My left hand was sealed away for being too powerful

My left hand was sealed away for being too powerful.

I got tendonitis, I need to lay off it for a while.

What games can I play one handed?

Other urls found in this thread:

Any turn based. How about Civ 5?

Or Fallout 1 & 2.

a lot of turn based jrpgs

cookie clicker

You trying to give me tendonitis in my other hand you cheeky fuck

Guess I'll look for something turnbased on steam then. Anything new come out?



Darkest Dungeon

>Carpal tunnel imminent

Could play Point and Click/Interactive VN games if you're into that
Danganronpa, 999, Phoenix Wright are some examples

Dance Dance Revolution
Any VNs or Point and Click game
Maybe Phone games

If you got it from playing osu you deserved it

Wii games that don't require nunchucks to play

IIDX (just turn on auto scratch)


Beat all 5 Disgaea games

I need to call and set up a doctors appointment tomorrow. My pinky and ring finger on my right hand have been numb for a week and a half now. I was hoping it would go away on it's own, but that's definitely not going to happen

>a werk
Get ready for surgery.

trails in the sky
civ 5
any vn
sim city

thats all i can think of that you only need a mouse for

Whad you do OP? I am a very intense, detail-oriented drawer and I often hold the pen/pencil so tightly my hand hurts. I fear this could really be bad in the long run, as I can't re-teach myself how to hold a pencil

That sounds like ulnar tunnel syndrome m80. I got it before but thankfully didn't need surgery.

Pls no. They aren't entirely numb and I can still move them and handle things just fine. It's more like half numb

Bump for TitS
Easily one of the best games I've played in recent memory


your gonna get ed

I did a little research before and saw that might be it. I just hope I can get in soon and have a doctor take a look and help.
Did you make a full recovery?

You are fucked . I suggest you use your other hand to draw, it will only take you 1 to 3 months to git gud.
Also less wrist and more elbow/shoulder.

Walking Dead telltale games and strategy games like Rimworld and Stellaris are mostly mouse clicking I believe.

xcom enemy unknown
any civ
cities skylines if you're into that sort of thing

Most hentai games

my dicks like 4 feet long