Serious question, why do people say wii and 360 popularized gaming when ps1 and ps2 sold way more?

serious question, why do people say wii and 360 popularized gaming when ps1 and ps2 sold way more?

what the fuck is this newfag underage bait, Atari and og NES brought the first rise of household consoles.

Because the Wii and 360 made deliberate overtures to NON gamers.

Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Nintendogs (DS but same time period).

Kinect and focusing on Xbox as a media Netflix machine

>pre Wii:
LOL u bois and your kiddie toys! What kind of manchild plays games at your age??

>post Wii:
OMG Ceik's a lie lol! I'm such a nerd!
Like if you know this feel! ;)


>*"CALL ON MEEEEEeee..." starts playing in a loop*
it's not like game houses would not have hired celebs to promote their devices before. However, Wii made real deal casuals, nowadays equivalent being pure normies, THE biggest target audience for huge majority of devs. It also spawned or helped popularize casual shit, like Facebook and mobile games.

>Because the Wii and 360 made deliberate overtures to NON gamers.
So why did PSX play music CDs and PS2 DVDs again?

Because Sony has a major boner for new formats, especially formats for which they hold patents. Why do you think they chose Blu-rays for the PS3, despite the fact that the Blu-ray drive was 1X compared to the 360's 12X DVD-drive, which led to better overall performance?

>lol who the fuck even used kinect :P

Sony was never about the gamer demographic, though. Those formats like BD and the snubbing of 2D early on make it pretty clear that they had normalfags in mind from the beginning because they had no faith in gamers to really sell consoles. Imagine a world without Sony and Microsoft dipping their hands in the video game market.

>Imagine a world without Sony and Microsoft dipping their hands in the video game market.
Nintendo would have dominated late 90s with its CD-based system, still having rights for Final Fantasy games and shit. SEGA would still be around and providing tad more "mature" content.

PSX playing music CDs was THE shit. Load the actual game disk into it or any other CD player and you got to play the soundtrack for a lot of games. Now you have to buy that shit separate. It's pretty crap.

DVD/BlueRay functionality is mostly just another reason for people to buy sony products and not give money to the competition. Two birds with one stone and all that.

>SEGA would still be around and providing tad more "mature" content.

Sega hung themselves of their own accord, don't delude yourself. Everything they made post-Genesis was a blunder, the fact that they survived into the 6th gen is nothing short of a miracle.

>hey, let's make several shitty snap-ons for our most popular console, then drop support after 6-7 months
>let's release a competitor for the Game Boy, but make it use a retarded amount of batteries to work for 4 hours, plus give it nothing of value
>let's push our 5th gen machine out several months early to only a few stores, that'll really help us win the generation
>let's make a disc-based console with shitty, weird memory units that cost a shitload, then bet everything on a crappy life simulator that will only ever be a cult hit at best

Reality: Nintendo dominates the market without any real competition until Apple injects themselves, Philips makes an independent attempt, Atari still crashes and burns.

is anyone gonna prove this guy wrong? because i dont feel like doing it

Nobody says this.

PacMan popularized gaming.

ps1 and ps2 were targeted to normal gamers
wii was waggle for kids/moms and 360 was mostly dudebros

>Sega hung themselves of their own accord, don't delude yourself.
imagine a world WITHOUT Sony playstation.

Saturn remains as the first and only successful 3D, CD-based console until N64 arrives - or rather, until 64DD is released. This gives it a huge headstart, and potentially once again attracts at least Square and their FF saga to SEGA's system, while already enjoying titles like Tomb Raider (which WAS indeed first on Saturn), Resident Evil, even potentially Metal Gear Solid.

Without the Sony's third wheel and superior hardware, the SEGA's more forgiving 3rd party policy + cheap and huge CDs remain unrivaled, making SEGA even more ruthless. Expansion devices or brand new systems would have been very likely released for it towards the end of the decade, and Dreamcast would be the first and the biggest 6th gen console.

Yeah, Nintendo would prolly still dominate with the Handhelds and Pokemon, but it's not hard to see SEGA lasting much longer and stronger in said bizarro universe.

Playstation turned video games from a niche interest to mainstream appeal.

Wii only won over with non-gamers. 360 is just overrated

It's pretty clear PS2 was an overture to "non gamers" because most people who bought the damn thing played FIFA or watched some DVDs, and then let it collect dust in a corner.

You don't get 150 million+ sales from just "non gamers", the demographic is not that huge. People here may think they're the target audience, but they aren't. Even the current consoles like PS4 and Xbone aren't made with Sup Forumsirgins in mind, hence all of the casual trash on them.

wat gaem

fuck, i was talking about the life simulator mentioned



Only americans can say something like that.

Wii popularize gaming with casual audience

He's right though. Every massively popular console in history got so popular by appealing to people who previously weren't into video games.

I think ps2 was the most successful console because how easy was to pirate games, I remember 10 or so years ago you could get any game for a single dollar, granted I live in a third world country, but all of my friends, literally all had a ps2, each one with 100+ games, getting those small discs was a pain in the ass to get so people just pirated and sell ps2 games, and there wasn't much to pirate anyway, I personally didn't knew about the existence of Dreamcast until I played neptunia so I suppose it was a bad console to begin with

>ps2 was the most successful console because how easy was to pirate games,
funny how people will say this and then say the dreamcast failed because of piracy

It's what I believe only

PS2 chips were more widespread in third world countries and thorough europe than the DreamCast's and that cheating program that enabled piracy.

All you had to do for Dreamcast was burn a disc. It also helped that Sega used quality components for their consoles instead of lasers that died within 2 years of moderate usage tops.

Honestly, in said markets, disc burners for homes weren't common.

Hell, Personal Computers with internet weren't even common until 2004 in those territories. That's why flea markets like the one I used to go to profitted off it so easily.

Yeah, good times. Well, except when I got japanese versions of localized games even though they were released YEARS ago. And all those defective discs I had to return. Fucking dicks.

>Those times the music stuttered because they always burnt games at max speed
FreeMCBoot was a miracle.

>Load the actual game disk into it or any other CD player and you got to play the soundtrack for a lot of games. Now you have to buy that shit separate. It's pretty crap.

That was true just for the first batch of games. From 97 pretty much every game had a compresed audio, not CD music.

>You don't get 150 million+ sales from just "non gamers", the demographic is not that huge.

A lot of people bought again PS2 since it had a lot of issues with the laser or malfunction because of the chip

>Playstation turned video games from a niche interest to mainstream appeal.

Atari, Amstrad and sinclair dont agree with you, but of course, you born on 90´s so you born with a playstation.

However per 1x of blu ray you get more megabytes than per 1x dvd and so the read speeds arent too far apart(ps3 1x 9MB or 72 megabits and 360 (average read speed 8x 10 megabytes 82 megabits)