Is the stealth genre dead?

Is the stealth genre dead?
Chaos Theory is still the GOAT right?

>Posting an image of wall and some plants.
Did you mean to post something else or?

>being this fucking blind

>being this fucking stupid

is Tenchu a good stealth series?



>I was only pretending to be retarded.

>Siri retired

it's siri btw

It seems like you mispronounced Thief 2

why isnt that woman wearing any bloomers

yeah user
syphonfilter 2 is the best I've ever heard

so did Gianna but she came back sorta

Chaos Theory is still the best stealth game. Gameplay still plays amazingly well, graphics aged a bit but aren't too bad. Older Thief and MGS games that were good for a long time haven't aged as well now.

>Siri and Gianna both retired

Why live

I didn't need to be reminded.

Thief may look like shit nowadays but the level complexity is still unbeaten to this day

Fuck I missed it.

Goddamnit. She looked like a VTMB cosplay

Stealth isn't a genre, it's just a game mechanic that can be added to action/adventure games.

>[file deleted]
Why? There is absolutely nothing explicit.

The stealth genre is admittedly dead. MGS 3 was a great game but the beginning of the end of stealth as we know it. Now stealth is more of an option like modern deus ex games or dishonored, where stealth is a feature but not the genre.

how do we bring it back

Make non casual games popular and able to make money. You look over there and I'll look over here to find a genie bottle.

She has no panties.

Puzzle isn't a genre, it's just a game mechanic that can be added to action/adventure games.

If stealth is the main focus of the gameplay then it is of the stealth genre you moron.

I think we could do it. alot of the popular indie games got that way because the devs posted on here. we would just need to shill the fuck out of it and hope someone moderately successful on youtube plays it and it blows up