Why do we hate re7 again?

Why do we hate re7 again?

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we don't

Sup Forums sucked its dick when it was released.
Fuck knows why. It feels and plays like a low budget game.

>First person
>No tank controls
>No pre rendered backgrounds
>Linear progression
>One enemy type
>One character route
>Dumb choice moment shoehorned in
>Action focus at the end
Why do we like RE7 again?

Too plebeian for olld RE fans, too patrician for new RE fans, Capcom doesn't know what to do to please a progressively divided fanbase and I understand them perfectly.

The game is fine, but just that, fine, good, a solid 7/10, better with VR at least

>>First person
What is Survivor and Dead Aim
>>No tank controls
What is 5 (default) 6 and Rev 1-2
>>No pre rendered backgrounds
What is every single RE after 0
>>Linear progression
What is every single RE ever
>>One enemy type
>>One character route
What is every RE after 2
>>Dumb choice moment shoehorned in
>>Action focus at the end
What is every single RE ever

So that leaves us with only 2/8 real reasons to dislike the game as it stands in the series.

Fantastic gameplay and acting?

I liked it. Who is we?

The one enemy type thing isn't a very fair assessment either. Enemies aren't just their textures. The standard molded and crawlers operate very differently, as well as the fat guys. There's also the bugs, I would count them since I always counted the moth in RE2 as an enemy type.


>Linear progression
>Every RE game ever
Playing REmake should be a mandatory requirement before posting in RE threads.

It sure as shit isn't Metroidvania or open world.
>start game
>alright gotta get this
>get this
>get this
>okay now I can open this door and move on
>get this
>okay now I can open this door and move one
>etc etc
It's literally no different from RE7.

RE7 is literally a remake of REmake. The only choice you have is which item to open this door I gotta get first. That like 3 or 4 times in the course of the game.

Definitely in the running for GOTY imo. Felt like a shooter from the 90s

Actually it's structure isn't too far off a Metroidvania, the macro map design is pretty similar and the game ends where it starts by looping you around the mansion through item gating/backtracking. Anyways you can collect all the items relating to the four Death Masks as well as the mask themselves in any order you want, RE7 is entirely linear.
Even RE2 let you collect puzzle items out of order.

Resident Evil 7 is the best game ever made.

>RE7 is entirely linear.
>implying you can't collect the dog heads out of order
>implying you can't collect the key cards out of order

You can't, the Dog Heads have to be collected White -> Blue -> Red.

>Dog Heads have to be collected White -> Blue -> Red.
Wrong again bucko. You can go upstairs and get the head out of the book before you get the one out of the clock.


What exactly prevents you from going upstairs when you leave the dining room, hm?

who cares, it's still a pretty linear game

The fact that you will already have the pendulum and the game is set up that any player will more than likely go back to the living room.

That's not forcing anything you damn retard. That's a personal experience.

So... what exactly prevents you from going upstairs when you leave the dining room, hm?

The game's layout is far more contrived than REmake's, go look at any RE7 walkthrough and everyone will tell you to get them White -> Blue -> Red, where as any REmake guide will have a different order for the Death Masks because the game doesn't coax you to get them in any particular order. You wander around the mansion and can stumble upon key items for any of the four at any time.

Nothing, so I'll concede that the game is entirely 100% linear but it's still pretty lacking compared to other RE games.

-No Replay Value
-Tanker level is utterly useless
-deeper focus on graphics than gameplay
-not a single zombie
-rehashed Resident Evil 1 mansion again
-Not a single likable character (like I'm supposed to care which bitch gets the serum)

because it's different, same reason we hate RE4

I don't know about you, I hate it because it's shit.

I don't hate 7, but I also don't care for it.

RE7 is a step in the right direction and a showcase of quality that a rational person would not expect from CAPCOM.

I still prefer the older tank control games or something in the vein of RE4 (that actually had varied enemies and fun combat) but I like it, will pay for it in the future, and I can appreciate CAPCOM not fucking it up.

But 7 doesn't matter to Sup Forums in the grand scheme of things, it capitalizes on the normie craze of first person walking simulators while refusing to let go of some elements that made the series popular in the first place, that's all.

REmake 2. That's the deal breaker and a true bringer of shitstorms the likes of which this board has NEVER seen before. Mark my words.




Why indeed.

Because it's cool for Sup Forums to hate on things considered popular or good, at least until a new version cones out so that we can love what we hated before and hate whatever is new.

Daily reminder this is peak Resident Evil and it will never be surpassed.

>doesn't even include the Bakers

RE7 is not an action packed game like 4 and 6.

Sure seemed like it towards the end.

I don't know about on here, but if Capcom screws up REmake 2, the majority of the fanbase will go nuclear.

nigga the game turns into Doom in the final stage.

>the majority of the fanbase will go nuclear.
Didn't that already happen?

Best in the series gtfo.

Why? Because you had a lot of ammo? Like you did near the end of every fucking game?

The game just throws enemies at you, there is nothing remotely survival about the ship to the end of the game.

>there is nothing remotely survival about the ship to the end of the game.
>trying to survive mobs of undead creatures isn't survival

Oh you mean exactly like in Remake when the game just throws you cockroach lickers at the end of the game?

If you think the UMBRELLA lab in REmake is even comparable to RE7's last segment then I don't know what to tell you. You can go through that section without firing a single shot until Tyrant.

>Trying not to fall in pits
>Mario is now a survival game

>comparing shooting zombies in a Resident Evil game to jumping in Mario
I don't know WHAT the fuck you're doing at this point

>Equating the generic shooting parts at the end of RE7 to survival horror
I could ask you the same question.

The "final stage" is also like 2 minutes long.

>People are now defending 5 and 6 to shit on 7.
I was the ONLY person in RE threads that even had the balls to defend 6 before 7 came out, with the one faggot spamming his copypasta of nitpicky ass "Flaws" of 6 every time a thread was created for it, the amount of people here sipping on nostalgia juice fucking sickens me.
"Hurr durrrr if it's new it's bad"
Fucking kill yourself.
Double kill yourself if you honestly like the 456 formula more than the 1/2/3 formula.
7 was a fucking blessing to anyone who didn't start with 4.
I also know the first thing you faggot will do is claim that I said RE4 is bad to validate your retarded arguments, so I'm going to be clear in that I didn't say that, and RE4 being good doesn't excuse the actiony direction is spawned.

Yeah, so why complain about it? It's only 2 minutes long :^)

>People complaining about the salt mines in RE7
>Forgetting about the dull as shit catacomb level from REmake.

Just change the wrecked ship for a lab and RE7 is a carbon copy of REmake, except for the waifus. Sorry weebs :(

RE6fags being bitter buttbabies. Nothing to worry about.

>What is Survivor and Dead Aim
Both of those are spin-off games, you stupid faggot.

Survivor is canon.

Spin-off =/= automatically non-canon, you absolute moron. Kill yourself.

Tri Force Heroes is a spin off game and is still canon, I don't see your point.

Resident Evil Gaiden is the best game ever made.

The only bad thing is how scripted the first hour is which really damages replayability but overall it's a brilliant game.




It feels so by the numbers and uninspiring. I don't feel the love playing it.
Not to mention this game only exist because Konami canceled Silent Hills

Im gonna take a moment to praise the little things that made RE:Gaiden a good game.

>The whole ship is explorable
>You can deviate from your objective to explore and even unlock other areas.
>the 8bit art is pretty cool.
>the music was pretty damned great
>the combat, while simple and reflex-drive was very satisfying.

Okay that was a pretty short list. Carry on.

Wasn't RE7 in development before Silent Hills or am I mistaken?
I want to call you a fucking moron but since I'm not 100% I'm not going to make the claim yet, since I actually have a shred of dignity.
Either way Capcom couldn't just shit out 7 in the time Silent Hills got cancelled so either way you have no idea what you'r on about.

Don't mind me. I just wanted to post that because I thought the pic was funny.

cus it didnt get 100

Even though 6 had bad stories it still was more enjoyable than 7, which everybody wanted to finish as fast as possible & sell it back.

According to the wiki, its started development around 2013, but it had RE6-like gameplay but was changed to first person a year later.

Well, I definitely read that in Barry's voice.

That's my point, retard. The other guy pointed out that RE7 is worse because it has less enemy variety, but RE7 isn't an action game, it's a horror game, so lesser enemy variety than action heavy games in the series doesn't matter.

man, this game would've been so much better had it been open world with fetch quests :(

Because it's the newest entry. Wait for 8.

>Zelda cycle meme

>Le Zelda invented everything meme

Fuck off mate. If anything it was always first called the Sonic Cycle.

cuz it's too scary

>If anything it was always first called the Sonic Cycle.

still cannot unsee that giraffe

Fucking This.
Dead Aim was fucking fun as shit too./spoiler]

7 is great, who still falls for these memes

People who have played REmake and know that 7 is shit.

They dun ruined the lore. Or well, went off the rails anyway.