>"Pssst hey user, want to buy a really cheap godly WG?"
Post MapleStory silly FM moments and why aren't you playing classic servers right now
>"Pssst hey user, want to buy a really cheap godly WG?"
Post MapleStory silly FM moments and why aren't you playing classic servers right now
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Here's a classic.
What a slut.
there's such a thing as classic servers?
The scams people would try were hilarious, retarded things.
Even better was that they would work.
The best part is how he doesn't have shoes.
He literally just took them off to try and scam someone.
>those traders which would open and close trades offering cheap good equipment until they set you up for a shitty item, essentially ripping you off
Fucking "my trades are bugged, they close up 1 second after i click ready" every time
>posting strats online
>yfw when tab tab space enter
Namely, Pre BigBang servers.
It's usually set on patch 0.62 or similar, in which stuff was more acceptable. No potentials, for instance, as that was the moment the game truly died.
>mfw falling for that
Potentials weren't bad at first. They were just very small bonuses that rewarded you for being lucky. They weren't the game-changers that BigBang turned them into.
whisper kawaiikilla on maplelegends pre-bb server for an invite to the Sup Forums guild. when i get to bish everyone will be leeched for free. lv 103 right now.
I don't wanna play on any other servers because Mapleglobal is coming out soon.
This shit is literally arabic phone scam tier.
you wot m8
>% of main attributes
>Could only get the best lines by spending LOADS of NX
>F2P people would get cucked as there was no way to get good potentials on their desired gear
From the get go potentials were pay money for 21% main stat on your equipment.
I could have sworn there was a point before BigBang that they didn't have such drastic additions. Christ, v9X was so long ago.
S> PANLID 250k @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@...
Every single time people did that shit I always dreamed of accepting the item right before they could cancel the trade and rub it in their stupid faces.
J>PQ, HAVE TRACK@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
shut up mimsy
Because Maple's time is up. It has come and gone, you won't relive the feeling of having first played, especially if you did with other people.
Stop living in the past, anons. What made Maple good isn't there anymore.
>"Hey kid, wanna double your items?"
>Just follow me and drop them where i tell you at the same time I do
The good times were had when you were still a kid, playing with other kids and it was so easy to make friends. Playing with a bunch of neckbeards now is like the opposite of what I want.
>Kid did you know that if you drop all your money in 30K meso bags, open up your inventory, and double click Pet MP, your mesos will double when you pick them up? Try it, I'll even stand far away so you know it's not a scam!
>and double click Pet MP,
What happens?
That's because they upped the percentiles and added bonus lines/bonus potential/red cubes. They have also removed damage cap.
Your game crashes if you double clicked the Pet MP equipment slot (not inventory, that was me misremembering things). It was some bug that got fixed eventually early on.
>make cute female bishop
>everyone fames and hits on you
Did you ever find her lost coin?
>mfw someone defames me, then logs out.
With a burnt out CRT monitor.
Six hours of fucking hell.
What are the best beginner only weapons?
>not putting a space every four
What a bunch of fucking casuals.
>always liked jump quests
>got good at them
>LocalMS puts its daily NX rewards behind shumi's lost coin jump quest
>that was nine years ago
join legends now
Why do you guys hate nu-Maple so much?
>muh numbers
It's the same but with a different formula.
>muh p2w
Private servers and Reboot.
>muh bots
>not botting in maplestory
>muh same class plays the same
So did pre-BB. Every class had a bossing skill and a grinding skill. Plenty of classes in nu-Maple use all of their skills.
>muh builds
Builds and RNG are not fun. Neither is HP washing.
join legends NOW
i would play it unironically but fuck man, i don't want to level like 10 characters for the link skills just to play a character i want to main
i don't have time for that shit, i jsut want to make a character and take my time with that one alone
Did anyone fall for those Kerning drop game scams?
Man that city really felt like an actual thief den with low level assassins populating the place and everyone wearing bamboo hats.
Then play a good class and focus on that.
I hate how I'm actually playing it now. I'm literally just farming mesos on a Kanna for hours on end every day just to get more Meso% gear.
I need a new fucking hobby.
this only happens when you pick a bad class, like any explorer thief/pirate
MapleStory is the very definition of what happens when Chink RMT/botting spirals out of control because everything is a drop.
>Chinks buy up niche and required items
>Chinks charge jew prices for these items in the player market
>Chinks buy up competition if they undercut
>Vast majority players can't afford these items and are forced to RMT gold to afford the item
>Gold earned from these sales are used
to further this spiral
You keep reposting this.
>GMS still has not added bot detector
This actually my first repost of this.
the botting didn't ruin my enjoyment of the game, a lot of people botted and hacked since the very start of the game. Nexon ruined the game themselves with the NX cashâ„¢ items giving significant advantages to people who paid. Big Bang update and potentials were a mistake.
I was terrible at this game.
>explorer thief
>bad class
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
>tfw you were training on your map and an assasin/hermit came and just started ksing the fuck out of you
>why aren't you playing classic servers right now
This is actually the first I've heard of such a thing.
What exactly is hated about HP Washing? The fact that it exists or the fact that people feel like they need it when in reality they don't? You could just play on non-shitty servers (i.e. the ones that don't hand out NX like candy) to get rid of it entirely.
I don't know what this is.
>pump INT (or get tons of INT equips) for tons of MP
>put AP in HP
>AP Reset out of MP since they share the same AP pool
>free HP
Your character is shit without doing it in a server that glorifies it by handing you tons of free NX cash. It's the equivalent to people telling you to restart your character because your Warrior has 5 in LUK.
>You could just play on non-shitty servers (i.e. the ones that don't hand out NX like candy) to get rid of it entirely.
Nigga, even if they remove the ability to get NX cash for free, you're still fucking missing out on having an optimal character. In fact, it's worse if you have to pay real money for the NX Cash.
Silly question but why/how is the Maple private server scene so large? From my understanding they all use OdinMS as a base?
So I'm guess the
>dex should be twice your level
>anything that doesn't go into dex should go into str
method for warriors is no longer the case?
>optimal character
>by abusing a glitch
Oh, it's autism then. I get it now.
I was not aware of classic servers. How do I get to these?
gtop100 has lots of them. You gotta weed through a lot of bullshit to find the good ones, though.
Once on my dead prebb brawler. God that quest took me the better part of two hours. The one in sleepywood was worse though
It's not a fucking glitch, it's clearly in the game, if the (private server)devs didn't like HP Washing, they would have removed it. If it's in the game and doing it makes you have an optimal character, you have to do it or you're not optimal.
>"I don't use combos in fighting games, the developers didn't intend for it, and it's a glitch!"
>being this delusional
hp washing was never intended and voting for ap resets makes the server popular
Because people don't like playing on Nexon's shitty official servers.
Because it's now just a generic single player mmo.
It's better than most mmos still but that doesn't say much, the magic of old ms and it's community is gone.
>download MapleRoyals last year
>get to experience that old v63 GMS adventure for the first time in like 10 years
>have a fucking blast, explore every nook and cranny of every map, stop and talk to people constantly, feel like I'm suddenly a 10 year old again playing MapleStory for the first time
>the server crashes and completely breaks, killing all of my momentum
i didnt want to go through creating a new character in a new server but I think im down for round 2 now. Maple Legends is the same thing as MapleRoyals right?
>It's not a fucking glitch, it's clearly in the game
So was pass smuggling. That doesn't make it a feature.
>if the (private server)devs didn't like HP Washing, they would have removed it
And some do.
>If it's in the game and doing it makes you have an optimal character, you have to do it or you're not optimal.
GMS players got by without it just fine. Only a select few players actually ever HP Washed, and it was only a few times.
Please point me to the in-game tutorial/MapleTip that describes how HP Washing works if you're so adamant on believing this "bug" is a feature, not a glitch.
honestly i think maplelegends is even closer to the original experience cuz the exp rate is lower and there's so many fuckin retarded noobs. if you join whisper KAWAIIKILLA for a guild invite though.
>the server crashes and completely breaks, killing all of my momentum
>implying GMS didn't do this shit constantly
It's part of the experience, friend.
>GMS players got by without it just fine. Only a select few players actually ever HP Washed, and it was only a few times.
That's because it costed hundreds of fucking dollars. If it's 100% free to do, you might as well do it to have an optimal character.
MapleRoyals genuinely broke down to the source code about 8 months ago and still hasnt been fixed IIRC. like its genuinely unplayable and the population has dropped to 5% of what it was. if theyve fixed it and its come back to life im unaware
Or you could just... y'know... not. It's not like you need to do it. If it was required, Nexon would acknowledge it and make it easier (read: easier, not cheaper).
I'm gonna join legends and not join your stupid guild. Fuck off.
The community is barely existent. At least you could talk to people and party up with others in a pre-BigBang Maplestory. Now it's just a single-player game with optional multiplayer. If I wanted that, I'll just buy an RPG on Steam and get the same kind of experience.
>exp rate is lower
Literally why would you want this. I'd want 3x minimum with the option to go higher on weekends or with boosters
If I download this shit right now and make a guild to spite this obnoxious faggot shilling his guild, would some friendly anons join? I haven't played since v.55 and I'm slightly excited.
this guy isnt me. if i download it i'll send you a whisper
Come back 3 days later when you have enough money to even make the guild.
That is if you're mad enough to play that long only for that reason.
I kinda mean how are there so many versions of private server out there? Has the source code been released or reverse-engineered?
neo tokyo when
Some source codes are public (V.55, V.62, V.75) and some are closed (ElliniaMS). It's really not that hard to set up a shitty V.55 - 75 server.
Isn't global dead? At least that's the impression I'm getting from the site right now
Also to answer a little further, the MS source code as far as we know hasn't been released. It's just been really dedicated reverse engineering, most of it barely functional sometimes.
I'm still fucking pissed they never released this for Pre-BB. The questlines and bosses actually seemed pretty unique at the time.
They're mostly on Facebook. From the forums, they said they don't really care all that much about Gtop or other private server rating sites, so it seems dead there.
I did that once.
Amazing enjoyment was had.
Royals or Legends? Haven't played since like 6 months after BB, except for to check out current maple and I didn't like what I saw