Other urls found in this thread:

I feel like we're just in denial

...if I get this 3

No it isn't.



What is this game even about?

So how long will that take assuming that Steam actually has people watching /keeping tabs on game stats like this?

First for NEVER EVER



What games are you playing/looking forward to?

Haha, they actually retardo'd the thread? Oh boy, the codex is truly pissed this time.

You now realize that the real game here was waiting for the fake game to come out
And you just lost the game

if you have a computer and aren't a sape you must buy this game

Riding turtles or something

The protagonist is a guy with 2 legs, 16 arms and 8 heads fighting monsters.

1-2 and it doest come out ever
3-4 It comes out in the next day
5-6 it comes out within the next few years
7 and the new world trade center falls
8-9 an it comes out when it's ready

What a blast reading the last thread, lads. I wish I knew about this neanderthal superior person before.

Can this fuckin thing come out so i can stop Rin posting.
I got actual games to play.

So is Grimoire permbanned from rpgcodex now?

One away...

hahaha did he delay it again?

1-9 it never comes out
0 it comes out within 24 hours

Literally never coming out, the mighty sape triumphs again

But Rin is cute.

He swears it's uploaded on steam and waiting for approval.

Post more cute Animes

If you haven't played Wizardry 6-7, you have no right to pretend to want Grimoire.

A ride that never ends

Never stop Rinposting.


Doubt it, Jaesun just had enough and banished the main thread. I'm sure they'll make a new one soon enough.

Please don't encourage them.


A cute!

I've played plenty of old shit but never really played any blobbers like this outside of Grimrock, but feel like playing one now. Preferably one not made by an autistic yank over the course of 20 years of squatting in my city. Which should I play? M&M 6? Wiz 7 or 8 or something?


I ran out of pics a while ago. Been having to surf pixiv between posts.

we need to believe. it's all us lowly sapes can hope for in life. to be enlightened by superior thal works.

How retro are you willing to go, and do you mind making your own map?

demise: ascension is real good if you can handle fugly graphics

I'm going to bed with a plate of crow right beside me. When I wake up, I know what I'm having for breakfast.

It won't be crow.

This is my waifu
Her anime just got revived.

See ya'all in September!

>numale experiments lame
kys ironic nuweeb


looks like the chinese cartoon army have arrived to shit into the thread

a shame because there is no thread no RPGCODEX anymore too

good job


You can post the same image twice in a thread.

Someone asks this several times every thread, it's time to make a guidepasta response to this.

Wizardry 4, but it's only for real Neanderthals.

It's not like these threads serve a purpose anymore.

Use reverse image search tools you fucking sperg

t. 15 year old that has never even heard of blobbers before these threads

But who wants to see the same image twice?

Why does any general thread instantly collapse into waifu faggotry? I want to talk about the game not look at your hideous 2d sluts.



How the hell does Cleve keep tricking new people into thinking his game is real?

>yfw Grimoire releases tonight and sells 2k copies, gets mixed reviews, and is taken off of Steam


Everything was said already. Now we're just chatting.


Big Man Tyrone endorses Grimoire:

Grimwah 2012 Indiegogo Pitch Video:

Non-meme gameplay trailer:

Grimoire gameplay playlist (outdated but relevant):

Quick rundown:
>Old skool fantasy RPG dungeon blobber
>Turn based combat so you can take your time twitch ADHD babbys need not apply
>Can ride turtles
>Mostly developed in mid-90s
>Original targetted for Q3 1997 release
>Madman dev Cleve has worked on game ever since to perfect it
>Has missed every release date so far over the decades
>But this time is different because he actually seems serious and is excluding features to make release
>Cleve will surely not let us down this time
>Cleve is a Neanderthal locked in eternal kulturkampf with sapes (non-Neanderthal Homo Sapiens)
>Cleve is an American who moved to Australia after the 1992 LA riots to escape sapes
>Codes Grimoire in a self-built nuclear bunker
>Took down a homosexual cabal trying to make Wizardy 8 into gay furry fantasy with penisaur & gaping anus monsters
>Rescued countless runaway rentboys from the clutches of Max Phipps

Plus, I don't think it's going to release tonight.

Why are we still here?

>it still hasn't been released
Kek. Truly the greatest NEVER EVER of all time

two Rins better than no Rins

post yfw you're a sape

doing a mod run of terraria, then finishing darkest dungeon

might do a mod run of darkest dungeon afterwards or try pyre

I don't mind age, but I'd want as good as I can get, really. Manual maps aren't the end of the world but feel unnecessary.

I've been playing blobbers even before you old brother fucked your mother to give birth to you 9 months later

I believe Cleve. It's really just waiting for steam approval now.



steam will take 3 days to approve
see you guys in 3 days

>vol 4

so another collection like the originals?

Start with Lands of Lore. Then play M&M4-5.

once encountering the incline this board will be nothing but pure gameplay discussion for the rest of its life, this could very well be the last night ever to post anime

Consider trying out Etrian Odyssey. Start with 2 or 3, I'd say- the first one's kinda janky. The games all emulate very well.


Steam will need to do a full playthrough.
With 40 hours work weeks, that's 15 weeks.
See you in 4 months.

It's a remaster, yes.

I'm in my 30s and have never heard of games being refereed to as "Blobbers"
And I remember buying Eye of the Beholder 2 and Wizadry 8 when they were new and hot shit.

Oh scribe of Sup Forums, what the fuck is a "blobber", explain the name.

>Steam will need to do a full playthrough.
lol no

not that guy
whats wrong with the first? I've been wanting to try the series and I'm a sperg who wants to play them in order






it was a joke you sperg

hey guys look what just got released

I had forgotten about this game all day, was hoping it would be out by now. I guess I will check in a week or so since the retard is just now uploading the game to steam.
When this game releases this board will be nothing but console shitposting as every pc owner will spend a month straight on their first playthrough.



t. Robert Sirotek

Is that true? Seriously?

They trashed the Grimoire thread on codex and checking Cleveland's steam profile he's currently online. But when I checked his rpg codex profile he was looking at some threads... However it seems like the mods also deleted every post he ever made on rpg codex. Is that true? Can someone double check this?


It's not being released today, tomorrow or ever.

He's going to keep saying there is some micro pico machu picchu issues and then pull it again and wait for Valve to "approve" it.

Blobber means that you have an entire party that shares a single physical location like conjoined twins.
The word comes from the character you control being basically a blob with 2 legs, x heads and x*2 arms where x is the number of your party members.

it's just a series where all the games are mechanically very similar with the later simply improving on the predecessors

there's some underlying lore that connects the games but I never bothered with it
chances are you wont finish them anyways to connect all the dots

Despite not knowing about this games existence until a couple days ago, it would have been pretty nice if its full version was real and actually released. Oh well, I suppose us anons gotta find something else to occupy our time with.

Sorry, you can't say you're not underage and have never heard dungeon crawlers referred to as blobbers. Even the mainstream journos at RPS use the term and they don't know shit.

The screen vaguely blobs when you move around in one game none of the people who are using the term has ever played.