What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Marina fags
Who will always pick marina, even though her choice of condiment is utterly shit
>no mustard
What's even the point?
>bad motion controlls
>lackluster story
>horrible weapon balance
>very laggy
>grizzco arbitrary locked every 3rd day
>no reason to get up in ranks
>ugly gremlin
>boring specials
>splatnet 2
the chum bucket in ranked matches
that Marina fags will always pick marina even though she choose the wrong shit
Pearl picks good shit
Marina picks disgusting shit
Marina fags will still pick Marina cause "MAI BROWN WAIFU"
Very little was added. Seems more of a copy paste of the 1st one than a sequel
say that to my turf not online see what happens
People like to throw the word "rehash" around like it means nothing when criticizing Nintendo but this is one of those times where it really does apply. It's still a ton of fun and I don't regret buying it in the slightest but I kind of wish they'd just made a Splatoon DX with more content. Also, I'm not crazy about the stage selection in this one.
>splatoon with LAN support
absolutely nothing.
Only kids and grown ass man children would play this trash. Losers
inb4 this post gets a serious reply
more like what went right?
Literally the same game , the only thing that's changed is the weapons and the added food cart.
Also shittier announcers
I'am gonna wreck you in turf war boy!
Not worth paying full price for something that barely changed, even more when it has as much content as Splatoon 1 had at launch
>Can't visit the old hub
>Marie and Callie, Pearl and Marina might as well not exist
>Cuttlefish not mentioned at all
>Octavio matters very little
>Weapons balance is even worse than before
This isn't a sequel it's a shoddy update billed as a sequel
>Callie doesn't appear at all post game other than being stupid enough to put the brainwashing glasses back on because she likes how they look on her, over and over and over again, it doesn't even explain how Octavio gets out again
>No reference to the previous squid kid who should now be 2 years older other than they stunk
No explanation on Grizz whatsoever
This game is fucking nothing.
All the stages are worse.
What's your main weapon type?
>12,5 tickrate
are you serious, thats fucking pathetic
What's your favourite map user?
A port of a generation old game sold at full price.
who the fuck plays a multiplayer focused shooter and gets butthurt for the reason of
>muh lore
like how can you be this retarded?
at least it's 900p
>not knowing that cuttlefish is on vacations with agent 3
First a mario thread, then a splatoon hate too
Man, PS fags are salty because they have no games to play right now besides a reboot crash.
lol enjoy your short lived thread you losers
Funny how sites only reported tickrste during the test fires and not he actual game
Nothing went wrong. Well, except the Salmon Run times. It should be open all the time, god damn it.
Well, it is if you play local.
i suck at it
I just knew someone was gonna make a hijikata post but I didn't know when.
I like it, the presentation of the game itself is fucking 10/10 even if it is a copy and paste of the older game
The current furry invasion in the plaza is a nightmare
I like it because I'm actually good at it, I've ranked up surprisingly quickly. I don't care if it's got shit tickrate or if it's for kids.
Not much. Some bad shit here and there, but overall a great game. 8.5/10 in my book. Shitposters need not apply.
15.75 according to this article. Still less than splatoon 1. What really pisses me off is they still don't have a damn reconnect option. Then warn you about disconnecting when you can't even reconnect to the game if you wanted to.
Something went wrong?
>level 21
>still in B
theres even more than that now. Idk who opened the flood gates today
The fact they're doing shitty segmented release on content again. I mean for the first game it was understandable because it wasn't fucking done and practically felt early access when it was released but this game has no excuse to still be doing this shit. Couple in the shitty 2-stage rotation that's still in and it's dreadful. I'm so fucking tired of humpback. I FUCKING HATE THIS STAGE and it keeps coming up. Release the fucking content faster or make 3-stage rotations like every fucking splatfest does.
SP didn't even focus on Marina and Pearl like it should have but since it didn't their characters don't seem as prominent as Marie and Callie who still get to be in the game as well. Also while cutting the news segment down to just boot up is a godsend it also makes you see Marina and Pearl even less. They're barely a presence it feels like.
Also we should be able to play Salmon Run whenever we want. If they're so concerned about that many people flocking to it that it would turn the other modes into a desert than maybe something is fucking wrong with the core design of the game. Here's a new game mode finally guys! But you can only play it when we say you can. Fuck off.
Still love the game though.