dont kill me guys im friendly
Dont kill me guys im friendly
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*bans you*
Everytime I encountered this absolute faggots in Valve servers I had no mercy with them. It always was funny hearing them cry like 4 year olds
*taunt kills you*
"kills you with no remorse"
>fucking tryhard scout
What have you to gain from killing a man that dispenses sandwiches
although you do make it a stealth action game to the diehard hoovy
50 health from the sandwich and one less target to distract me or my teammates, not to mention giving the enemy the satisfaction of watching their useless waste of a player spot get gibbed.
guys, how do i make bankrobber go transparent?
I see you
when did we stop reporting these people? I remember being useless and/or helping he enemy team meant you were greifing
*slowly kicks towards you*
>I see you
>not, Eye see you
Valve added a bunch of taunts that encourage being useless so it's just accepted at this point.
>not catching the enemy by surprise with stealthy Heavy ambushes
>he doesn't use the Brass Beast
cross team taunting was a mistake. all we needed was rps, high five, and maybe headbutt taunts restricted to team mates only.
I just annoy them when I have the chance until they quit.
>get butthurt
>kill friendly
>taunt to prove my superior mindset and playstyle
>get butterknifed by spy
What is the worst taunt in the game?
*kills you then taunts*
director's vision
>people gets fucking angry when you rock paper scissors Hale
Yeah sure I like to watch a 10 minutes rocketjump fest
*Slaps you on the ass with the melee weapon and then runs away*
I'm gonna miss the sandman cleaver combo.
It was great for situations just like this.
>Doing that as a spy.
Why the fuck do people do this? It's obnoxious to your teammates because you're not helping them and it takes up a valuable slot on the server that someone useful could be filling instead.
They're so bad at the game they have to make up their own rules for a version they can't lose at.
>mfw running babyface, cleaver, and wrap assassin
>not instantly kicking friendlies on your team
Valve also created the Pyro and the Spy so it was never really a concern of theirs.
>my face when i learned bleeds stack
>boston basher + cleaver while running away
>getting scratched while running the BFB
Valve currently has no pure deathmatch maps (you can still cap on Hightower or 2Fort if you really want to do it), so the friendlies either invade their servers or fuck off to community trade servers.
why do f2p shitters gravitate to every single class that start with the letter S but soldier? he's the easiest of them all. without fail I'll see scout sniper or spy stacks and none of them will even do anything. are rocket launchers lame now or something?
>Friendlies are so fucking widely accepted now you get kicked if the vote fails
Call of duty
*blocks ur spawn*
>kill friendly heavy
>he tries to kill me for revenge
>end up dominating him
>he leaves the server
this is why I play video games
>not playing on 3+ stacks to snowball kicks against them
Sniper and Spy are the only two classes who can consisently one-hit-kill players, so noobs probably think that they're automatically the best characters in the game.
*votekicks you*
looks like your friendly killing is going to be happening at a different server bucko
yeah just fucking contribute to the god damned problem you faggo.
Same, especially when they complain.
I'm not even sure why it annoys me so much that they come in to a normal game and do that. Maybe partly because it's such an ancient joke that was pretty lame at the start.
For me, TF2 remains the best casual FPS on the market. I can just load it up and I'm not obliged to do very much. Just shoot or annoy the other team in whatever way I see fit. It's still pretty fun in short bursts.
>*back stabs you*
>*turns you into ice*
What did they expect?
>Join server
>pick medic
>get to 99% uber while running to the front lines with my team
>death scream
>Fucking f2p with a machina body shotted the heavy infront of me and nailed me in the face
that's what's going to happen in every single server. this is the state as tf2. just uninstall that piece of trash
>have medic on team
>enemy team has medic on team and yours doesn't
Really making me think.
>join server
>pick medic
>join server
>vote succeeds
If people calling for Medic annoys you, you're autistic.
>join server
>heavy death scream
>Go undercover as an admin on your community server
>Know these faggots are doing this dispite it against your rules
>cap the intel
>Ban the fags who complain
I loved having my own server
Only if it's shitters at the bottom of the scoreboard at full health who spam E because they think they deserve to be pocketed
No, it makes you autistic in all cases.
why is it always the spy death audio that you hear when you join into a server
*harvests your head*
Something I find funny is how those Team Roomba griefing videos had "acting useless" as a part of their griefing, and now TF2 has "HOOVIES XDDD" doing the same thing.
its not that its annoying, its the fact that the second i pick medic team mates call for me if they take fucking 5 hp worth of damage. If you really need me your fucking call sign better be red, on fire, or i have an uber and your a soldier demo or heavy and we need to push. otherwise shut up and let me deal with my current patient and or human shield I'll deal with you in a minute.
>babyface, cleaver, and wrap assassin
The babyface nerf was the second worst nerf in tf2
why was such a casual game also so fun to grief in
No, he's right.
>retard charges in headfirst for a frag montage
>try to votekick when you heal your team instead
is not abuse if its in the rules. besides. it was my server.
You literally don't have to heal them. It's such a trivial thing that you'd have to be mentally deficient to let it get to you.
i cant disagree with you
what do you qualify as the worst then?
intentionally not healing someone being annoying is funny
Why was playing Medic in this game more fun than any support in Overwatch?
>Implying anyone fucking calls for Medic
>Don't know where any of my teammates are nor how hurt they are
>Then they whine at me for not magically seeing through walls when they have a perfectly working E key they stubbornly refuse to press
Thats me
Dont like it?
Go find another server
Righteous Bison nerf.
it's not, that's the one thing overwatch did better, healers who don't suck
its not the calling that gets to me. its how wimpy my team gets when they have a healer. ive been in games where i had soldiers and demomen running onto the cap with fucking 32 hp with no medic just so they could hold the point until the rest of us arrived. The same people turned into little bitches the second i changed to medic and wouldnt go onto the point unless i was up there with them.
>Theres like four of them up there. i cant do it alone
>Dude you literally held a point against 2 heavies and a pyro two minutes ago BY YOURSELF
>yeah but...
>pops uber on the heavy running past and clears the point
Shit like this is what pisses me off. They get so dependant on having a medic they their skills turn to shit
Not too complete bullshit
Not completely useless
when you kill someone without melee they should feel embarrassed for real
what are enemies changing tactics?
>Not too complete bullshit
bfb was legitimately overpowered in the hands of a good scout, especially in comp 6s where it could be used to one shot the med, the real op thing about it was that the hype meter could be directly controlled and thus made the crits "on demand"
the bison wasn't nerfed because it was op, because it wasn't, it was nerfed because it was unfun to play against and just slowed games down to a crawl and forced teams to change their entire playstyle just to counter it
honestly it didn't need to be nerfed, because leagues just banned it, so idk what valve was thinking
all things considered, with the number of weapons and shit in the game, they've done a pretty good job with balance, there have been only 3 actual op weapons since they started adding them, that's a pretty good record
No. it was literally the same set up, they just added a fucking f2p scout to the point. the soldier just turned into a fucking bitch when i went medic.
You can still beat the fuck out of the enemy without having a medic.
Conch Soldier or just having so much good offense that you always stomp on the enemy team
You're confusing the bfb with the soda popper
The bison was nerfed because it had a "Bug"
disregard this, I'm an idiot, I'm thinking of the soda popper, not the bfb
bfb isn't op at all, a better scout with stock shits all over it
I've heard the argument that any type of on demand crits are op, but the bfb gimps you in so many other ways it's not worth it
Nigger Zenyatta is twenty times more fun than medic
If only the rest of the game wasnt so trash, I miss being a healer that isnt a slave to the rest of the idiots on the team
bfb was legitimately overpowered horseshit used by talentless, 12 year old faggots before it was nerfed.
No. If the enemy has a medic and you don't, you lose, unless they suck.
>Anyone changing their playstyle because of a fucking Bison
On what planet do you live?
>kill player
All you have to do is Keep the medic down and its clockwork.
Just 1 medic isnt gonna help 11 people all the time
>you can kill them, that means they're not overpowered :)
user its simple facts that Medic ISNT over powered.
Low health, good speed but shit ways to damage with Needles and Crossbow. Medics strength is in his Medigun and that requires a target. only 1 medigun gives Invincibility and the rest either give you Resistance, fast healing, or give your target kritz. Even if its just a 12v12 game there is always gonna be a gang willing to bang a medic.
talking about 6s, mate
when valve balances the game, they do it with 6s and hl in mind, not 24/7 lotus or skial pub dumpster fires
medic has some screwy design, not as severe as pyro/spy or as annoying as sniper/engy, but it's there
the overly passive nature of the class means medic has to be disproportionately strong in standard play for the class to be frequently used