ITT: misunderstood games

ITT: misunderstood games

yeah, as in, you misunderstood it as a good game

Fisher is a manlet?

he's 5'10" according to SC1's manual.

5'9'' Is average nigger

manlets are the kings of the sneaky sneaky

The last actual splinter cell, my only problem was the ending literally came out of no where. Ran through the last part and literally just ended.

Spec Ops are usually made of manlets for son reason. Met 3 SEALs, all manlets.

The shorter they are the easier their job is. Just imagine a 6' or taller guy trying to do all the stuff Sam does.

Don't worry, Ubisoft will bring the series back as an open-world, online co-op please buy our gold edition game in a year or two.

His file in DA says so. Then again, the mo-cap actor for nu-Sam is like 6'2.

Manlet joints last longer, they have to lug heavy shit around for long distances.

Blacklist was great, but I also wish it was longer. It was all "shit is going down" when they attacked the plane, but then it's just two more missions. At least you had side stuff to do.

Depends on which version you mean. X360 and PC Version was made by retarded fuckmonkey devs. The other versions were made by the sc devs.

Sure it is.

Imagine if the 6th-gen version had been the only version of Double Agent released.

>age redacted
Retcon confirmed!

"There are two separate versions of Double Agent. One version was made by Ubisoft Shanghai, who developed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow and was released on the Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, and PlayStation 3. The other version was made by Ubisoft Montreal (Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory) and was released for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube and Wii. The Ubisoft Shanghai version features a completely custom engine while the Ubisoft Montreal version plays more like the classic Splinter Cell games. The games share the same general plot but feature different storylines, plot twists, and levels. They do however, share the same background music, a few cut scenes and all voice actors. The version for mobile phones was developed by Gameloft."

>same game
>different storylines
First time I've ever see this happen.

yeah ubisoft was pretty dope back in the day. shame they turned into an asscreed assembly line.

Those retarded fuckmonkey devs made pandora tomorrow.

>the next gen version didn't have co-op but the other version did

Fucking why

I don't think the red/yellow/green system was as bad as it seemed, really just de-cluttered the mechanic . In terms of how guards reacted there was only ever three different outcomes, the bar's all the way to the left and they don't notice you, the bar's slightly to the right and they're coming to investigate your position, the bar is halfway to the right, and they're shooting at you.

>the previous gen only has broken spy vs. spy for multiplayer.

Chaos Theory was the best of them all

I would have loved to see the first two games remade in the style of Chaos Theory.

Say what you will about the next gen version, it tried to mix things up, and do something new with the SC formula. The 6th gen version felt like a chaos theory expansion pack, not necessarily a bad thing, but after 3 splinter cell titles that felt kind of samey I found DA's approach to be refreshing in spite of the game's flaws.

Pretty much. But they're all good games. Even Conviction.

I was okay with Conviction and never used the Mark and Execute system, but it was still too easy and too short.

Yes, ubisoft completely misunderstood what made splinter cell good

Blacklist handled the M&E better. Lots of enemies had helmets and they let you mark only 3 at a time.

>playing on a difficulty level that allows execute
why u do dis

Daily reminder that Ubisoft ruined the interesting concept of Conviction and made it boring.

tell that to a woman.

Because it makes you feel like John Wick.

Focusing on game mechanics that are unrelated to the core stealth mechanics to attract newcomer fans and alienating the old. Classic maneuver.

I played the multiplayer for Double Agent a long while ago and it was fucking god like

you can still be John Wick without it

Sure, but it looks way cooler. Sam even does a Mozambique Drill sometimes.

No wonder

I'm 5'11 and King of Manlets.


I agree, I liked Double Agent.

I played two of the three? versions of it and I liked them both.

Nigger, what?

Did you see the newest SC version of Sam Fisher?

He's like a decade younger easy or aging like a very fine wine now.


Phantom Pain

WHY was it not on PC

look at the fucking steam page, it uses pictures from that version, it's literally false advertising

also for some reason trailers used footage from both versions

i was so confused when i got the 360 version and that cutscene of sam emerging from a pile of snow to slit another splinter cell's neck never showed up

Fibonacci sequence?

I won't lie, the first time I had a 100 MG THC can of soda I became Sherlock Holmes. All of the worlds biggest mysteries became the simplest of problems.

There is no God; mankind needed an answer to it's nearly infinite unanswered questions but as technology advanced and we began to answer many of those questions, we no longer needed 'him'.

There is an elite group who controls and regulates all of the worlds political and economical issues but this isn't a a bad thing or something to be feared. It's the invisible hand that guides humanity to the right direction and protects it from regressing.

Sherlock Holmes is the greatest fictional character of all time even though he was based on 2-3 actual people. In essence, he's not a truly fictional character.

All emotions are simply chemical reactions that occur in our brains; once you accept this as a fact, you can regulate them and not let your actions be controlled by them.

Xenogears is the greatest JRPG; it's unfinished disc two is a reference to Lacans' unfinished portrait of Sophia. He delayed finishing it on purpose since he knew he would never get a chance to spend any more time alone with her once it was completed.

The developers knew that they would not be able to make the remaining five games so they spent as much time and money making it as possible to savor the experience.

The proof?

Xenogears Perfect Works; the amount of material, lore, storyline, narrative, etc. is massive.