>36 characters
>18 males and 18 females

>20 characters
>10 males and 10 females

Are other fighting games even trying? Why are BlazBlue and Under Night In-Birth the only fighting games that have roster with gender equality consisting of 50:50 male to female ratio?

How did lobbies go last night, Yuzuanon?

He was doing alright but we had a decent Enkidu stomp us a couple of times.

That Enkidu was me, he was doing fine but he needs to relax a little bit more when somebody is on top of him

>make thread
>it turns into UNIST thread
>gets pruned for being shitty bait
just make an unist thread so it doesn't get pruned this time
unist pc release when
uniel pc lobby where

Waifubait is easier to sell than a good game.

>A billion characters
Are other fighting games even trying?

Didn't think these lobbies would last past the first week of release. Might grab PS+ this weekend.

>Roster for any fighting game not UNIB or BB
COME ON, IT'S 2017.

Think they'll add new sprites for cross for the characters in UNI and P4 that shows their skeletons when they get zapped or affected by amane or relius attacks

We're all intent on getting better.

I really want to be great buddies with Jubei and stroke his head while he tells me stories

This is why Guilty Gear is shit. The roster is mostly men. Guilty Gear is the gayest anime fighting game.

how do I Hyde? I can't seem to do his 66B consistently after 236B, 236A

>Being good using Enkidu

Literally how?

HONESTY and skill

all those female characters and yet at least in blazblue
like maybe only 4 at best get used

Why use 66B when 66C exists?

knowing how to get in

whoops I meant 66C

I pray for DOA6 to only consist of female characters.

That's sweet.

I want to ejaculate inside Jubei while he begs for more.

66C is a self explanatory move but it gets easier the more you use it. You have a good length of time from detonating your fireball to link it.

so git gud, got it thanks user

>look mom! I posted it again! Go tell stepdad I'm not a retard after all!

>assault, j.5A, cs, j.5C

How the hell do I pull this off? There's not enough air for me to do j.5C after the cs. I only managed to accidentally do it once.

>mods delete uniel threads
>leave gg threads that have been acting as a general up

It's definitely possible since I pulled it off and I thought the same as you. Just hit with jA at the highest point and mash CS

You need to time the j.5A to hit just at the edge so you have enough air to continue the rest of the sequence. Not sure what character you playing, but it should apply in general.

The j.A has to be insanely high. Those air cs into another jumping attack are pretty hard

When have they deleted uniel threads?

So what trick did they use for Jubei to extend his hurtbox?

Because all of the women either have big tits with exposed cleavage or "little girls who are 900 years old so it's okay to jack off to them"

I don't know how the Japanese youth haven't offed themselves from boredom when 99% of all of their characters are the exact same five fucking archetypes.

Also it's not a fucking numbers game with equality, at least not to any sane person. It's the same thing with Western games; everybody posts those collages of bald white dudes as main characters and laughs about it but as soon as somebody makes a female main character that doesn't have big tits with revealing clothing everybody screams that it's SJW pandering bullshit. If Half Life 2 was released today everybody would scream about Alyx being a strong independent womyn who don't need no men and how Valve has been cucked by a nigger or some shit.


>I made the thread again mom!

how do I punch jews

When does Jubei officially launch? Isn't it August 3rd?

Which one?


Don't you touch a single hair on that mans head.

Yes Yes

41236D with full meter


Everyone says thats just for arcades.

Im only repeating what Ive heard though.

i want to smack that cat's butt




Literally just made him bigger than he is in all the concept art and shit.

That would require effort. This crossover is a shitty cashgrab with literally 100% reused assets.

Sounds like a desperate last resort solution. I was thinking they might make Jubei wear a tall geta.

fuck off goober

I want to dress Jubei up like a little girl and introduce him to a bunch of fat old men!

It'd be weird for a game called Skullgirls to have an even gender ratio

>most of them are shovelware characters or memeshit like the Duane or F1 key with stolen or recycled sprites/gifs

Love it

Don't forget UNIst has two gays.

Still better than Guilty Gear, though.

And BB has:
>1 gay
>1 pedo crossdresser
>1 tranny

>falseflagging shitposter can't get any bites on his bait after hours of trying in gg threads
>begins to do it here to start a war that doesn't exist

I'm amazed, do you have literally no job? no life? no hobbies? anything?

That's not very nice.

>tons of good looking girl characters
>most played characters are shirtless unga man and weird monster thing

Of there isn't an [st] lobby up in like 40 min I'll set it up.

That was last version, Phonon and Seth are pretty popular now in arcades. Expect a lot of new ungas and Wagnerfags online though.

>little girls who are 900 years old so it's okay to jack off to them
Platinum is legit loli, though. She just happens to ALSO have the spirit of an older girl, which isn't really relevant 99% of the time.

What are you even talking about?

I love my Holy shit I did not want BBBCCC fuck now I'm committed to it and will now eat a hard punish man

He's a goober, user. They tend to be mentally ill. Just ignore.

Platinum is shota+loli most of the time. Izanami is Saya (loli in both body and mind)'s preserved corpse with some doll bits

Hold on, are you talking about Azrael and Arakune or Enkidu and Merkava?

Probably Gordy and Merkman

>1/3 of ranked matches are vs. Phonon
>Even if they're not Phonon, they're using Phonon plates/icons

Izanami, Jin, Mai and Nine are all more popular than Arakune and Azrael, so probably Enkidu and Merkava

She is literally too old looking to be a loli
She looks like she is 15 or older, not loli

Rachel and Plat are the only lolis in the game

If we're going to use "males" and "BlazBlue" in the same thread, then answer me this:

When was the last time you played a guy or group of guys in a video game, defeat the final boss, and actually enjoyed their endings?

You play BlazBlue using guys and all they'll get is some bullshit "2 B Continued" or some bullshit spiritual netorare.

Because, you know. You spent how much time playing the game, getting your balls kicked in by the bosses until you lucked out, and thrown away precious time that you should've spent doing something else.

I mean... Games now cost $39~$89; around enough money to go out on the streets and rent a hooker for a blowjob. You're suppose to enjoy the game in its entirety, not make you throw your console or PC out the window.

The fuck are you on? the AI in Blazblue is piss easy even on the hardest settings

What shade of brown is your skin ?

>shota fucker

BB AI is pretty easy. They are still there unlike GG's literal movies, but they can be beaten with BnBs alone

But yeah, BB's ending is straight up NTR

when will we get more info on this

TGS maybe

I dropped out of BB and its story on CSEX
how much fucked up did this already convoluted story became?

This is a shop right ?

I played like shit and killed the room early due to being tired.

Tomorrow, maybe.

No. Stop living under a rock.

How did a shitty Berserk 2016 tier american shitshow got in ?

>Under Night In-Birth

Who the fuck names these things? Is it the same idiot that names Squeenix's games?

Dragonball Z budokai tenkaichi 3 has over 100 characters, are other fighting games even trying?

I'll make the thread


No it's the guys behind Melty Blood.

And they all play mostly the same.


CP has a standard time travel plot, resulting in Ragna being the inspiration of himself

CF has some crazy time fuckery with the villains moving the cast from CT to CP and back again for several times, then Ragna literally sacrifices for our sins and everyone forgot him

Its ultra popular in Japan.
The Japanese love it to death.

I hate being public about it, but that image does things to my heart I am confused about.

Every fighter needs DoA option of configuring random choice
so I can exclude all make characters from the list.

>66C, 236A
>dp comes out

fuck this gay shit

Made the [st] lobby
Sup Forums meets west
pass Vee

Theres one already up, check catalog

Yeah, just noticed.
