Is it good?

Is it good?

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What about you actually fucking play it and find out?

is this made by some Sup Forumsirgins or something

/vp/ users.

Why are people talking about this so much all of a sudden? Did something happen?

>Not sage

That name is already taken by another /vp/ project.

Yes, a far superior project with actually good designs

Is it 100% finished now?

but they only have 3 gyms, the designs are nice but at least clover has all its gyms and shit in order


fuck off, majora.

8 gyms + E4. A post-game update is happening soon.

What are some really good romhacks?

>that hanginy line

Why the fuck would you play that garbage instead of sage, especially when sage just released a new demo?

The most important part about making a parody is to make it funny

Soon like next week?

Because Sage is shit.

I think you are mixing up sage (the /vp/ fangame that takes itself seriously) and clover (the /vp/ fangame that is shitpost incarnate)

Sage just had a new demo, so it's getting new attention. AFAIK nothing new happened with clover



Early September

Better looking pokemon than anything from gen 6/7

As someone from the coding team (formerly) on sage?
Ya its shit; all of the coders left when it was taken over by a crybaby fuckwit who couldn't accept that the bitch lost the election (and probably would have been assassinated if she won).

Can you stop shilling your garbage rpg maker game?
Clover is nearly finished and actually fun.
Sage will never be finished, is made by a bunch of tryhards, has SJW, and involved Reddit in a Sup Forums project.

>Pick the bird starter.
>Everything in the first area either has Peck or some sort of ice move.

>has SJW, and involved Reddit in a Sup Forums project.

so are people just making shit up now

here comes the article

>just memes with few good designs
>actually believable designs
i sure do wonder which one's superior


Played both, clover was better

that is basically what happened.
The lead writer/designer started fucking with everyone else because we were having fun after trump was elected.
They then ruined the Source repository and started spamming people in their personal lives until we all gave the fuck up, broke a bunch of their shit and left.

>Sup Forumsirgins
lol Sup Forums hasn't made anything to save it's life for years

I know /vp/ is full of underage kids but holy crap that is bad.

Clover is good. But the face sprites suck.

They should erase them.

The one that has a raindrop with a gun

Ancient memery.

sage has never had a "coding team." there's more coders now than ever, though. who even left that coded?

Most the clover devs are newfags who probably do not actually know what jewipede is
t. someone who lurks on their discord

>Try to do a nuzlocke of this
>Rival fight in the forest wipes my team because lol metronome
Fuck this shit.

It was designed to not be nuzlocked, you can still try but the game will be working against you

Yeah they had explicit traps to fuck over nuzlocke runners

>>Try to do a nuzlocke of this
Don't bother, the game has tons of shit just to fuck with nuzlockers

like what?

RIP any attempts at that.
Honestly nuzocking is the only way I can make Pokemon-esque games fun anymore.
With the exception of TPDP.

I like the Mexican/Aztec looking Pokemons in this.

A question, os there some kind of story in Clover?

Yeah. It would be pretty stupid to not have.

Shit, it's late and phrasing got me. I mean, what is it? Is it memespouting or some absurd somewhere near levels of Quartz?

Hey faggots,
I'm making the hardest dungeon in Clover
Give me ideas on how to make it unfun and bullshit
It's basic and uninteresting + memespouting

It's shit.


Weather is sandstorm, all mons hold brightpowder and have sand veil

It's the basic plot of fighting 8 gyms and going to the league. Your rival is the book definition of an edgelord and the evil team is Reddit.

All these fucking things are the best Pokemon I've ever seen.

I completely lost my fucking mind at Upchucken.

>Make it mazelike for no real reason.
>Multiple doors that just lead back to the entrance.
>Multiple required trainer fights, all trainers use teams of scrappy explosion Pokemon.

I've already got a teleport puzzle that makes Sector Eridanus look like a joke, don't you worry

are there fresh memes in it? i only want to play Sup Forums pokemon if there are hot memes.

>>Make it mazelike for no real reason.
Oh you know it
>>Multiple doors that just lead back to the entrance.
You actually can't leave until you beat the dungeon, but there are many doors that lead back to the first room
>>Multiple required trainer fights, all trainers use teams of scrappy explosion Pokemon.
I ain't in charge of that but fingers crossed

There's a bunch of smaller stories for each area like Nazi / Sup Forums Island, Tumblr-feminazis, the leader of the evil team (Reddit and "Know Your Meme") trying to find a quiet spot to masturbate, an overly edgy rival who is constantly made fun of.

There's a lot of memespouting, but it got more than a few chuckles out of me.

Constant Sandstorm
Give MOTHERFUCK an encounter rate of at least 35% on all floors.

Add lots of trainers that move forward to challenge you and block your path so you have to exit and walk back every fight.


Fill it with Zubats. Actual Zubats, fuck any Clover design.

>clover is shit
>sage is vaporware

Arjibi/royjibiv is such a great idea for normal/dragon why did they make it a two-stage shitmon aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA

updated version

like the FUG tower from Emerald except worse.

Noticed this as the top thread after a couple f5s.

Is this the official drama thread or should I find another?

Some of these just make me wonder why they even exist. Not because they're bad or because they're dumb or anything like that, just, why?

Why the hell is Evacycle a thing?

>makes Sector Eridanus look like a joke
Muh dick. Hurt me more, dawg.

A wild mon with high speed and self destruct
Wild mon with toxic/destiny bond

>He wasn't here for the day when this shit played on loop on Sup Forums

Yeah, but why the hell is an obscure Sup Forums meme in a /vp/ thing?

its not even in the demo user...
and every gimic mon is pretty much always going to be shit anyway.

I got it alllllll user
Fake walls, teleports, invisible spin tiles, ice floors, identical rooms with different exits, the works

You may wonder why I would do such a terrible thing. The answer is: fuck lets players. I'm the only one on the team who hates them, so I made a dungeon that you'd never want to stream, or watch a stream of. It also punishes faggots who savescum, because once you enter, you can't leave until you finish it.

There's already MOTHERFUCK which fills that niche.
>Bulky with solid speed and attack.
>Shadow Tag
>Only knows Explosion, Spore, Destiny Bond and Perish Song.

The only way to beat it is with a fast water or ice attacker.

The development of Clover's dex was... chaotic. They would take literally any design no matter how stupid/shit it was.
t. someone who made some designs for it.

Why is Bane a legendary Pokemon?


Why would he be anything but legendary?


Too fucking many.

>only gets brought up once in a blue moon
>not obscure

shit wtf these are 10/10


>tfw some Sup Forumsermin

Forgot the link
Its specially designed to be the most annoying thing in existence

Remember that Relicanth+Wailmer puzzle in Emerald? Make it so you need 2 specific mons to complete the dungeon so you're forced to bench part of your main team


pokemon sage is killed by pokemon clover

I remember when the dex was still being filled.

I helped create the major final designs for two of these, which I honestly feel is a pretty big deal, at least for me.

Fuck that, make it a full team.

This is a website for English-speaking people

Clover feels very refreshing, new region to explore, challenging on its own without the need to gimp yourself like in regular pokémon games, a new dex so it gives a lot of room to find new favorites

Fog route like the one from Sinnoh, all the trainers have OHKO moves and hold bright powder

This is the most evil thing I have read today

t. drumpft

this looks pretty good apart from #015 deviantart

Guy making the dungeon here
Stop suggesting battle/trainer related things
I'm only in charge of making the actual map
