Hey Sup Forums top of the morning me and my sweet ol' sis here are just going to regress the series more than Assassins Creed 3 ever did.
Hey Sup Forums top of the morning me and my sweet ol' sis here are just going to regress the series more than Assassins...
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People still play this shit?
Annual releases, not even once.
They shouldve stuck with Unity's gameplay.
completely forgot about this game
>tfw people are now treating my game as underrated and are shitting on the assassin wonder twins
Oh your not out of this French Ezio although your game is better in both graphics and gameplay your mind was clouded with the allure of Templar pussy
The series is trash. Brotherhood is the only good one and only if it's the first and only game you play in the series. If you play a game before that you'll just be bored by the repetitive gameplay considering it's the same in every installment.
The problem is they change to much now
Unity,Syndicate, and even now Origins switched shit up
In hindsight, Unity was a better game and somewhat better story. The only thing that threw me off was the broken release and the French not speaking alot of French at least in accents like previous games.
I like the fact that you can change the character and play style. I could be a sniper/gunslinger or an apothecary assassin using poisons n shit. Syndicate went backward on that a bit.
I keep forgetting your game because it was so boring, was pretty though
Your still shit Arno
You can just change the audio to French.
This had so much potential
>would take place during the regency era
>you'd play a bow street runner
>exploring the seedy underbelly of industrial London
>contrast with the rich and glamour of the ton and balls
Instead it was just a dull affair the entire way
Worst game in the series so far. Origins might be taking that spot, though.
Why do they keep trying to change up the combat? Unity's was fine.
the game WAS gonna be darker but thanks to Unity getting fucked they had to change some shit up. I heard there was gonna be a morality system where if you take over factories you had a choice to either be a fair boss (paid your workers well and didn't abuse them) or an unfair boss (used child labor,kill employees) and you could have used your gang to either exert muscle on people or defend them.
Because people like exist here,in youtube comments, and reddit.
Look on any assassins creed video on youtube people treat Unity like shit still and say Syndicate was a "step in the right direction"
Brotherhood is alright, but you're a fucking moron.
>AC Games that are good:
2, Brotherhood, Black Flag
>AC games that are alright
Revelations, Unity, Rogue, AC 1
>AC games that are shit
Syndicate, AC 3
Shit opinion.
why is this one considered bad compared to the others?
people don't like Syndicate? I thought it was fun
2 > Brotherhood > Black Flag > Revelations > Syndicate > Unity > 1 > 3
You're shit
>Syndicate better than Unity
Holy fuck you are deluded
>worst combat in the series - mash A to win (occasionally, another button)
>a fucking combo meter for no reason
>only three weapons with different skins
>have to crouch to wear your hood
>London sucks for freerunning
>grappling hook band-aid for this
>no prostitutes in the main game
>tons of female gang members
>both Jacob and Evie are poorly-written characters
>Lydia is shit too - "muh women's vote"
>POO Assassin to fill the diversity quota
>forced DESIGNATED romance
>"trans" questgiver that's obviously an ugly woman in men's clothing - no one brings it up
>story is boring
>Jack the Ripper DLC is utter trash
>Jack's identity is revealed after maybe 15 mins
>it makes no sense
>weapon variety is further cut down
>Evie saves Jacob because GURL POWER
the amount of shit that broke on me in that garbage was too much for me
gameplay was great though ignoring that, so maybe Syndicate = Unity
Why did Evie have to marry a Pajeet? She should have married Jacob
>looks worse than Unity
>completely unnecessary skill tree
>annoying levelling system
>in order to use the best gear, you must be fully levelled; meaning you must buy one of Evie's skills that (no shit) turns her completely invisible when sneaking and stationary
Originally, the game was going to have just one playable Assassin. He's the guy Jacob and Evie meet when arriving in London. Also, the grappling hook could've been shot at any angle, not just straight up or horizontally.
wow most of those amount to >muh sjw
I'm not even sure what they can do about free running since there wouldn't be much climbing as the series gets more and more modern (except for origins I guess)
like Just Cause? shit that could've been great
the chap from the start seemed like a cool dude too
I haven't played one of these since 3
have they fixed the assassinations yet? they had them perfect in 1, and then fucked them up after that
Right. Could've attached anywhere, not just pre-determined points.
Exactly which ones are "muh sjw" and why?
>as 2 was shit
It was alright, too. Both II and Brotherhood have fantastic settings.
Is Unity any good? I was thinking of picking it up since the PSN sale.
At one point I had been pretty burned out on the series, but I've let it cool for three or four years and I think I could stomach a little more Ass Creed.
was pretty good for 5 bucks, kinda challenging if you don't upgrade anything
It's got arguably the best combat in the series, along with the excellent graphics. Also, the Dead Kings DLC is still free.
I highly recommend it, especially for less than $20.
>tons of female gang members
>Lydia is shit too - "muh women's vote"
>POO Assassin to fill the diversity quota
>forced DESIGNATED romance
>"trans" questgiver that's obviously an ugly woman in men's clothing - no one brings it up
>Evie saves Jacob because GURL POWER
who actually gives a shit? it's one thing if the story is poorly written which it is (but which ass creed wasn't?) but some of the reasons given are just ridiculous, forced designated romance? when has ass creed ever been about romance or that you even get to choose who to romance?
No, it's shit.
Your gameplay and bugs killed the franchise for me Unity.
It was impressive seeing all the npc's in the game but it became an eye sore when they clipped into each other and into objects. Your Co-op missions would constantly break, causing me to leave the mission, wait long periods to find other players, and hope that it dosen't break again. I appreciate that you toned up the difficulty in the game again by not letting us go on a kill chain after countering, but having enemies with different levels was retarded. I can't explore more of this beautiful city because I keep getting one shotted by some rebels or guards.
t. Assassins Creed 2 fanboy
Now? Yes. All the bugs are fixed. If you have pro, even better.
>female gang members
As far as I know, British gangs didn't consist of 40% women.
>"muh women's vote"
Have you seen the cutscene? It's incredibly out of place and an obvious attempt to appeal to women.
>POO Assassin
It was weird and you know it. What business does an Indian have in Victorian London?
>forced DESIGNATED romance
Now we know. He was there to be Evie's love interest. Seriously though, there's no build up. It just happens out of nowhere.
>"trans" questgiver
Are you seriously arguing this?
It wouldn't have been bad if Jack turned out to be Jacob. As it is, it's just another obvious attempt to appeal to the female AC fans.
Unity's gameplay was literally the worst the series has ever had
>smoke bomb
>power attack
At least countering and chain killing was fun.
This is objectively wrong. Unity has the best combat in the series, Syndicate the worst.
You are objectively wrong mai boi
Unity combat is shit and what he posted was accurate to what its like
Dosen't help that the game is broken
>worst writing in AC to date isn't bad because the series has always had bad writing
>when has ass creed ever been about romance
Almost every AC game? Altair and the Templar bitch, Ezio and every Italian woman that drops into his lap, Haytham and Connor's mother, Aveline and the guy that helps run her business, Arno and that fetal alcohol syndrome Templar.
How is Unity's combat shit? How is Syndicate not the worst? You're fucking retarded Complaining about smoke bombs doesn't computer because that shit has been OP since AC 2.
>Black and white morality system was not implemented
Good, that shit is trash
>being so shit you have to rely on smoke bombs
>"literally the worst"
Kill yourself.
>when male characters in AC get love interests they always end up dying
>female finally gets a love interest it ends happily ever after
I know exactly who's at fault for this
I've played all of them except syndicate
should I waste my time on it?
>post yfw surprise feels
No. The only worthwhile thing in Syndicate is the Dreadful Crimes DLC. That's all.
God no. I own every AC game with the exception of Syndicate. It's that fucking bad
when did I say it wasn't bad, did you even read what I wrote?
oh I see you have no reading comprehension, forced designated romance was one of the "reasons" for the game being bad, how were the romances in the previous series not forced or designated? why does it even matter?
those can all be chalked up to the writing is bad instead of being separate major reasons why the game is bad
The game didn't spend enough time with each of them, so I didn't care when they died. Also, shit game overall.
I'm honestly looking forward to Origins.
It looks fun, and the main fucking character is a slave in Egypt, no shit he would be black.
>it's one thing if the story is poorly written which it is (but which ass creed wasn't?)
>how were the romances in the previous series not forced or DESIGNATED?
They had actual build up and/or it made sense for the character to be romancing women. It makes no sense for Evie to suddenly marry Pajeet because he's had a crush on her the whole game.
>those can all be chalked up to the writing is bad
>I have no argument
>It looks fun
He used a fucking guided arrow in ancient Egypt, and the melee combat looked like an extremely terrible ripoff of Dark Souls. The guy being black just made everyone overlook the fact that the actual game looks like straight up garbage.
>trying to do MMO shit with armor and weapons
>homing arrows
>eagle drone
>searching/looting animation is lazy as fuck
No thanks.
I didn't play Syndicate, was a little burned out after Unity. What happened in the story of Syndicate? I barely even remember Unity's.
absolutely nothing
Templars are trying to make clones of whatever the previous species was. Also, it introduces fem Desmond.
why would I need to argue?
when asked about what makes the game so bad you listed a bunch of innate shit because of sjw shit that offend you
no one in their right mind would give a shit about those if the game was actually good
>fem Desmond
It's literally the best strategy and having to "rely" on it means nothing. It's straight up the best way to complete missions/do combat.
The game isn't good. The AC games have always had a certain level of historical accuracy, and Syndicate totally shits on that.
I haven't played any of the Ass Creeds since High School, last one I played was III. I only have a PS4 and XB1, should I buy the Ezio collection and play the rest through BC?
No. The series isn't worth playing at all outside of 2
Syndicate is unironically my favorite AC game because of the setting.
Ezio Collection is fine, play Unity if you want superior gameplay but don't care about shit story. Avoid Syndicate like a cloud of airborne AIDS
Rogue is fun.
I wish they just made this series as a historical playground basically, but they've stuck to Europe for almost every title. When I saw the premise with the first game I thought we were going to get sequels from all over the place, Japan, China, India, South American, North Africa, the Middle East, and they've squandered the potential.
I thought they were going to go back and forth between more modern times and the past with Unity but it turns out that awesome beginning sequence was squandered.
>The AC games have always had a certain level of historical accuracy
it literally has ancient aliens
Where they ever explicitly stated to be aliens?
Way to move the gaolposts, btw.
He isn't a slave
If you had waited and played Unity after all the bugs were fixed like I did, it would be one of your favourites in the series. Syndicate was trash, one of the worst in the whole series.
He isn't black either as far as I can tell
*Were, goalposts
Yes he is. Ubisoft even said he was a slave.
He's a Mejai idiot
Hear! Hear!
Unity might have improved the combat and free climbing in theory, but in practice is was clunky as shit and had me pining for the days of holding RT and instakilling mooks with my hidden blade.
I had the feels until someone pointed out that half of these guys betrayed you
The free-running has been shit since III.
>tfw you unironically like 1 the most when you turn off the entire UI
>unity better than syndicate
did Marx trigger your Sup Forums ass?