ITT: bad games that Sup Forums tricked you into playing

ITT: bad games that Sup Forums tricked you into playing

Dragons Dogma


Breath of the Wild

stalker series




Fuck off, Todd

It's genuinely bad.

The majority of the criticisms are 100% justifiable. Every defense of it is just garbage and literally on the level of "this is like you're reading a book but fuck books."

Get out of here stalker!

Nice try obsidiot

>people on Sup Forums liking games I don't like is "Sup Forums" tricking me into playing bad games

Every Fallout before 4
Every TES game before Skyrim
Every Deus Ex game before HR
Every Dark Souls game (seriously, they are only good if you don't have a life and want to feel like you achieved something, they are simply not fun)
Every Gothic game
Every GTA before 5 (grew up with VC, but it's horrible nowadays)
Every Half-Life game
Both Hotline Miami games
Both KotoR games
Every Witcher before 3
Every XCOM before EU
And Postal 2.

>someone was mad enough to maje these because people dare to talk about a game he doesn't like.

You can play it all you want, see if I give a fuck.

I'm still going to tell you that I don't like it.

How assmad do you have to be to make this?

Fuck you

Old games are shit and you're probably from the 3rd world or have a toaster for a computer if you're clinging to the past.

The bait is a bit too obvious.

This bait's so bad I couldn't even get mad even when I willingly took it.

So, the new way to talk about NV in Sup Forums has gone from New Vegas thread to ITT: bad games that Sup Forums tricked you into playing.

As long as we talk about videogames that's fine by me.

The only bad thing it did to me was tricking me to trying out Fallout 3 because I wanted more.

That's basically my point

>doesn't repeat everything Sup Forums says like a retard
>must be a troll


Fallout 3 received GOTY where NV got shit.

>t. buttblasted sawyer

>try fallout 4 after playing 1 and 2
>it fucking sucks

>An obsidiot is asking others not to make fun of a game he likes to play
It's bad because it's true?


What are you talking about lol, New Vegas is great dude!


decent post

lol he mad

That's not true, it did receive several bug patches that barely fixed the game, but it's still something.

Based Bethesda giving that SJW cuck Josh Sawyer one chance, and he fucked up and we'll never see them again. Thank god.

People seem to forget that when it comes to dev studios, obsidian is the worst of the worst as of late.

Ok you shitposters have fun. I'm outtie.

Sonic gaems
ukelele bear
spinning dingo

The situation is not the same at all though.

Your favorite game.

When Bioware finally goes bellyup Obsidian will be right there to pick up the mantle.
The head guy will yell at people during meetings to include more SJW themes in the game.
Sawyer has already stated one of the branching warrior classes in PoE2 will be the Social Justice line.

>"wasn't even better than 3..."
>every problem he has with NV he says was the same 3 had
so how does he like 3 more then

Isn't pretentious trash, it has a clear morality, you do wrong, you are evil, you do right, you are good, as it should be.

>you do wrong, you are evil, you do right, you are good, as it should be.
that's not how it works
that's not how any of this works

Shut the fuck up Josh, go back to watch stacy get fuck by tyrone, you sjw kcmod, fallout 4 is literally the most popular game to date.

I like, video games.

Worst game in the series

Who's Josh and why is Tyrone fucking Stacy again?

Dues EX
System Shock 2
Fallout 1 & 2
Metroid Prime
MGS 1 2 and 3
RE 1 and 2
Doom (2016)
Xcom EU

To name a few

>who's Josh
Typical Obsidiot

You shouldn't have listened to retards. Anyone with any amount of sense here will tell you the game is garbage.

god why is that people just want to shit on NV all the time on Sup Forums, like fuck me.

Shit taste general

Post like these are why people laugh at your shit fanbase.

Sure bub


It takes a special kind of stupid and insecure to get so angry about other people liking a game you've never played to make a shitty MS Paint comic pretending you have, while clearly proving you haven't in the process.

"My friend, you've gone so far beyond mistake you've entered the realm of faux pas."

Everyone knows it's the best one of the new FO games, but the fanbase is so easily triggered it's hilarious.

I can't imagine what it's like having taste this bad

This. All mediocre and some straight up bad games.

All of these games are in my top 10. Fight me.

This guy gets it. Nobody actually hates NV, but the fanbase will literally REEEE if you mention liking 3 or 4. That and they're pretentious fucks.

Imagine what is like not being stuck in 2004 with shit gameplay.

That's it.

>shit gameplay

Yes, shit gameplay

>yes, shit gameplay

It's because older games generally don't dole out instant gratification. It's that simple. Tastes have changed to the point where instant gratification is now seen as essential to the experience, rather than a patronizing insult from the developer.