A game so bad it killed a studio.
ITT: We laugh at the people that spent money on this shit
A game so bad it killed a studio.
ITT: We laugh at the people that spent money on this shit
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We had plenty of signs, but now it’s official: BioWare Montreal is no more.
The Canadian division of BioWare will soon be absorbed into Jade Raymond’s EA Motive Studios, the company that is currently working on Star Wars: Battlefront II as well as an unnamed new action-adventure project.
“With multiple major projects in development at Montreal, we are merging BioWare Montreal with Motive Studios,” reads a press statement from EA (via Destructoid). “This is an ongoing process, but there are many exciting roles and opportunities for everyone on the team.”
BioWare Montreal’s future has been rocky ever since the launch of Mass Effect: Andromeda. The company was forced to shelf plans for a sequel. That was followed by the entire series being put on hiatus, and it finally emerged that the company had no plans to support Andromeda itself with single-player DLC.
As for BioWare’s other studios, BioWare Edmonton is currently working on Anthem, while BioWare Austin continues to support Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Source: Destructoid
Shame it killed the IP, too. Now we'll never get a pre-ME3 sidequel.
At least some Shrek and autistic porn memes came out of it.
Did Andromeda end on a sequel hook? I have it in my backlog but if it's just a setup for a trilogy that won't ever happen I don't think I'll ever get around to playing it.
have you ever played a bioware game with an ending you enjoyed?
>Mfw we will never know why her face is tired
>Shame it killed the IP, too
No it isn't. The IP deserved death after 2.
I loaded it from 3 different ips because of this post
Yes. You kill the regional commander of the Kett but his second gets screentime and development as the next foil from the Kett empire. In addition to the stuff with the Kett, the stuff about the Jaarden and Angaran seems like it was being built up to potentially have some conflict between the milky way races and the natives. There are hooks for the missing quarian/assorted races ark dlc that's never coming too.
>have an impeccable track record of great games
>release ONE bad game
>our studio goes bankrupt
At least bioware deserved it for pandering to SJWs and alienating their audience for the sake of virtue signaling.
Factor 5 on the other hand did nothing wrong but an honest mistake with lair.
thanks guy
If games that old count, Shadows of Amn had a good ending though Throne of Bhaal was meh
>le ebin jaded gamer meme
No. ME2 was great for worldbuilding.
only a matter of time before bioware as a whole officially follows the fate of every other studio ea has subsumed into the void of shattered dreams.
>not just using pastebin
It's amazing how they didn't bother to check the animations on this million dollars game.
ME2 was split heavily on Sup Forums at the time. Most saw it as a downgrade from 1 but the waifufags kept the generals going so long that it was 1/3 responsible for /vg/'s existence.
You do realise that only one of the three (?) BioWare branches is being absorbed, right?
Mass effect was never good. It was forced memed by bioware fans aka sjw
How many studios are left besides DICE and whoever makes the sports games?
if only we could ensure the same thing happens to DICE or Bioware's main studio.
though preferably it wouldn't come to that, and EA would realize bethesda and valve are on to something when it comes to workshop/community-content.
>fuck up a game so hard your place gets closed
>Jade becomes your boss
How is this fair
Reminder that it's just the Montreal studio, which only did Andromeda and the DLC for the main series. The Edmonton and Austin studios are still active.
Who's Jade? I haven't been following who this person is or what they have done in the past? Mind telling me user
>A studio filled with middle-aged, white, Canadian, males now get to work under a certified hot MILF
Clearly, that was their plan all along.
I'll play your game Jade!
Top kek. Couldn't happen to a more useless bunch of cunts. I hope the studio they join goes under too.
>programmed 2 shitty shovelware games
>skyrockets to producer and heading an entire studio
Diversity quotas at its best
>an entire studio thought they could get away with the sheer amount of bugs, bad writing, shit animations that limitless free time the internet has
how could they think they could out autism people that would make 40 minute videos, or even two hour criticism videos over this shit pile
A producer who got really popular around 2007
one down two to go, EA will deliver for sure.
Well the Mass Effect series is pretty much either dead or in a coma until people forget about Andromeda.
What about Dragon Age?
I can't imagine people getting some kind of hype, especially with it's association with Bioware and Andromeda. They should really just change Bioware's name or something, people arn't really associating good shit with it.
The Austin studio is mostly just a skeleton crew running support. After SWTOR ramped down and ShadowRealms got shitcanned they pared down the staff quite a bit. Edmonton is the only full development studio left and they're on Anthem with a smaller crew doing the early DA4 production shit.
DA4 is in production but you won't hear anything more until Anthem is out the door.
same here
I'm still mad that this game got rightfully criticized for its terrible faces and animations, yet Horizon Zero Dawn never had gaming "journalists" point out how awful HZD is either. I guess a big part is that ass effect is a much bigger IP, but still.
user, you are doing it all wrong. You are supposed to post the image, while claiming full credit as original content.
Check out what I found while shopping among commoners!
mass effect 1 is objectively the best rpg of all time
horizon dawn is literally who.
When Anthem goes to shit in think Bioware will be done and lie with Bullfrog and Westwood.
And the signs are bad because thier lead designer just died today.
I forgot about ShadowRealms getting trashed. Let's hope Anthem is shit then, so that we vidya finally be free of this blight.
Bioware as a Canadian RPG developer died over five years ago, quietly, during the production of ME3. The studios designated Bioware now, have almost no Bioware employees from pre-2012. There is a handful of pre-2010 Bioware employees left. The development studios labeled Bioware are done so entirely for marketing purposes.
You've all been had. This isn't Bioware closing. This is a corpse wearing a long-decayed face of a very long dead of Bioware saying that it's now dead.
Let this be a warning to any other company that tries this shit.
>tfw she aged like milk
>tfw I no longer want to play Jade's game
the austin studio will probably die a quiet death, getting renamed after Edmonton closes, or shutdown with Edmonton
For this to happen though we'd need Anthem to fail. this presents a bit of a problem, since EA is really good (as are ubisoft and activision) at marketing mediocre or "meh" games.
so we'll probably see Dragon Age 4 regardless of how good Anthem is.
Dragon Age: Origins I thought ended fine. No blatant sequel hooks (not until Awakening, at least), all the main story threads tied up based on the player's choices, and a feeling of "the adventure's not over", which is always nice.
What world class intellect decided it was a good idea to put a flagship title in the hands of the C team
I think they really fucked themselves with that Anthem reveal at E3. It gave them a lot of hype right off the bat but that canned footage is selling a game that doesn't really exist. The visuals are close but the drop off is roughly equivalent to what you saw from the initial footage of ME:A to the first real gameplay video. I can't wait until people find out that there's no free flying in the game and all that shit is just on rails to shuttle you between zones.
>tfw I actually enjoyed my playthrough of Andromeda
Looks fine desu senpai
Austin studio will keep running for as long as SWTOR is live.
You mean like the one behind the two highest selling RPGs of all time?
>ME2 was great for worldbuilding.
how can something that directly contradicts itself and the original game be great for worldbuilding?
you JUST know
>make a janky GTA clone in a fantasy / post-apoc setting without vehicles
>call it an RPG
The Saint's Rows guys really fucked up.
user Bioware is filled with middle-aged, "white", Canadian """"females"""" now
>No todd's name and 6'7
is the toddler wearing heels here?
>Factor 5
>an impeccable track record of great games
Rogue Squadron is their only good game.
Because individual instances were well-written and fleshed out previously-unseen parts of the setting.
>Employee's Only
I don't think they will go that far but i'm sure the zones will be enclosed and you will have loading screens between them.
Also the Free flight seems to be such an overpowered feature that it really fits into modern game design. It makes the game easy and let the players feel powerful.
>nobody at good will even wants it
Either Jade's got really big hands or Todd is even smaller than I would have imagined.
can you name me a few well written instances? nothing really stood out to me besides the renegade Shepard being so cringy he made me go paragon
It's weird, you know
I've played ME1 and 2, but have no will whatsoever to play ME3
not even to pirate
it just seems to have been so mishandled from the outside that I can't even get myself to finish the story, so to speak
>Tali's loyalty mission
>Jack' recruitment mission
>Legion's loyalty mission
>Grunt's/Mordin's loyalty missions
From a worldbuilding standpoint.
What if she's wearing heels on that pic?
Just get hammered drunk and play it
>Bioware might die before I ever experience/suffer DA4
One part is happy to see them die after the shit they've pulled over the last few years, but another part will be sad remembering how they used to be.
I sincerely hope Jade puts all of them in sanitation management
>great for worldbuilding
>here's a bunch of shit that doesn't actually matter
At goodwill? damn, Bioware fucked the fuck up.
Jade Empire Good ending with Silk Fox
ME2 renegade ending with everyone surviving and flipping off TIM what a fool I was, thinking it would matter
DA:O human noble becoming King with Leliana as his mistress
that's kinda it, but there are some
>all worldbuilding has to be story-essential
Fuck off. That sort of utilitarianism in writing is the bane of good dialogue, and makes plots feel hollow.
What the fuck's wrong with her? Is she fucking autistic?
>ME2 was great for worldbuilding.
>When it didn't have 1/10 of the worldbuilding and lore scale of the first one and was overall streamlined to shit and back.
She's a woman, which means she's an attention whore by default. Nothing new here.
She's working in videogames even though she looks pretty good, so probably yes
>the first entry in a new series established more of the setting than the sequel
Thanks for that, Commander Obvious.
Not that, the way she posed that selfie it creeped me out
That's the fucking issue you flaming faggot, the second game did fuck all to flesh-out the world instead focusing on single characters and streamlined, insulated narratives. I am sure of course that you have no reference points given that you have played 3 rpgs in your life so you can't tell the difference.
someone post the comic
Shattered Steel is the only Bioware game I've played, and it even SAYS THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL and has awesome teaser images, and then they decided to make dogshit RPGs until the end of time.
you are an idiot
what the fuck
bioware montrael is a new bullshit studio tats just a pile of girls with pink hair and nu-males
real bioware is not even touching this shit
no one that worked on ME1 or even 2 or 3 was involved in this travesty
>did fuck all to flesh-out the world
Oh sure, because having more insight into Geth society, Krogan factionalism and the Quarian justice system, as well as finding out what the fuck the Terminus Systems are isn't fleshing out the world.
bethesda almost gets a pass because they leave their games open as a framework for a billion mods
then they tried to monetize them, and we all saw the tragic end to that
>real bioware is not even touching this shit
>real bioware
"Real Bioware" died after ME3 when the doctors left. It's just been EA puppeting its corpse for the last few years.
>People hating ME2
You fucks only hate it because it brought more people into the serious and it was no longer a niche space opera.
>This is what Rob Pardo is doing with his freetime after leaving Blizzard
desu, senpai.
>You fat nerds only hate the game because it was simplified and dumbed down to gain mass appeal, destroying the reason that it was appealing to you in the first place!
No shit, retard.
>downloaded the trial just to try the multiplayer
>they fucked even that up
>used to be addicted to ME3 multiplayer so was utterly disappointed
I'm guessing it was a completely different team from before cuz they couldnt have fucked it up that bad.
I played through andromeda recently post patch and I really liked it. Much more than 3 anyway. 70 some hours of fun. Fucking bullshit that the turian best girl gets 0 sex animation but everyone else does.
I will never not be mad over Vetra's butchered character arc.
Supposedly she was meant to be for males only but then Bioware changed her to bi at the last minute. It fucking shows.
After how bad ME3 was, I went back to play 2 and saw some subtle red flags that showed a transition towards where 3 would go.
It was stuff I easily downplayed or outright missed before playing ME3, but stuff I can't ignore anymore.
Because the gameplay was great in 3 my only strong complaint was the writing.