ctrl+C Ctrl+V it in different colors in case one chaika failed
Do you expect someone to disagree with you on objective facts?
it also dumps some levels into the HDD
if you try to load an earlier level when you are playing late game stuff it will give you a black screen with fucking nothing it while it reinstall the level you want into the HDD
First time I saw that I thought my System went dead
but they mention that on the Gaz wars there was a girl used as the main source of clones/dolls and White Chaika resemble the most.
>get some random orphan out of the slums
>mass produce her
>implant them all with being your kid
>scrap the original
Gaz was such a fucked up dude, I dont put this past of him
Sorry, my mistake, did not know that
It's to keep you from realizing how shitty and small the memory cards are.
I don't know what was worse, having 2 seasons only or having the big bad boss revived being such a retard.
You want to sell a product for $20, but you price it as $19.95 so it looks cheaper than it is.
You earn $19.95.
You want to sell a product for $20, but you price it as 1950 Points so it looks cheaper than it is.
You earn $21.67.
Interesting. Do you have any other games on PS4 on disc that I may have to compare? I buy most of my games on digital. My crash trilogy is 23.5GB, the last guardian is 13.97GB, ratchet and clank is 26.59GB, and the last of us is 44.57GB with all updates installed.
is there anything microsoft won't do to get more money from people?
Adolfo, quit being gay.
Good products
Sorry, Im a poor fag who can barely afford the system so I buy my physical games used and resell them later so I can buy more game, or get digital games on flash sales
but they did with the first xbox, as a matter of fact i still have it and still works, playing mechassault 2 as we post.
Microsoft is the same company that charged Xbox 360 owners $100 for a WiFi USB plug. They also got away with selling a 20GB laptop hard drive for $100 too.
And they control the computer market, sadly theres nothing we can do besides bitch a little, hopefully windows 10 tank hard that they are forced to make less shit products.
Chaika a cute but Hestia is bestia.
>W10 tanking
It wont
More and more entry level PCs come with it
its quite easy to use since it can look like an iPad if you want it
The only major bug in it is the WiFi one where it forgets your WiFi password every once in a while
Soon W10S will become standard in those machines and you will see even more people using it since its Windows 10, iPad edition, but if you really want a full windows, just pay 50 dollarydoos and a 10kb file is downloaded, unlocking full windows
Also, if M$ tanks, who will all the business turn to? Linux? unreliable as fuck and too volatile for mass production
Mac? fuck giving 2/3 of their revenue to apple
The market needs Windows and will eat any shit pile M$ shats out as long its not W8
Hestia and the other 5 meme girls after her are dead
Last season was all about sagiri, and now she is also dead
Long live Astolfo, may his shitty show become decent because fucking hell F/A is a pile of garbage and astolfo is not even the best girl in that show
Every single girl after Chaika just died and everyone forgot about them, but one can still paste the iconic Chaika face on many things like a druid.
I dont know why people feel surprised MS will screw them off form money
They fucking started by flipping DOS out of the original creator and reselling it for loads of money to IBM
I feel like astolfo will survive past his show because he is the hot new trap and he is on a game too
But like seasonal waifu fags, trap fags are even more seasonal, as soon a hotter trap shows up, they will be all over his dick and toss astolfo to the side Or not, Shimakaze-kun is still popular, and Hakadoll3 too even though his show was fucking trash
Hestia and Chaika are some top-tier meme girls.
>Chaika face
Chaika was top tier
Hestia was not even good fap material even though her design was
Umaru was a shit
Satania was ok
Sagiri is only good as fap material even though her design was not
Astolfo is hot but his charachter is meh
Save us Chaika S3
why donth you go bitch at a worse thread?
>implying a new trap-kun wouldnt just add to every anons harem
nobody remembers Suiseiseki anymore
sad desu