Is this the best platformer ever made?

Is this the best platformer ever made?

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Maybe, but there are other feasible contenders:
>Super Mario World and 64
>Pac-Man World 2
>Donkey Kong Country 2
>Rayman: Revolution
>Spyro the Dragon

You mean Rayman 2

I meant 2D platformer

>Pac-Man World 2
Straight nostalgia goggles, buddy. The game shouldn't be remotely close to a list of the best platformer.

I'd have to give that title to this one.


It's pretty fucking close.

On a sidenote, what did everyone think of shake it?

overrated meme game



Reminder if you didn't play the GameCube version you can't claimed to have played World 2.

wario land 3 is better

Jesus this looks bad. Is the whole game just some platforms with a black background like that?

shake gimmick was annoying. The animated character models was an interesting aspect, imo. Aside from that, it was your standard Wario platformer, so I liked it.

Literally: Hold right: The game

Looks more fun than any of the Temple Run-like modern Sonic games.

Wario is literally perfect.
You can't find a flaw.

Not usually. The other areas are (for lack of a better term) better decorated.

You must be referring to Sonic Advance 2.

>have to play each level like a dozen times
>each time it's for a 30 second chunk of gameplay
The idea was good but it would have really benefited from less backtracking and longer playthroughs of each level.


>one of the best

I'd only go so far as to call Spyro 3 "alright." Wouldn't ever call it one of the best

Wouldn't know, haven't played it

>defensive Wariobabbies on suicide watch

>retards still talking shit about Sonic Advance 2 after all these years
It's literally the only good Sonic game since the Genesis you faggot.

Name a better 2D platformer song.

Advance 1 and 3 were superior.

Adventure 2 is also better.

You're a nigger of the highest order.

Agreed. Even if 2D Mario is your favorite platformer series I don't see how anyone could prefer it over SMB3.


>Thread asking if a game is the best platformer of all time
>Reply with a bunch of mediocre at best platformers

>Advance 1 and 3 were superior
I cannot imagine having taste this bad. Oh wait, you like Adventure 2 so you're a retard by default.

no you fucking idiot
literally the only level like that
hell every level before that is the sun perpetually going down until its a dark night

I consider them about even. World had more content and secrets, 3 had more fun levels and power-ups.

Fuckin' Castle Calamity

>Pac Man World 2
>Super Mario World


it's definitely in my top ten.
>that music

It's not, but it's pretty friggin' up there.
Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World are still way better in the level area, and 3D platformers are a whole different ball game, but Wario absolutely railed the genre by having 6 slam-dunk platformers in a row, with 1 hit-or-miss and an entire fun party game series under his belt. Too bad Game & Wario and Ashleyfags pretty much killed his chances of being anything but Mario filler now though.

It's good but gets a bit repetitive

not quite

Super Mario World was a sharp decline from the NES Mario games, especially 3.

As for Pac-Man World 2, Pac-Man really has no business being a platformer. It suffers from shoddy camera work and wonky controls, much like 3D Sonic games.

>Super Mario World was a sharp decline from the NES Mario games
Explain further.

Super Mario World increased the level sizes but decreased the amount of enemies and platforms. It was also a lot more bland than 3 since a lot of the time in SMW you spend running across mostly flat, grassy plains with only a few enemies and hardly any actual platforms. There aren't any truly difficult jumps to make. Also, the cape and Yoshi are laughably overpowered to the point where the cape allows you to fly over 90% of the levels with complete impunity and Yoshi is a penalty-free hit that you can jump right back on. There's also the various Yoshi powers that serve to trivialize platforming even further.

SMB3's levels were concise, loaded with content, and were incredibly well-designed. SMB3 also had more power-ups and a better structure that didn't allow you to cheese levels you've beaten for power-ups and lives. The item system was also better in 3 because if you lost your power-up you'd have to go searching for another one instead of waiting for one to slowly float from the sky. SMB3 forces you to actually play it, SMW doesn't.

It was pretty good, but the best thing about it was the hand-drawn animation. I would love to see a Mario game done similarly.

>Pac-Man World 2
>not World 1

this box art always annoyed me.
Why is he going away from the giant temple of gold?

wrong picture OP