Why do so few games let me play as a reptilian?
Why do so few games let me play as a reptilian?
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No idea, but I want to fuck that croc.
is bowser reptilian?
No hes a turtle stupid
Is this a meme yet?
I may be alone in this but I always felt that playing Argonian in TES was kind of lame. It's like you're basically a human with scales.
Turtles are reptiles retard
Amphibians, doofus.
The autism of furfaggots truly does know no bounds
Mammals, dickweed.
Avians, buttmunch.
Mollusks, nincompoop.
Why haven't we killed all furfags/scalefags/otherkin yet
I wanna kiss that bird
Because watching autism is entertaining?
>trump becomes president
>still hasn't deported all the furfaggots to mexico and/or publicly executed them
>anime still isn't real
wtf I hate drumpf now
I just wanna discuss reptilians in video games, I dunno why you gotta get all sexual about it weirdo.
You can't play as the president of the United States, silly
dunno my man
Kass is handsome!
>reptilian racial option
Why does this happen?
Best reptile in gaming.
I would give anything to fuck Sorlag
why shouldn't it
>cat race
>almost always good archers
>meanwhile most real feline species have blurry as fuck vision
>i still end up as cat archer anyways
The sandal thing already was
Because most people can handle not entering an obvious furry/scalie thread without throwing an autistic fit
Is this the new "anime girl sniffing hair" thread?
As would I.
"Obvious" furry/scalie threads should be banned on sight desu.
Even if I do fap to them.
>stop the fursecution!
never change furfags
>get called out on your autism
>no you!
Is the only word you "people" are capable of reading "autism"? By all means keep floundering around on Sup Forums for our amusement, but here's a thought: if you're so upset that Sup Forums--ostensibly a video games discussion board--isn't a big furry hugbox, why don't you go somewhere that is a furfaggot discussion circlejerk like the , reddit, or deviantart or something?
>I don't like you so you should go!
I love Kass! I hope Kass loves me!
>being this insecure, having this much of a persecution complex, and/or being this illiterate
Furfag-kun, where in that post did I say I don't like you? All I'm suggesting is if you're triggered so much that people laugh at you or don't respond well to you spamming your fetish everywhere that you take it somewhere where it'll be both accepted and probably even appreciated by others of your kind.
FFTA1, A2. Very sad a Bangaa doesn't join your party in XII.
Because playing as something non-human is not what most people want, and if they are forced to do so, something mammalian would be more acceptable. Reptiles, insects, birds, amphibians, arachnids, they are all so far removed from human that there is no frame of reference for how to relate. Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank for example was a reptilian alien in concept, but they ditched it for something more mammalian because it works better.
>that lordosis
Because reptilians are too strong.
Why do so few games have reptilian girls?
You do realize that with Sup Forums and specifically Sup Forums being the way it is the people posting furry content are likely shit posters trying to get (You)s, my response is of course assuming you're not trying to use reverse psychology to try and convince them to dump either cropped pics of furry porn, or furry porn/pin ups it self.
>Being a filthy breeder
i am hopeful that the return to ivalice content in ff14 includes seeq bangaa nu mou and moogles as playable races.
i would switch from cat girl to seeq so goddamn fast, the servers would crash again.
>being an elitist about sucking dick
Posting the best reptile in the history of vidya
>le false-flag meme
>I'm just a furry ironically to get (You)s haha
No, I'm pretty sure that these, just like every other furfag poster ever, are actually furfaggots. I'm just reaching out to try to understand them.
Also, work on your English my BR and/or underaged furry friend. It's pretty bad.
That's a bad thing?
>I'm just reaching out to try to understand them.
they're autists
the end
>seeq bangaa nu mou and moogles as playable races.
Don't get your hopes up, user.
i know its not gonna happen. i just wish. at the least they could give us the ivalice style moogles as a playable race. it would just be a lalafell reskin.
At the very least some cosmetic effect that turns the ff14 races into the ivalice ones would be nice
>implying japs ever give their mainstream moeshit muzzles
enjoy your tails and ears boys