It's not supposed to look like this, is it?
Dark Souls 2
Other urls found in this thread:
looks better than normal
just don't burn the place ok
I liked Earthen Peak, it was like a throwback to King's Field.
The tessellated textures in DS2 are just insulting
everything about that game felt so halfassed
The godawful textures were never supposed to be visible
But From completely ditched their lighting system and replaced it with flat lighting.
The game was originally going to be a lot darker - literally, as in lighting wise
You'd have to carry around a torch pretty much everywhere
But they scrapped that in the final game which is why you use torches in the tutorial and then pretty much never use them ever again
The game was going to be dark so you wouldn't see all the shitty textures, but they scrapped the torch idea and upped the brightness but didn't fix the textures probably because brighter lighting was a last minute change
I thought it was because they were told to change engines really late in and had to redo a lot of stuff quick.
i thought it was a good game?
>good game
you're a funny guy
Early build seems have much nicer textures, and all graphics in general. Dunno why they redone all game
it was alright, why are they doing that?
>it was like a throwback to King's Field
how so
never played kf
No. You must have lighting bumped up to near maximum.
It doesn't look like that for me I guess you just suck at the game.
I don't remember this episode of Angry Beavers?
soggy knees etc
Do you usually play with lighting at max?
>imagine being so assblasted about your favourite game in a shitty bait thread that you have to make a new one
its really funny to see how miserable soulfags are
Parts of DS2 straight up look like a shitty mod made in the Source Engine
reminds me of Tomb Raider
that's what happens when you develop for consoles that can't handle a lighting engine and you're awful at optimization
Probably another case of shitty playtesters. Even with the ignitable fires that remain after resets, they probably whined that it's too much bother to carry a torch from the bonfire to them.
>mfw that's in my country
tell me what is happening, foreigner
What's happening is that the first world is exporting feminism world-wide. I don't get it either, but all the shitty trends you come up with over there trickle down to the rest of the world.
Is that Spain?
It's Argentina.
>tfw did no death no bonfire runs in ds2
>tfw anytime someone complains about hitboxes being unfair i can lean back in my chair and relax with the assurance that i am better than them
feels good man.
Why the fuck were B-team so overly ambitious? They already had TWO fucking Souls games they could refer back to on those consoles, which weren't exactly silky smooth to begin with, and they thought they could make a game that looked even better when the hardware obviously wasn't there? Incompetent retards.
But there's white people in that video???
Those aren't people, they're feminists.
>being good at a videogame makes you feel superior
That's sad.
American "education"
nice psx game dude
When did Guts become Big Boss?
You'll always have worse taste though. I'm kidding, I actually love Dark Souls 2, despite it being an ugly mess of a game
I'm sorry I offended you man it wasn't on purpose
I don't think you're suposed to see that far
>Big Boss
You mean Venom Snake. Also it was one of those non-canon .5 chapters where he wore an eye patch, I think it was concept art for the original show or something.
I mean manga
You concluded that from 2 words? It's far worse than I thought.
Had me laffin
Not to mention that if you have your brightness calibrated correctly that room is considerably darker anyway
>Early build seems have much nicer textures
They advertised on using a new engine (that would become Bloodborne's/DSIII's engine) but ultimately chose the old DS 1 engine since they remembered that the game will release on XB360 and PS3...
You keep lashing out but just know that it really wasn't my intention to upset you, pal.
Yeah, it's chapter 0. Basically a pilot for the series in which Guts was more of a shonen protag with an eye patch and Griffith was a little girl
I think it was bandai's decision to put it on last gen consoles even though they had already gotten so far in developing it on current gen exclusively. For more money of course.
looks like something from ps2 era
Looks like a fucking N64 game.
y r thay nekkid?
DaS2 is better in my mind when I think of it as a ps1 game with a resolution mod.
ok, if that makes you feel better.
The whole game was more like King's Field than any other souls game.
Probably why Sup Forumsedditors hate it so much, because they've never played KF
Berserk prototype, he had an eyepatch
Time stop
The ones who start screaming just realized.
I'm glad you feel better now, user.
It has the same graphics
Sure, whatever
is being a woman the dark souls of real life?
das2 is trash and I could trash in your own games pvp
Every souls game is halfassed. Just look at the streets below you when you're at the first part of the unseen village in BB. It's very clear that assets are just floating in the middle of nowhere and that the skybox below has a tile texture.
looks like a TF2 trade map
>just looked up kingsfield
Is it even any good? looks extremely slow and wonky
Women are the Irithyll Prison of real life.
>no death no bonfire runs
>running past most enemies and cheesing every boss so the shitty hitboxes don't particularly affect you
Yeah you're real good, user.
Not really
Didn't the networktest/beta-version on PS3 look a lot better than the final game?
>ctrl v
>ctrl c
Poop urns
Ur shit
It's slow and wonky, and a lot of it is broken and weird, but somehow it all comes together as more than the sum of its parts. Things like combat and performance are terrible, but the game world is completely contiguous and interconnected, giving a fantastic sense of discovery and exploration.
Note that I am talking about King's Field (US), which is technically the japanese King's Field II.
Meaning it's shit?
which KF games are worth playing?
The first one. Tripwire ruined KF2.
All of them. I played through the entire PS1 series before ever touching Dark Souls and had a damn good time, then went back and did KF4 on the PS2 and both the Shadow Tower games.
If you're playing on emulator, you can use some control rebinding for fake dual analog, which is helpful. Just don't be put off by the oldness of the games and you'll have a great time.
>Shadow Tower
just looked that up, I did no t know about that series. looks like more of the same game though
By which you mean it was shitty and beloved by hipsters, right?
Theres kings field 1-4
Shadow tower 1-2
and Eternal Ring
My fuckin' sides, m8
I always wonder how many of these people actually have jobs
dual wield longsword and mace for long reach and smash dick, best combo best weapons
Because consoles
I think I'm just gonna stop playing. This game is unhealthy for my mind. Words cannot express how much I hate this game. All these recent DaS2 threads got me to replay it and I regret everything. I got to Huntsman's Copse before I couldn't take it anymore.
>tfw to stupid for dark souls 2
>Because consoles
oh fuck off faggot the beta build worked perfectly on ps3
The entire game was a throwback to King's Field.
>robot-like enemies
>poor textures and awful art direction
>terrible animations
>clunky mechanics
Though in KF's defense, if 2 had any of its level design, the game wouldn't be completely irredeemable.
Might as well finish Huntsman's Copse, it's one of the 3 or 4 well designed areas in the game.
Reminder that Dark Souls 2 is objectively the best Dark Souls.
1 and 3 fags will never be able to live this down. :)
le dark souls 2 is bad may may
le dark souls 2 is good may may
le dark souls does no wrong may may
le bloodborne is the best may may
le dark souls 3 is has good level design may may
le game i liek is best may may
le game i liek doesn't have problems the whole series has may may
le dark souls 1 was a masterpiece
le demons souls was never good may may
le demon souls is rly hard gais :( may may
What a coincidence; after not touching the game since 2014 I decided to replay vanilla Dark Souls 2 to make a hex build. Currently stuck on the ruin sentinels; I just have to find a more efficient way to dodge the last pair given how I'm going without shield.
With the online dead the game is harder because you can't just grind and any lost souls are an irreplaceable loss.
get out Vaati
I'm pretty much "finished". I just had to fight that horse boss but I'm so mentally drained from this combat pace. It's turning me into a vegetable.
What did you expect a half-assed game to look like, user?