>there is a Roblox game that has been played half a billion times
There is a Roblox game that has been played half a billion times
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Alternate accounts.
i really wish she was DISINTEGRATED would've been sick to show those losers that villains can fucking KILL people
It's 500 million. Stop trying to make it look larger by saying billion.
At the current rate, it'll be a billion soon.
If roblox was on steam it would be in the top 5 games at all times
>tfw never see any new or interesting places anymore since the same places are on the front page for fucking years
Which game is it?
>there are people on this board right now that still maintains their Neopets account
Seriously what the hell
Keep in mind this is a weekday at 9:30pm
>work at a Pizza Place is still on top
that was my jam
>All those chinese-tier ripoffs of other games.
Adding a real monetary incentive was a mistake.
150,706 players just from those games
Keep in mind their are hundreds of more games with players on them, and its 9:00 at night.
Even still just with those top games it would be the 4th most played game on steam right now, Might even be third if we could count every game being played right now
>There are about 10 role play games that take place in a town or high school
Jesus Christ it's turning into 2nd Life for kids over there
what episode does the main character smash the frog girl
Roblox fag/attempted dev here. AMA.
How many robux did you get from your place?
What is your game or what was it going to be?
20 million. Devexed it all and now I'm $50k richer. (this was before their new rates which is now 1k to $3.5)
That's a secret. It was on the most popular page for a little over a month though. A few youtubers played it which helped.
post proof
What was your game
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ____!
I'll help you guys out though. Here are a few youtubers who played it.
Yeah but good luck finding anyone doing jack shit
I decided to play it again for old times sake and all everyone was doing was RPing and sitting around doing fuck all
Yeah Work at a Pizza Place is the longest lasting game from over the years. The gameplay is even the same, just fine tuned to be more modern.
>there are people who didn't stop reading when Deku beat an experienced villain with the power of determination
Here's the thing about pizza place.
It nails every aspect kids want from a roblox game
>Sense of community
>Building mechanics
>Simple concept
>Easy to understand
>Play sessions can however long you want
This is the secret to so many roblox games, that is if the games in question aren't just clones of other games the kids think are cool and edgy (case clicker, CB:RO, surf, murder, etc.)
I had cybersex on Roblox and I'm almost positive the girl was underage, can I get in legal trouble?
Anime High School?
From what I can determine you either made Speed Run or a FNAF RP.
Only if she was an undercover cop.
Seriously though, there's likely thousands of underage kids cybersexing each other at this very moment on Roblox, they cant be reading all the chat logs at all times.
There was an event that happened not too long ago where a mom got angry because some user messaged her daughter's account calling her his "bae" or something like that.
Parents just aren't aware what their kids are doing these days.
As for you, no. The moderators are chained up chinese kids doing work for food who can't even speak fluent english. Plus, in game chat is only archived up to a few hundred messages anyways.
Post GGs.
>That hitreg
Ding ding ding, Co-developed the FNaF one along with a few kids. It's fucking retarded how little roblox cares about copyright abuse. I guess they're just waiting for the holders to contact them or something. Go to the audio catalog and see for yourself the pirated songs that were just uploaded for kids to use freely.
Regardless it makes bank for such a low effort
First (you) gets 5k free robux. Just tell me your username & join this group roblox.com
newfags cant dual wield ice dagger / ghost sword
>tfw SFOTH is forgotten
>play neopets as a kid
>/vg/ board gets made
>they have a neopets general
>log into my old account for old time's sake
>play a few games
>make a few million neopoints off of the kiss a mortog game
>give it all to people on /vg/
>get banned for winning too much at the mortog game
Name is giygas9
>More people are playing Roblox than TF2.
went back to play this game on a nostalgia trip one day and it felt SO off. Really floaty and all kinds of broken stuff. theres no reason really to play anymore :(
Roblox servers run at a very low tickrate, somewhere between 10 and 20 I think.
Good games:
>Super mario 64 in roblox with unique level design
>Basically a pokemon game but with other people.
>cozy infiniminer clone
>professional quality puzzle game
oh fuck off
I just checked the group, your only a normal member and are the first guy, meaning you JUST joined the group
Fuck off kid
Even though it isn't on the front page, people still play it. It even gets updated from time to time.
Wait a second... are you Helloburp? I feel like Helloburp would be on Sup Forums
robux successfully transmitted to your account
have fun
Yeah I knew the offer was bullshit. Guess I'll have to get money some other way. . . Say, what is the latest meme game lets players have picked up?
>New Froppy doujin
>contains extreme prolapsing
Bleeh. There's a point were it's really just gross tubes flipping around. And this bitch seems to immediately get prolapsed. Is that a power of hers or something? To prolapse on command?
Fuck meant to do
Or maybe it wasn't, hot damn. Thanks.
Eh fuck it
ro blo x.com/games/140479234/Place-Roulette-Open-Version
>ywn get a froppy in the mail
Get in here, lets do some stupid shit
fuck off swadley
What is your favorite episode of Little Erkley?
What a bunch of jews. They must have enough money from kids with mom's credit card to afford an upgrade.
A true "SAVED , BELIEVER" is identified with Christ in HIS DEATH. Not only was Christ crucified on Calvary,but a saved believer was crucified as well within Him. What this means is that this is the end of the believers self as a sinner in God's sight. God looks at self righteousness as filthy rags.(this is a very strong analogy, demonstrating the significance of importance to Gods message on this matter. Filthy rags in those times were referred to woman's menstrual bloody dirty rags).The believer after being crucified in Christ is a new creation through what Christ has done on the cross at Calvary. Our old ways have died. We are righteous in the eyes of GOD not by our own deeds or by following traditional religion,but by truly believing what Christ has done for us and sin then has no longer won. It means for the saved believer the end of the persons life . Being crucified with Christ. The end of a believer as a child of ADAM,but a new creation in Christ.. The old child has been crucified and has no longer has claims on the believers life. This "TRUTH" is their(my) standing with GOD as well as it is truth with the believers(my)behavior. The believer does not cease to live as a personality or as an individual. We are the one who is seen by GOD as having died is not the same who lives. It is no longer"I who live"but it manifests as "Christ who lives in me". Our savior Jesus Christ did not die for the believer(me) in order that we may go on living our lives as we choose. Christ died for us believers so that for now on He might be able to live HIS life in US(me)! The life I live now is this Human body,I (you)live by Faith in the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ.We must walk in this Faith and take our authority. For CHRIST is within us now and SIN(AKA the devil)has no residence in our body mind and soul-SIN cannot occupy residence what CHRIST occupies. Sin must flee!
FAITH means total reliance,dependence on CHRIST by fully yielding to HIM,by allowing Christ to live HIS life in the saved believer. That being said,the true believers life is Christ and not a law or religion.(Gods laws,10 commandments are written in our hearts thru HIS SPIRIT which takes residence within us when we are saved. It is a natural law that will convict us if we do not obey it. Our nature thru the sanctification and grace of GOD enables us to naturally thru our spirit being, follow His laws,and not by our striving to do our own works conditionally. It is not a matter of striving,but of trusting that we live in Christ. A true believer naturally will live a HOLY life,they live not out of fear or punishment,but out of LOVE to the Son of GOD,with whom GOD loved so much He gave His life for us.Therefore, Let us have heartfelt sincere, heartfelt prayer thanking God(Jesus Christ) for what He has done for us and ask and yield to Him that His life,His character,His Spirit be manifested in our hearts(lives). Thanking God for His unconditional grace upon us believers who have truly died on the cross with Christ. Let us receive it so that we may be the true example of Christ and become Christ so that our light will shine and penetrate to others. In Christ Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Most devs on roblox have no sense of good game design so they just shit out "gamepasses" for everything. Not that they are trying to be as greedy as possible. If they were, games like those would be the least of roblox's problems.
Can I have some robux pl0x? :3
I was talking about Roblox fixing their netcode, probably should have clarified that.
You do have a point though.
Post them avatars if you a real roblox nigga
>they got rid of tix
Winner of the 5k here. Can't wait to use it to make me look more like a robot than a cybergoth.
Sorry, it's midnight and I barely get sleep in the first place.
That was when I pretty much just stopped bothering to even check the site.
I only come back for Halloween and Easter now, but last Halloween was a skip too.
>Promise events where NBC and non-devs earn robux
>fail to deliver and edit blog post to not have any mentions of promise.
Petition for TIX?
It would never work because the target audience (kids) give zero shits.