Who in the FUCK saved this bitch over the town?
Who in the FUCK saved this bitch over the town?
She was a cunt from the start and brought her deaths upon herself multiple times, wish I could have just let her die when she was in the bathroom
Who in the FUCK played this garbage over everything else?
she has a pussy, the town has concrete. take your pick
He unironically wants to fuck Chloe. Sad!
>worst character in whole game
>make a sequel about her
Literally why?
Its what Max would have done, she loved Chloe that much.
I loved this bitch
How are those extra chromosomes working out for ya, user?
They're pretty great actually, thanks for asking m8
I'll be damned if I ever let the dahaka win.
This game is garbage and none of your choices matter at all. The entire game is literally pointless except for the last choice which is obvious, save the cunt or save the people you damned trying to save the cunt from her autism.
>picking bay over bae
lmaoing at your life
People who played all those games and were bored...
God that thing was persistent
>blue hair
>no tits
>ugly personality
For real...she's shit. Objectively shit.
Waifufaggin Sup Forumsedditors?
People with terminal cases of shit taste?
Fuck the town. It's just full of creeps and assholes.
Because she was hella worth it
Haha yeah! Her step-DOUCHE was such an asshole :)
He was worse than an asshole desu, secretly filming people is a big red flag.
People who voted for Hillary.
>I gotta blame somebody, otherwise it's all my fault. Fuck that.
she had stellar dialogue and was the most complex character in the game why else???
This game hit very close to home for me as pathetic as that sounds. I abandoned my best friend from gradeschool freshman year because I was normie idiot, and I've always regretted never reconnecting with them.
I went into this game wanting to like this girl, because I liked her hair. I didn't. Fuck Chloe, what a piece of shit.
>get the power to literally bend time to your will for the purpose of saving a single girl
>choosing to throw away everything you've been through for a town already headed for ruin
It's clear that the connection between Max and Chloe is something truly special, even with all of Chloe's flaws (not to mention how Chloe matures throughout your journey together). Sacrificing her just felt like something I couldn't do, despite the storm fucking up the town
Betas who have a thing for shittiest characters.
Its headed for ruin because you are going through hell and high water to save her in the first place. She should have died in the bathroom with Nathan, not like she is an asset to society or anything. Someone who tries to struggle with a crazed madman with a gun to your stomach after antagonizing him before and after the attack, deserves to win a Darwin Award
I'm not talking about the storm though, I'm talking about the Prescotts running Arcadia into the ground. It hardly receives any outside attention and whatever little industry the town has is getting eroded. I doubt convicting Nathan would besmirch the family name enough to end the Prescotts (especially with him not actually being the mastermind), and if anything the massive blow to Blackwell will only sink the town lower. The town is fucked, so you might as well save the life of the most significant person in your life