Game just came out of early access. Is it worth pirating?
Game just came out of early access. Is it worth pirating?
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No, it's inventive, original, and very cute. You should give money to the devs.
>t. dev
Played an hour or so, starting to get it, got a farm and chicken coop going with 4 tall pens. Some tabys, booms, crystal, and radiation. Might change out radiation don't know.
Game seems simple but I just started so who knows
Tried it out during the sale. Got boring fast so I refunded it.
It did ? I spend alot of time with my gf playing it. Didn't try out the glass desert yet. You spend most of the time discovering stuff as first timer, once you discover most of the stuff it's farming time onwards. You won't "replay" or start over for 2nd run. Is it worth it ? Well maybe on sales.
It's the free game of the new month on Xbox
No, it is a degeneracy pushing mess where you play as a lesbian nigger with problem hair.
jesus christ i thought that was a mask
This game is brand new? Why is it already free on Xbox?
but it never shows the main character in game
who gives a shit
That's how I got it. Actually pretty awesome. It's cute and fun, and there's a lot of random exploration. It's one of those games you're never really sure what's around the next corner.
It's a cute game to idly waste time in.
The dev does actually post here, so this wouldn't surprise me.
There's no reason to argue with people like the person you replied to, they care more about politics or social issues than video games.
Disregard opinions about issues outside the game.
Microsoft is cool sometimes
Go into your house on the launch patch and tell me you never see it.
uh, hello sweetie slimes represent nonwhites, and having nonwhites in videogames is really problematic.
They should include trigger (nigger) warnings for this
I think it's pretty fun desu.
I"m enjoying it more than i thought i would for a cute kids game
i bought it to play with my gf because she sucks at video games and she likes it, so its a win win
I hate it when devs push out this PC shit for brownie points hoping to get more sales.
What a shame, it looked interesting as well.
dont listen to these literal cucks
>Game looks fun
>Can't enjoy it because it has a person with brown skin
fuck you niggers are subhuman if you buy a game with a nigger you are a lib cuck degenerate autistic fuck faggot
I mostly just chalk posts like this up to irony now considering no one actively supports this shit anymore.
I'm undecided. It's strange because the game never sounds fun to play and I hardly ever feel in the mood to play it, but when I eventually open it (when I have nothing else to do), I kill 2-3 hours without even realizing it.
Is... is everyone in this thread shilling? Also,
>new game
>free on GWG on release because it's worthless shit that will make more money on GWG than actual sales
See the thing is I know you're baiting
The sad part is that I had to think about it for more than 3 seconds
Looks cute to me
I bought it to support the artist since I'm a fan of theirs, but farming game stuff ain't my jam. I get bored of it too fast.
We'd really be better of if we just picked our own fucking cotton. It was not worth it.
i honestly cant play through any of the games they give for free. im a bitch
The point of the game is to explore and experiment. You mess with the slime ecosystems, find out how to unlock doors and portals to new biomes, breed slimes, feed them different foods... etc
At the very least 20-30 hours of game play to see most of the world.
>It's cute
>Kitty slimes! :3
>my GF loves it
>it's the cutest thing
Is there anything to do with money after the first four hours yet?
Pirated the early version and got into it until I ran out of shit to raise slimes for.
How could anyone hate this cutie patootie?
I don't give a fuck if the persons black, white, yellow, or ayy lmao.
Making someone brown for the sake of being brown tells me all I need to know about these devs.
And? Things that are cute can also be fun you know.
nyoron ~~ :3
Or....just throwing it out there,maybe they just thought it looked better in relation to the rest of the design?
>brown person
>looking better in relation to anything
That logic doesnt make any sense. You said it yourself that you didn't care so what's the point on bringing it up? Nevermind the fact that its an FPS
Dont really think anyone does, its just the dank new bandwagon for summer to hop onto.
It's like Sup Forums has people roleplaying some inverse version of tumblr and being offended at everything because its fun.
Its comfy, but theres not alot of content, I've seen everything there is to do in around 10 hours. theres not alot of depth to it, so if you go in thinking it'll be Stardew Valley: Slimes ediiton or a viva pinata type game you'll be disappointed, which is sad as it'd be nice to see those niches be filled.
Dude, she has a fucking tumblr nose and dyed hair.
There is an agenda in her design. I play video games to escape from all this shit, not to be preached at. There is a reason Gamergate happened.
>tumblr nose
Well the positive thing is that the dev and artist want to dump tons of content into this game and don't have to rely on a publisher this time (like with Spiral Knights)
Even if you truly believed that not being white makes you not-human, she still looks cute, just think of her like a cat or dog.
Will this game cure my depression?
Hi tumblr.
it is kind of strange
i don't care about the "sjw" or w/e, it's just a cute game to play
but it is kind of weird that they showcase this as the 1.0 launch, some weird black girl with a fucked up face
why do that?
There is no way in hell you can tell me that this design looks better with dark skin. It actually genuinely looks like they made her black at the last minute to drum up sales.
She was meant to be white but yea that blacked her last minute.
The two sentences of your post conflict with each other. If you don't care what color the person is then why do you care what color the character is?
>Making someone brown for the sake of being brown tells me all I need to know about these devs.
I know this thread's become a Sup Forums echo chamber already so this post is probably going to fall on deaf ears but making someone brown for the sake of being brown is just fucking making someone brown. No one here has even explicitly mentioned or referenced where the dev has actually pushed an agenda. You're just assuming it's pushing an agenda because either A) you're paranoid due to said agenda being so widespread nowadays and you've been corrupted by the constant political bullshit around here, or B) you're just an opportunistic shitposter who saw this thread spiraling downward and decided to join in on the fun. All things considered, it's probably the latter. Fuck you, by the way.
Character was always brown.
Stop being triggered, Tumblr.
Fellow xbros unite
really good despite the character model added today. i was playing nonstop for a month before this and they added a ton of content since i initially picked it up. too much it feels like. it'd benefit greatly from multiplayer or a second character like in Pikmin 2 because the world can be so vast and there's simply too much to do in one day
fagget i've had this game since day 0 on steam and the character was never ever shown until this release.
>another episode of /vpol/ getting triggered despite it being months and months since we learned the protagonist was black
Try again, idiot. Her color has been set in stone for a long time now.
I bought it during the Summer Sale and refunded it before the 2 hour mark. I expected it to be low stress and easy, but jesus fuck it was even more boring than I expected.
Looks like one of the Gorillaz guys.
upboat XD
>too much to do
I can see this for something like Stardew Valley, but there's not much you actually have to do. Fruit and veg lays on the ground and regrows pretty quickly. Slimes don't starve. Sure you won't make as much money, but you can spend the entire day jerking off if you want to.
i don't see what out of the ordinary here
Because you are completely devoid of creativity.
I bet you didn't even breed oil monsters.
oops i mean british i get the too black/brown things mixed up.
it all depends on your goals really, but stuff like working on all your slime science can be a pain between hunting for resources or deciding to spend the day making money. im probably not the most efficient at either, but another player or the ability to switch to another character at will would've streamlined a lot
>I-I've had the game from day 1!
Her ARM is fucking brown, are you retarded? The arm that's holding the fucking gun you use all throughout the game.
>inb4 "t-they just added that recently!"
Fuck you. Have a random tweet from nearly a year ago that clearly shows what I'm talking about.
Honestly that tumblr nose in the profile picture should of been a warning sign.
>always liked brown girls
>game appeals to me
>no reason to complain
feels good to not be a faggot
Post proof or you're a faggot.
Have you even looked through this thread?
Bitch looks like fuckin 2d from Gorillaz
Is this lesbian shit accurate? I'm fine with the other two just not that.
Looks fine, fits the tone of the game. Unless they actually start pushing some political agenda in the middle of the game and make her a dyke, I don't see what the problem is.
i'm also here xbros
it's been EA for quite a while
>there are people ITT who don't want to play as a qt chocolate tomboy farmer waifu because NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
It's cute!
Does the game have more than 2 hours of content now? I only got about 3 hours out it when I played it some months ago.
You never see even her arm. Had no idea she was black until this thread.
>tumblr nose
>hurr what could that be?
It's really fun for maybe 10 hours. Then you hit a brick wall after you explore all the zones of farming cheap ass plorts and farming RNG rare mats to make shit to put on your ranch that's fun for 5 mins. I really wish it was better because it's a great concept and the art is visually appealing
it's free on Xbox
You get mail from a female friend throughout the game, and it eventually starts implying said friend has feelums for you.
What is wrong with you people, if the dev killed a guy, cheated on his wife, is mixed race or autistic. It doesn't change what the game already is.
>you never see her arm!
>always fucking there holding up the vacuum thing
user please. This is some "dog ate my homework" level of willing stupidity.
It's literally a ripoff of some one man indie game.
Probably the same retards that think a fanbase affects a game itself and not just the image of the game to the public (unless it's multiplayer).
>They added a character model
I'm almost okay with it.
I would have exactly zero problems with the way the character looked if they didn't add the fucking tumblr nose. It's the worst. Anything that has it would be immediately improved by removing that shit.
Is it a girl? I just remember their name being Casey
>but it never shows the main character in game
She's on the main menu.
I'm actually fine with it because there's no "I'm a nigger, pay attention to me!" bullshit tied to her. She's just a nigress. A cute one that I have no desire to fuck, somehow.
Cause these SJW tumblr fucks put more effort into what their character should look like for PC points than into making their game not shit.
Nice source.
Not like an idea for a game can be improved by people that didn't make it anyway so you have to have a point :^)
I'm 99% positive the friend sending you mail is a girl, either outright stated in one of the mails or heavily implied.
You're right. The hours spent making the game are nothing next to those spent in meetings designing the perfect protagonist to appeal to SJWs.
I hate it too, but it's a first person game, they could have no model, be an alien farmer or almost anything and you couldn't tell.
They don't ever mention the skin color of the character, let alone use it to push any agenda, the way which diversity should be handled. I don't see the issue honestly.
She's pretty cute. Yall buncha trigger niggers