Why does 6th gen emulation still suck filthy dong?
Why does 6th gen emulation still suck filthy dong?
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Because you aren't helping.
Dreamcast, Gamecube and PS2 emulation is excellent, what the FUCK are you talking about?
GC emulation is great though, and it keeps improving: dolphin-emu.org
PCSX2 devs are just lazy.
unironically this. people like to complain but sometimes fixing a bug or a glitch is as simple as taking 5 minutes to make a ticket in their sourcecode page. devs don't hang out at Sup Forums, and even if they do, they don't take complaints unless it's in an 'official' bug report.
i thought it was fine
it's a little heavy on the hacks though
Some people believe bitching on Sup Forums will change the world.
PCSX2, NullDC & DeMul had bad foundations, so either people have wasted time trying to polish the turd (PS2) or just restarting all together (Dreamcast)
The devs behind Dolphin made it with future specs in mind & didn't focus on hacks
To be fair, it kinda got trump elected.
That's what Sup Forumstards like to think.
>implying shitposting at the right time doesn't hold immense power
Sup Forums killed a guy
Xbox emulator when Sup Forums?
no bone or 360. just xbox
I said kind of. If you think Sup Forums had zero influence on the election, you are out of touch.
Sup Forumstards actually believe this
Partially, user. Magic can only help you, not do your work for you.
to play literally what?
Jak 3 runs fine though.
Some madman is trying to tackle it alone. It's improving very slowly, but at least it's something.
I can't think of anything. Almost everything is available on PC as well.
Metal Wolf Chaos
Ninja Gaiden Black
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2X
Thanks, user. Kinda relieved somebody is still working on it.
To be fair, in the past few years PCSX2 got a little bit more organized and improvements started to show. But yeah, for the most part PCSX2 project was just a mess.
All these games are only on Xbox
America's Army: Rise of a Soldier
Blinx: The Time Sweeper
Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike
Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders
MechAssault 2
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Critical Hour
Brute Force
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes
Metal Wolf Chaos
om Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow
What are you fucking 12?
Wtf are you talking about, ive had little to no problems with dolphin and pcsx2. They both run great outside a few particular games.
No good games.
>Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space
I didn't even know there was a second game. The first one was pretty good.
A lot of games are still buggy and run like shit unless you have beast CPU on PCSX2.
Some games like MGS2 can't run at full speed even if you have the best CPU in the world. The game actually runs fine if you've got a really powerful CPU, but the cutscenes will always drop frames like crazy no matter how good your CPU is.
It depends, most games still run really buggy and choppy, but Timesplitters FP works great for me right now
all of those games are terrible knock offs of better games you can play elsewhere and I can't even believe you're honestly adding fps games on a console to bolster your sad little list. Please get some better taste before making your next comment.
This is true because I have Intel Core i7 7700K 4.20GHz and can still not run 24 the game. lol
It's because of frameskipping, MGS2 used it heavily in cutscenes & some parts of the game
But since PCSX2 can't emulate frameskipping, it still tries to run MGS2 at 60fps all times when in truth the game was running about 20fps in those times with frameskipping on, meaning you got to pretty much emulate an already super demanding game 3x over
Also remember to look at the actual emulation speed and not the framerate.
The PCSX2 will try to run at the same speed as the console (unless you're using hacks), so if the game has slowdowns in the console version, in the emulator it will be the same thing.
Kingdom under fire is fucking fantastic and nothing else really hits that niche.
On topic ps2 emulation has gotten a lot better recently to the point that I'm not sure what all the bitching is about.
True but I tried every damn setting in the PCSX2 to make the game run not in slow mode.
If you can get the gaming running normal plz tell me. haha
Far as I can tell, it's mostly toasterfags bitching that their AMD hobobuilds aren't running SotC at 4k120fps. I've been using PCSX2 for the last 6 years on an i5 2500k and only ever encountered a single game that didn't work that I wanted to play.
... have you played ps2 games? they've aged like shit and look even worse. ps3 emulation is coming along which is also when 3d actually became good.
he's talking about resolution scaling
Yeah I'm on a toaster and recently emulated VP2 which pushed the ps2 really hard and it's great other than one small bug near the beginning.
What a super computer it must take to render gigantic empty spaces and slow moving cement mixers.
>But since PCSX2 can't emulate frameskipping
Oh yeah, I read an article about why is that some time ago. I really hate when the emulation speed is under 100% and the game goes literally in slow motion. Dropping frames would be a better option, like in most emulators.
Gameplay you fucking idiot. I emulate old games for the gameplay. Snes ps1 and ps2 all had fantastic games and have workable emulation.
Is there a list for this?
Unless PCSX2 implements frameskipping, it might be best to wait for RPCS3 to be able to fully emulate the HD Collection. Only issue is that version of MGS2 is very stripped down.
I really want to play MechAssault again. I enjoyed it a lot as a kid.
>snes, ps1, ps2
yeah they all have workable emulation, because theyre old and aged like spoiled milk that someone dropped a turd in. when you're done noobing around, at least look up ps3 emulation, where real gaming starts.
Because you deserve it not being around to play em when they were available.
>because theyre old and aged like spoiled milk
That's like your opinion.
I hate underaged people so much. You don't deserve the vote.
>at least look up ps3 emulation, where real gaming starts.
PS3 emulation started in 2006, right near the launch of the PS3. It was called Youtube.
Sup Forums literally changed the internet and the world believe it or not. The current political climate it's how it is because of it.
what does your ps2 iso's library look like?
>The PCSX2 will try to run at the same speed as the console (unless you're using hacks), so if the game has slowdowns in the console version, in the emulator it will be the same thing.
This isn't true, it only applies to certain games namely those with shitty vsync for 20fps. MGS3 and SOTC come to mind.
Most PS2 games aren't solid 30fps unlike they are via PCSX2. And you can OC the PS2's CPU in the emulator too to get past some 30fps locks. SOTC is an example of that.
Doesn't it have frameskipping? I don't even know what you guys are talking about though, can't you just OC?
Nice reading comprehension, retard.
I don't have one because I enjoyed all the games I ever wanted back when PS2 was still a thing.
PCSX2 is just terribly optimized in general & needs a massive overhaul or a new emulator entirely
PS3 is so much more powerful than PS2 & Gen 1 i7's are emulating Demons Souls on an alpha version of RPCS3, yet would struggle with a lot of PS2 games on PCSX2
i'm talking about the games fag
Which emulators are absolutely 100% perfect, Sup Forums?
Enabling it breaks the games really bad
dolphin (almost)
cemu (soon)
rpcs3 (soon)
>PCSX2 is just terribly optimized in general & needs a massive overhaul or a new emulator entirely
It is not. Barely any games require power.
The fact you're implying RPCS3 runs Demons Souls better than PCSX2 runs games just shows how fucking retarded you are.
lmfao man I hope you're being ironic
SOTC is an odd case & makes it a bitch to emulate, it purposely drops itself to 20fps because that's what the physics were coded for (to be less stressful on PS2's shitty CPU) outside of that it chugs under 30 & is fine
Bluepoint didn't know this & caps it at 30fps for the HD remaster, which broke the physics & made the game harder
Definitely not, plenty of games are pretty buggy without additional configuration.
It's barely even started
It's also barely even starter
I don't even know what it does but it does say SOME games there. Can you tell me more about it? The hacks section say similar things but I've never seen any massive negative using them.
so you played nothing ok then
PPSSPP still doesn't run all PSP games good
there no such thing as perfect emulation. get a hint you dunce
I don't emulate, so I have nothing to say about my iso library. Sorry you missed out.
Bsnes, even then not 100%, some of the timings are slightly different, but something only a super autistic speedrunner might notice if he looks for it, most likely he would be thrown off by the couple of extra frames of input lag before he could notice though
>being this dense
>The hacks section say similar things but I've never seen any massive negative using them
True, but in every game I tried to enable the frame skipping the game became unplayable with glitches and performance issues.
>Bluepoint didn't know this & caps it at 30fps for the HD remaster, which broke the physics & made the game harder
No it's just based on the harder EU version.
You can either OC or speed SOTC up to make it more smooth, OC takes tons of CPU juice but speeding up gameplay isn't so bad.
>Leaning back on calling me dumb because you don't like my answer
Only Burnout Takedown and SMT3.
>I don't emulate
What are you shitposting here then?
No it's not, the EU version thing is a lie people made up to defend Bluepoint, for some reason they have fanboys?
They fucked up with the 30fps cap
>ywn emulate r&c properly
why live
>Bluepoint didn't know this
Hahaha, are you pretending to be retarded?
Real 100%: Higan, that's it.
Runs fine now, PCSX2 has mip mapping now
Here you go.
To go "haha you missed the PS2 age" and then ride it out.
MGS3 Subsistence (finished snake eater on emulator, later bought HD collection on PS3)
Fight Night Round 3
Jak 3 (ran horrible, had to buy on PS3)
GTA SA (looking at files for modding purposes)
Spider-Man 2 (runs horrible, even on gamecube emu)
deleted ones:
DBZ budokai tenkaichi 3
SvR 2007
Sly 2 (finished, bought on PS3)
Sly 3 (game breaking bug, bought on PS3)
Harry potter 3 (can't be emulated on any system)
Ratchet 2 (ran horrible, still finished)
>No it's not, the EU version thing is a lie people made up to defend Bluepoint, for some reason they have fanboys?
Next you'll tell me Okami HD is rendered internally at 4k.
it's still heavy as fuck and I own a fucking toaster
>haha you missed the PS2 age
But I did own a PS2, what's wrong with trying to emulate games I enjoyed as a teen?
I'm not going to set up dozens of retro consoles in my living room if I can just emulate them on my PC.
he clearly has autism
Source on your pics plz. Looks sexy.
-> typical Sup Forums
>being in denial
Is it true that everyone hated the blinx character? I didn't play the game.
Here ya go.
I'll look into this. Maybe. I own the PS2 original, black label. Played on all difficulties, never found a bug.
you're beyond repair