Why does the west completely suck at horror

Why does the west completely suck at horror

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because they suck at everything else

Honestly its not that the west are bad at horror in general, we are bad at making horror games that require anything other than walking, running and hiding. Shame really.

Men in the west aren't afraid of shit like girls with long black hair in front of their faces. Whereas Asians are afraid of fucking everything.

So men in the west are afraid of muscular guys with masks and a knife then?

See? can do it too.

I mean, if the nigger has a knife that's pretty good reason to be scared.

I am a man in the west and I would be afraid of this, youtube.com/watch?v=hxKOoBQZK4Q yes. Not sure what point you are making.

that's another subject user

yes, because those monster are real. a nigger could come and stab you just because he chimped out. a little girl wont be doing shit

that show was dope as fuck

not horror though

Dead Space and Alien Isolation are much MUCH scarier than anything japs have made.

Because we keep trying to emulate Jap horror and Amnesia at every fucking point. It would be better if the games made related more to domestic horror stories, folklore or urban legends.

Basically we should be looking at movies like My Bloody Valentine, Camp Sleepaway or even Bodysnatchers rather than trying to copy The Ring or The Grudge.

To be fair, no one's actually afraid of Jason. They just want to see how creatively he can kill the next guy, like an incredibly violent Bugs Bunny.

We kind of are but the direction is wrong. You would expect a proper single player game but instead we get shit like Dead By Daylight or Friday the 13th.

Can't laugh hard enough at this

oh its just a bait thread

>posting wrong version

this thread is shit by the way

>if A:I or DS isn't the scariest shit for you it's bait

This is my last (you) enjoy it kid

>this thread is shit by the way
So is the board and look where we are, friend

because the only thing people in the west are afraid of anymore are rapists or being considered a rapist

gore is just fine. make a game about a rapist antagonist hunting people down and you potentially being the victim and it would get fucking non stop controversy and talk for years.

Controversy horror isn't really bad, but it might not stand the test of time.

Psychological horror is better.

Cause they try to add gore, and atmosphere to everything in the game, even picking up a single drop causes about 5mins worth of drums, and "HAUNTING" music... honestly I need to take shit for a headache before I even start games like that.

I didnt make that post just when i see a reply like yours I write it off as bait

I agree. People disagreeing with me are mostly bait, too.

is it?

because hollywood and jews suck the soul and creativity out of everything