...Be careful

>...Be careful.
You read it in her voice.

This is now a Chaos thread. Anglecucks stay out

>not a radical Neutral

post hoy

Neutral is the pussy way out. It exists purely to have a "good" ending by dodging the philosophical question of Law vs. Chaos

not really, because i'm used to her japanese voice

The Lord will always triumph. Give up filth.

don't be swayed by those words my fellow samurai

Just started my first run of IV, am I suppose to die in the first area on purpose or something?

>not being able to imagine how japanese voices would sound in english

Probably my favorite character out of the main cast.

yes you are supposed to die.
It's how you learn to git gud

Run back and heal in your house

help me samurai bros he casual filtered me what do?

I don't know, I recruit the centaur and then get my ass handed to me by whatever I encounter next.


Give up

Recruit the next one too?
Until you have a full party?

makes sense, thanks user

Anyone else want to molest Jack Frost?

Fuse a Jack Frost.

dont be such a shitter
fuse stronger demons or spam bufu

Neutral is the path of humanity and self sufficiency.

Man does not need Gods and/or Demons, man is a complete existence on his own.

Dagda was better, constantly shit-talked everyone and served more significantly in the story (obviously). Really IV:A was just better in general, IV took way too damn long to tell you anything about the world, even passively, and there were 0 characters to give a shit about.

I give more of a shit about any character in IV before the bad anime tropes that was the cast of IV:A

I'm struggling to imagine how that was even possible. Did you become super attached to fujiwara and skins in the all of 3 conversations with them? For all the accusations of IV:A being tropey, the characters are so 2 dimensional in IV that literally the only thing I remember about the core cast, aside from their omnipresent views on law/chaos, is that isabeau likes manga. woo. At least in IV:A they have enough of a presence to give them the opportunity for character growth, cliche though it may be. Hell, Dagda alone was a more interesting character than everyone in IV combined.

What's a good game to emulate that's older?
I wanna start with SMT and the older Personas, but I dunno which is the most fun.

This looks fun as heck.

Both Super Famicom SMTs and Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei are good choices, but play the SMTs in order since, unlike modern SMTs, they're connected.

I hate Burroughs. She ruins the mood and despite her saying she has no emotions, she emotes constantly. Good thing they replaced her with the far superior Dagda.

Okay. Thanks buddy!


No problem, son of man.



What the he-ho hell did I say?

Characters are meh in both, but the atmosphere in IV is better.
IV might've taken awhile to tell you about the world, but at least it gave a shit about the setting.
IV:A tells you every secret of the setting from the get go and does nothing to create mystery from there on.
>Oh, what's this? Deities are pissed at mommy and daddy having all the fun, so they're going to have a shit throwing contest? Oh boy. Glad I know they contributed nothing to what made the previous game interesting, and will do fuck all else to make me care about this one.

Man I want to replay Apocalypse and go the bonds route but it was like a 50 hour commitment the first time around.