why is crash a meme now
Why is crash a meme now
Other urls found in this thread:
>Too hard for normies
>Hard = Dark Souls
>Crash = Dark Souls
>Crash becomes meme
Everyone realized the games werent actually that good
The kids love difficult woah game, and that makes me happy to know its not just adults who like Crash now.
For you
Crash was always a meme. People love him. WOaH is a meme because of Chris O'Neil.
Pic related
Why not? Anything can be a meme.
Post the full image
Can i getta source my nigger?
It became popular again so people must make memes
except that
I feel like I've been here so long that I find the cropped faces more appealing than the whole image. Every time I actually get to the source I just feel disappointed, even if it's good, it's a sad existence.
OneyNG made a silly voice, one of his fans made a wacky animation for the voice and gave the animation a green background.
It's exploitable.
the first crash is shit, played through it with a friend recently.
It's not fun at all, too unforgiven.
Think it's because they had to make games you used alot of time to complete so they could brag about hourstocompletion, now-a-days people don't put up with that shit.
gonna play 2 and 3 though.
Of course the latest facebook meme comes from the gamegrumps for kids youtube channel. Cancer sure does spread fast these days.
probably because what you make in your head is hotter than what's on screen. like erp'ing
We are in age of memes
where real things gone long ago
>body paint doesn't taste like wumpa fruit
what's the point?
I thought gamegrumps was already for kids
Dunno, user
god bless kempfer
Didn't Crash used to say "Woah" himself in his games? Or are all these woah posts actually just references to some fucking ecelebs?
>look up some porn artists (captainkirb, kekitopu, et al)
>they made some crash pics
>they reference woah predictably
>they only did so because of a group of ecelebs that consist of two furfags and a washed up animator did it
strange feel
it's apples senpai
You are a little bitch
Crash has said woah since day 1. Since the remake Oney has memed about it and fuckers on instagram and twitter meme it into oblivion. artists usually do a woah pass to test waters
It's obviously potatoes
He says whoa every time you die
I just wanted to make sure I wasn't remembering wrong. Thanks for instilling some hope at least.