Hey Sup Forums,
I'm going through a tough time right now, but I'm giving myself 6 more years before I seriously consider suicide. What are some go-to "happy" games?
Hey Sup Forums,
I'm going through a tough time right now, but I'm giving myself 6 more years before I seriously consider suicide. What are some go-to "happy" games?
You could've just asked for game suggestions based on what you've played before. But no, you decided to attention whore.
Nier Automata
Stop playing video games and improve yourself. If not just cut short that pathetic 6 year deadline and end it all asap.
why 6 years
t-thanks user
Why 6? That sounds oddly specific. Why not 5 or 7? Or why not just "I'm giving myself some time/a few years"? Why exactly 6?
Sorry this thread sucks. Call the mods I got an error when trying to delete.
I have it but haven't gotten passed the City.
I'm 24 now, giving it until I'm 30 to stop being depressed and anxious all the time.
Stalin cat is that you?
Stardew Valley helped me, don't know if it'll have the same magic for you. Chin up, m8, you're pretty cool.
OS Runescape is very good to cure sadness
it's not gonna get better, 30 here
Wonderful 101 if you have a WiiU
Stardew Valley as another user said
Enter the gungeon
nier automata is great but it's sad as fuck
At least make sure you're an organ donor. There are people happy to have a new chance at life each day instead of wallowing in self pity like a coward.
But seriously, talk to someone and try to make friends, its important to remember no ones in it alone. You can find the strength to find a way to be happy.
>harvest moon: a wonderful life
>Kirby's epic yarn
>Super Mario World
>dude I'm depressed as shit I'm gun kill meself you just watch mom!!
geez OP I don't know what games to recommend to such unique, special person like you
Little King story. 100% charm that made me feel like a kid again.
what if the organ receiver makes a shitty early access game with micro transactions?
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Any of them.
It's Peter!
>6 years
you're a complete pussy and you'll never do it.
Shadow of the Colossus
Spend one hour a day learning a skill. The specific skill doesn't matter that much. You'll feel better about yourself and you'll feel like you've earned the right to play vidya too.
i recommend open world games
gta5 came out the same time i was in the worst place ever, and it was just 3 days of bliss when i needed it the most
just lighthearted fun games in general that don't feel like chores
strongly recommend sleeping dogs as well, maybe a mmorpg if you're not a super sperg. tryharding with a guild whether its pvp or pve feels good if you're into it