Sold my N3DS XL for a N2DS XL. AMA

Sold my N3DS XL for a N2DS XL. AMA

Was it worth it?

The fuck was the point in doing that?

Was it kino?

The n3ds xl has better build quality, and I doubt you could have sold the used console for the same price you bought it new, so you probably didn't even make your money back

Cool downgrade bro

So, can you run downloaded games on the 2ds XL ?

how does it feel buying a 240p TN LCD screen in 2017

even the PSP screen was better in 2004

You're a dumbass. Fucking definition of an idort.

Did you homebrew it and if so how


Yes. I like it better and it feels less bulky. Feels more modern and less clunky.
It is kino.

1) how light is it ?
2) does it feel good, build quality wise?
3) what games you got for it yet and which do you plan on buying?
4) hope you have fun with it user

Downloaded from the eshop? Yes it's the exact same hardware as the N3DS XL. Stolen? Idk, I don't steal games.
No, no intention of trying.
I wanted to keep the op post short, but it was actually a gift. I planned to return it because I didn't want to downgrade, but I tried it out and liked it better than the 3DS, very much to my surprise, so I'm keeping this and sold the 3DS.

>No, no intention of trying.

Is it hackable?

Might get one just to get the gf to play Mario Kart and Pokémon with me.

Better how?

>no intention of trying

Oh. So you're a fag. Nvrmnd. Shit thread.

I've been thinking of doing the same thing even though I only really use my 3DS XL for my DS flashcart and the occasional e-shop title. Would a DSTWO still work on it?

>1) how light is it ?
2.4 ounces lighter than the 3DS. It's immediately noticable. This is why people think it feels cheap, but once you adjust to it I find it to be much more comfortable.
>2) does it feel good, build quality wise?
Like I said, at first I felt like it was a cheap budget version of the 3DS, I didn't like it. But after getting used to it and after I stopped comparing it to the 3DS I found myself really enjoying the feel of it. The hinge is kind of ugly but I really don't care about the outward appearance as much as some people. I will say, though, that the matte finish is substantially more comfortable than the 3DS glossy finish.
>3) what games you got for it yet and which do you plan on buying?
My backlog is massive, right now I'm playing Earthbound
>4) hope you have fun with it user

is it as light at it seems?
does it have retarded self scratch like the O3DS?

Not OP, but I've also got one
It's actually very light, although I personally consider that a con
and the build quality is definitely worse than the n3ds xl
Stuff like the hinge for the top screen being worryingly loose, everything feeling a bit cheaper, the speakers being moved to where your hands cover, the top screen looking nasty and cheap, the tiniest stylus ever, and the incredibly difficult to open dust cover
It's still functional, and for the price it's alright, but it's definitely the budget model, and I see no reason to get it over the n3ds xl if money isn't an issue

It is, but currently the other method requires a friend with an already hacked 3ds and purchasing a DSi ware game
A better method is coming soon though

>he doesn't use the 3d feature while he can because once the 3DS dies, there will be no way to view 3D content otherwise

The main things I like better which made me choose it over the 3DS (which I still like)
>matte finish >>>>>>>glossy finish
>L & R buttons have a new feel that I like more
>new upper screen is one flat piece of glass, looks nicer than the 3DS plastic bezels imo
It's not some monumental upgrade, but it is much nicer than I thought it would be.

How is the dpad compared to the N3DS XL?
How far do you have to turn up the volume before the speakers start shaking the system?
Are the buttons clicky like the other 3DS models, or smushy like on the DS Lite?
How is the stylus size?

>Gets called retarded for wasting money and downgrading
>It was a gift guys!


>angry video game nerd
neck yourself

>he won't get to experience Samus Returns in glorious 3D
What a pleb.

The Dpad is basically the same
I haven't had the speakers shake the system, but even when not on full volume, the shitty cheap speakers crackle a ton, even for music on a DS game
The buttons are also clicky like the n3ds xl, including the bumpers which are now clicky as well
The stylus is retardedly short, only fucking 2.5 inches, making it really awkward to use

What is your home address?

>implying I won't be a 55 year old man playing ROMs on a virtual 3DS within my VR space

Those big nds are for old farts

Is the hinge actually wobbly?


3D is great. It's a gimmick, but it's a GREAT gimmick. The bad thing is that some devs didn't know how to use it.

3D needs to be subtle and that's why the best games look great at 1-5% 3D.

>D Pad
Not substantially different, but feels less slippery
I don't think either system has great speakers, but at max volume the speakers sound fine and I don't mind the new placement at all, if I REALLY want to hear the music on either system headphones are necessary.
just tried them side by side and the new ones feel softer, but the clicky factor is exactly the same
It is smaller, and I can see how some people might not like it, but it doesn't bother me at all.

Does your unit have backlight bleeding?

There is definitely some wobble, but in the ~6 hours I've played it I've never had it wobble while I was playing to the point that I've noticed it.
Haven't noticed any.

It is
If you hold the console upright or don't move much when playing, you wont have issues
but it doesn't hold in place well at all, if you do move or shake, the screen will too

It does feel noticeably lighter. At first this will make it seem cheaper, but once you're used to it, imo, it no longer feels cheap and simply feels lighter in a pleasing way.
>self scratch
I hope not, I haven't noticed any problem ares where this could occur.

Answer my fucking question, you said ask me anything.

I see. Because I've read that it's a pretty common issue with N2DSXLs that the backlight bleeds around the outer ring part.

I don't blame you

provided you didn't spend anything/much, I would have done same if my N3DSXL was worn. also I imagine N2DS has better battery and ergonomics

*** **th St
San Diego, Ca 9210*

If you can figure out the rest I'll gladly meet you somewhere.

What the fuck did you do that for?

What's the point in downgrading? 3DS screens look dull as fuck without 3D even on minimum. Was your other one broken or something? I know people buy it because it's cheaper but there's no point if you already have the highest end model out there.

The battery is great, just as good if not better.
I just checked and I played 5 hours 16 minutes of Earthbound and ~30 minutes of DKCR yesterday. That's the only time I've used it, and while Earthbound is in no way a demanding game the battery only dropped from 4 bars to 2, pretty impressive.

FE Echoes looks great in 3D too, it's like a tabletop game.

Look around online. I'm not the only one that considers this "downgrade" an upgrade. Like I said, as soon as I got it I was prepared to return it, I had no interest in it at all. I tried it and ended up liking it more than the "better" 3DS.

>have less options
>g-guys it's an upgrade I swear
People are so dumb.

Is there any benefit to getting the N3DS/N2DS in regards to homebrew stuff? I have an O3DS with b9s, but have been considering getting the N3DS since it came out.

Sold my Switch for a Wii U. AMA

I mean sure, YT comments and reddit have some praise for it but I generally avoid those. The lack of the autobrightener and sharpening from the 3D is too much of an issue for me to consider it as such though, it's the same console minus a feature and with strange audio placement.

if you want a homebrew machine just get a vita, they have permanent cfw now and can do anything a cfw psp could do. people have also made microsd adapters so potentially in the future you won't have to buy shitty proprietary memory sticks.

how much profit

Yeah, there's some
NTR can run in the background, allowing you to cheat in games
SNES VC allows you to play SNES games, and you can inject your own
That, and the extra controls and better CPU improve games

Can you play games that require firmware higher than 3.60 and play games online yet?

Cool. I drink Kool-Aid™ and do dumb shit all the time too ;)

be careful anyway buy a screen protector. i'm still pissed with that ugly fucking line in my upper screen