5 new zones

>5 new zones
>Going back to the Crystal Desert and Elona from GW: Nightfall
>Story is focused on GW1 lore (Balthazaar)
>new classes
>rideable mounts
>only $29.99

Holy fuck, Guild Wars 2 is going to be good now

Other urls found in this thread:


>Guild Wars 2 is going to be good now
>Guild Wars 2 is going to be good now

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on my pants on head retarded ass.


Do I still have to buy the last expansion.
Do People who bought the original game still get nothing as compensation for owning it.

How many new MMOs, botched patches, and failed expansions have to come out before people stop getting hyped before content is released? You people are fucking dumb.

new zones
>>Going back to the Crystal Desert and Elona from GW: Nightfall
>>Story is focused on GW1 lore (Balthazaar)
>>new classes
>>rideable mounts
>>only $29.99
What about will make the game good? Story can be enjoyed onec at best, mounts to faster pass shitty areas? Wow. New classes? Not even the old classes interested me. Price? At least they know the worth of their trash.

Its literally going back to Guild Wars 1

How can you not be excited

>Holy fuck, Guild Wars 2 is going to be good now
It's going to be good when they decide to drop GW2 and return to GW1.

>Its literally going back to Guild Wars 1
Usually you would call that using rehashed areas, lazy efforts, lack of ideas. It's also going back to GW1 with GW2 mechanics.

>Its literally going back to Guild Wars 1
Have you even played GW1?

gosh I can't wait to see all the content this expansion brings into the cash shop

>rideable mounts
GW2 didn't have mounts?

>no new races
>no new classes, only "specs" which are poorly balanced and not really interesting
>new zones are just a bunch of sand with a shitton of niggers
>the new character customizations is only nigger shit for humans
>mounts are ugly as fuck
>HoT isn't part of f2p content, if you want to buy new xpac, you stil need to drop 20 extra bucks to buy HoT
>They're release those new specs, which lets us swap between "class", but needs us to have the whole fucking set for that new class in our inventory, while they still charge gems for inventory expansion
>i have 3 bag expansion myself and more than half of my inventory is stuff i'm binded to, can't store anywhere else because might need to swap class to fulfil role in raid, because retarded aNet wouldn't just fucking create new classes already

I've been playing gw2 daily in the last 60 days. But since xpac announcement, i haven't logged in again.

Yeah, please, let it fucking die. FFXIV xpac was far superior, ffs even WoW xpac was better and far more promising, and i fucking hate WoW.

>HoT isn't part of f2p content, if you want to buy new xpac, you stil need to drop 20 extra bucks to buy HoT
You dont need HoT to play PoR

It only had toy "mounts" like a magic carpet and witch broom

Oh, sure, because missing out 140 mastery points/raids, won't be a problem at all. That's like saying that you can be a man, without having a dick.

HoT comes with PoF

No, it doesn't.

I only read that it came with it, but the evidence stands.

This is a joke, right? It's visiting reskinned areas from GW1, and that's it. Nothing else about it is even vaguely similar to GW1. Fuck off with this.

>game is so bad they have to use gw1 glory to try to bait people
holy fuck
I can't wait to farm a trillion months to get 1 (one) cool item

The thing is, people will actually fall for this bullshit.


"When you prepurchase any edition of Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire, you can add Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ during checkout and purchase both expansions together for less than the combined individual expansion prices. For more information on available expansion editions and bonuses, please visit the official site."

Sorry, mate. Anet just happy merchant'd the shit out of everyone.

>i need an entire alternate set of armor (six total items and POSSIBLY a weapon) on me at all times in case I'm suddenly asked to raid by people, which can happen at any time and I will have no preparation for

I assume that's actually you in the picture.

fuck off mike you game is ded


Because banking in and out 14 pieces of equipment and weapons isn't unnecessary effort at all. I normally join raids which requires multiclass, then obvsly i keep the stuff in my inventory. The issue is, i'd rather just swap character instead of swapping gear and relocating traits... But anet fucks up so hard, that they limit our character amount to minimum and charge us for extra inventory. That's been way to much a jerk with the players.

Your post made me laugh a lot though, i fucking love cats. Just as i love Guild Wars 2, for fuck sake, it's my favorite MMO ever, and the one i played the most. I had so high hopes for that xpac, and it already seem like the biggest flop ever.

POF is a standalone expansion retard, the masteries of maguuma work only in maguuma except for the quality of life ones like auto loot that you can use in tyria, stop shitposting

Also, it's six items from armor, six items from accessories/trinkets and weapons. So yeah, a shitlot of stuff.

why don't you just make legendary shit so you can swap freely, you are a raidfag so that's all you are gonna get from raids anyway

Sure, mate. You're shilling, i'm pointing actual flaws and i'm the one shitposting.

>actual flaws
>mindless blabbering about shit you don't know nothing about when they flat out stated in the reveal that it is STAND ALONE like gw1

ok go be a retard in your own little world


still cant play as a fucking koda or tengu

Is there a place to get it at a discount. Canadian money isn't worth anything.

Legendaries are no good for weapons/trinkets, since i would have to swap the weapon type anw and there's "no" legendary trinkets. But i do am close to getting an legendary armor though, which i will probably give up since i won't be in the mood to play again after this flop of a xpac.

What world are you living in, mate? Are you that much of a sucker for nigger shit from new xpac? My whole fucking guild is on the verge of dropping the game, and we're a 500 man / 200 online average, hardcore raiding guild.

As a warrior this entire expansion seems like it hates us thematically

>LOL Balthazzar is evil
>LOL spellbreaker literally has flashy spell skills
>LOL Guardian is basically berserkers
>LOL you're basically a bitch.

The xpac preview video was extremely cringy, their speech during it was fucking pretentious and autistic, since there weren't that much of actual gameplay relevant info to talk about lmao

>play GW2
>really like the engineer
>really like using the flame thrower and potions
>play a lot do ok in pretty much everything, be super tank guy in pvp
>meta is out in full swing
>every class has exactly one build worth a shit
>that one build is vastly different in every single game mode
>only good engie build requires using 3 different "weapons" and trying to use 50 different abilities in order
>get an itch
>hop on engie
>try to do a fractal
>get booted for being an engie three times, kicked the 4th for not using grenades
>horseshit grenade build is the only build worth a shit in an instance
>it's considered subpar

Never again. GW2 has to have some of the worst balance I've ever seen. WHY HAVE 50 FUCKING ABILITIES AND A DOZEN FUCKING WEAPONS IF EXACTLY ONE IS GOING TO BE USEFUL.

I just feel as a long time Warrior player they have no idea what a fucking Warrior is anymore.

We're supposed to dominate physical combat, not shoot magical daggers everywhere.

>Play Warrior
>Want to use Axes
>Get booted because I am not playing flag commander and going full anime with a greatsword.

It's worse when EVERY skill added by Berserker is never used, only flags and arc divider.

>Some of the promo art literally shows a greataxe
>No new weapon types added.

I don't get it, new weapon skills all need new animations ANYWAY, why not add new weapon types?

I'm a ranger main since the game released, bro. I wanted to be a ranged dps with cool pets. What i got was melee range attacking with Shortbow, trap spamming also in melee range retardly, or full blown >SUPPORT HEALER< faggotry. And now, i get to fucking loss my pet and be an less efficient thief... While Thiefs and Revs gets actually cool ranged combat. Thanks aNet, that totally makes sense.

>guardian staff not balanced
>warrior rifle still not balanced
>ele staff not balanced

You get the idea - adding a weapon means more balancing work

The other class I loved was warrior with a gun. It feels like I'm hauling around a canon. But it's terrible. I may as well be shooting jizz at people for as much damage as the rifle does.

You mean

>Warrior anything not Bow, Hammer, Greatsword

Seriously, I played an Axe Warrior in GW1, I loved cutting off healing and generally making people run away.

Now Axes are literally "Worse Greatswords"

Like, Warriors are supposed to be meaty fuckers who tread into the thick of battle, yet they have shit defenses and zero defensive options outside of hoping their HP bar is high enough.


Why the fuck does the Mesmer get an axe? Its been like half a decade and I still can't use a goddamn pistol in my mainhand?

SeeI want you to right now to give me a class were every weapon is within 30% usability of each other.

ANET couldn't balance a square on a fucking level table. Balance works like this:

>do they have melee weapon that does damage?
>do they have one ranged weapon that brings utility while doing 25% as much damage as previously mentioned melee weapon?


And that's not even counting the poor fucking engineer who has two "main" weapons and neither are worth a shit. Or the Rev who has 12 abilities and only a quarter of them are actually useful and offer absolutely, literally, I'm-dead-fucking-serious no cross talent tree synergy.

>Guild Wars 2 is going to be good now

is this shit for real? that's the best they can do?

>Balthazar is the god of Fire and War


Fuck me, they're going to make Balthazar evil forever until we kill him.

>5 zones
I can't wait for 5 shitty-ass zones with almost no content in it and balanced around a zerg-train goign around it.
I can't wait them to time-gate them through masteries that took fucking forever to level.
I can't wait for them to have NO meaningful rewards whatsoever (armor, weapons) and the little shit they put in it will be ugly as sin and requires months of grinding the above zerg trains.
I can't wait for them to put a new "Elonian set" mounts / armor / glider / weapons on the gem store the very day the expansion comes out.

>since this morning, i haven't logged in again
fuckin savage kid

>Comeback to see changes on my fav class Engie
>Weapon kit swapping is still king for actual damage
>Turrets and Gadgets are still meme skills after 5 fucking years

Unless the new engie holo specialization is ridiculously good I wouldn't consider buying it.


get the fuck out so people can enjoy the game in peace without LE HARDCORE RAIDERZZZ plaguing it with their crap elitism, go play world of cuckcraft

>bring pvp focused class that does well in roaming and 1v1

holy shit fucking millennials never played a fucking MMO in their life should just kill themselves, play a PVE class if you want to do PVE you fucking mongoloid, you fags complained for years that everyone could do everything and there was notrinity, now you reap what you sowed bitch

Is it just me or does the new Necro specialization look like it was designed for PvE? From what I've seen, you're giving up a lot of precious survivability for....more boon hate and conditions.

I'm sure it will be a great alternative to scrapper. But the weapon will be worthless trash in all, but one game mode. You'll still use grenades/flame thrower/elixir gun, but now you'll get extra stacks of might!

Made a new thread on /vg/

The botspammer is still at large so, if you see any offtopic, please report it. ALso, include the word "colin" in your message so that we can tell you apart.

We can make this work

Other thread autosaged while I typed this:

>While they cannot truly fly, they can hover for short distances at a height of several norn, making them indispensable for crossing large areas of treacherous quicksand or sulfur.
>crossing areas
Mounts are simply more bloated grind pits that players must acquire in order to access parts of the map. Mastery trash v2.0.

>Tyrian races kill two elder dragons without any truly catastrophic result
>Balthazar wakes up and wants to blow up the planet to kill one dragon
The human gods, no matter how much importance in-game characters put on them, have done NOTHING throughout the entirety of the franchise. This makes them boring characters. The dragons are elemental forces of nature who only seek to arbitrarily destroy things. This makes them boring characters. Weaving a plot which centers around Balthazar and [Dragon] is the most contrived and boring possible storyline that anyone could have ever made ever--not to mention the plot hole and a half that comes with the green text above.

>Rev (the class that shouldn't have ever existed) gets a new bow-wielding Charr spirit: it's Pyre Fierceshot's no-name, foot-note granddaughter who didn't do shit compared to ending the reign of the goddamn titans
>Thief rifle because stealth, standing still, and ranged tab targeting with lethal-damage DoTs is fun
>Ranger pets still aren't Engineer kits
>inevitable grind treadmill and time-gate walls in order to get baseline content because otherwise the expac would be exposed as 2 hours of content.

CONCLUSION: It's anet/10.

I could play a fucking Thief and literally be god tier at every single facet of the game.

I refuse to believe you are this stupid. You can't. I refuse to believe someone capable of semi coherent typing could be this stupid.

It's only remotely interesting because it kind of looks like an area denial class, but positioning and timing never really mattered in that game's PvP due to teleports, stability and invulnerability spam while boons never mattered in PvE because whatever. Guild Wars 2 conditions are also the worst implementation of DoTs I've ever seen in any video game ever. The game would simply be better without them. Boons are hardly any better.

>plays nothing like GW1
>its literally GW1
You're the exact sucker they're trying to dupe with this nostalgia bait.

Same fucking morons who bought ESO Morrowind

I can't decide what class I'm gonna play for this xpac, I played for awhile at launch, and came back for several months after HoT, but I'm only sitting on 3 80s.

I think I've narrowed it down to Thief, Elementalist or Ranger. I hesitate because as I'm Australian with my constant 300 ping targeted abilities are cancer to land unless my opponent is literally standing still, and that's just in PVE, don't even get me started on PVP.

The lack of stability with the new specialization worries me too. And those barriers seem like a piss poor way of protection too, it's just gonna make getting focused down even more painful as a necro. At least with Reaper, if more than three people jumped you could at least face-tank their attacks for a little while cleaving them down their HP.

I like the idea of area denial but shit ain't gonna work in PvP considering all the leaps, teleports and blinks that other classes have.

>people still being duped by nostalgia pandering in 2017
GW2 plays nothing like GW1. They're just reusing areas from a good game.

So what I gather is people just want to be reminded of GW1 instead of actually playing it

arena net plz go

Balthazaar being the big bad does not make this game loyal to GW1 lore

fuck your new writing team they cant hold a candle to the original

Neato, another aussie player. I'm a pvp player myself but goddamn it's painful sometimes. Fighting evade spam thieves are the fucking WORST with 280+ ping

I wanted HoT to be free so all of those worthless niggers who got the base game for free would be burned the same way I was.

>POF is a standalone expansion retard, the masteries of maguuma work only in maguuma
You say that like all that forced extra grind that's arbitrarily isolated within select zones--for the sole reason of making it look like those zones have any actual meaningful content--is a good thing, shillanon.

No, no, the fucking worst is when someone evade spams you and you try to evade spam back AND IT DOES NOTHING.

Mostly it's not about balance, but about player perception. First year people had a misbelief that necro is bad at pve, but power necros dealt like 30% more damage than warriors, while not being squishy like elems. You only needed wars for their banners. Engineers did more damage too, but you're right, you had to do like 3 times the efforts of wars and 5x the efforts of necros in order to do that damage.

Having to constantly spam all your shit out of CD when you basically have 3-4 total weapons is just dumb and is not funny.

Stability never should have existed, but I understand what you mean anyway. GW2 has a myriad of critical issues that cripple the game, but one of the biggest is how player movement has never remotely matched the speed of damage. Damage travels so fast and freely in GW2 that the game might as well be fucking Runescape. You could manually juke damage better in GW1, and that game didn't even have a fucking jump button.

Gw2 is so tragic.

Never have I seen a group of such talented art and zone designers get paired up with such shit game/story designers.

The story designers are slowly getting... better I guess. But there was a point I was doing the living world story in Gw2 after just coming back from playng witcher3... and the question kept in my mind.. why the fuck am I playing this when I could be playing witcher 3's story which is better in almost every single way.

The answer should've been team-play and MMO elements but those are completely devoid in the GW2.

The problem with GW2 is that it's the most on-rails game I've ever seen. Nothing is free for the player to truly choose and have weight to. Your character's skills are hotswappable and meaningless. Your characters spec is hotswappable and meaningless. Your characters gear is mostly irrelevent.

The best part of this game is the 'dress-up' element to it (grind for currency, then trade it for gems to buy pretty dresses to take pictures and paste on instagram).. I know LOTS of girls who play this game religiously for that aspect alone. In terms of actual character development it's junk.

The combat system is laughable. There is no planning involved. No "First I'm going to do this, then do that, which depends on this".... instead it's more of a button mash. Use all 4 skills every time they're off cooldown! If your a pro you already know 2 of those skills are useless so just use 2 skills whenever they're off cooldown.

There's no DPS meter or anything to be remotely competitive.

It's honestly the worst mechanics of an MMO I've ever witnessed... which is such a shame because its art design and level design team are the best I've ever seen in any MMO.

all they literally had to do was keep the customizable skillbar but give us like 10 spells instead and one elite then I would play it, also I liked how in GW1 it was a forced campaign, so everyone would always see each other in the next town/mission

Good thing I gave up on playing thief a long time ago. The only fun I had with it was when I dicked around a petting zoo thief build. Running around with your own posse of 7 summoned thieves was pretty funny.

Stability is okay, it's just some classes get a CRAZY amount of it. I mean Ranger has an elite skill that gives them 10 STACKS. Scrappers shit out stability every time they dodge and summon a gyro. Warriors can completely mitigate direct damage for certain periods of time, mesmers and thieves can just evade spam and guardians can just go invulnerable whenever they feel like it.

What do necros get? A second health bar and two dodges. It sounds nice on paper until you realize everyone else can outdamage you anyway and just blow it up within a couple of seconds. You got a point with the movement in the game, however my gripe is with how many classes that have access to all these crazy defensive passive skills without having to sacrifice any damage when for necros YOU GOTTA be glass cannon otherwise you'll hit like a wet noodle and die anyway.

You have to buy the expansions separately, and buyers of the original still get fucked

The problem with power necros and necros and general is that they didn't bring shit to the group. A warrior could /follow and jackoff and as long as he was shouting and dropping banners he brought more to a 5 man team than the best necro in necro town.

Anyway player perception and balance are one in the same. Especially in games that outright favor certain classes in certain scenarios. I could be the best fucking engineer in the history of forever, I could triple the damage of my entire group every time I played and I'd still be the one everyone eyes warily if any sort of mistake was made.

>gw1 has never been on sale since gw2 released

This is Teddy. He plays ff14 and tries to steal their idea. He also pretends he is a girl and it racist if you call him a him

They took everything good and abandoned it, didn't they, Neb?

>be charr/ironlegion/engineer
>serious fuck interested in getting shit done
>invent ghostbore
>promoted to centurion
>fucking 10/10 love this character
>now pick an order to follow

>vigil is serious fucks
>BUT looks like character will only be developed through tests of arms/daring, and they demand your character lick their boots right off the bat with no recourse for being a prideful faggot

>priory would value novelties/intelligence & probably develop the character's invention/engineering side
>adhd/un-serious focus, get side-tracked on very first day, the fucking mentor is a leaf and the faction is known for being snooty chickenshits

>whispers talks big about getting results/being serious
>is actually the comedic faction

There's no correct option

>"I will become the only god!"

What the fuck is this? Why is Balthazar acting like a fucking retarded super villain? There's no way that the garbage story telling team will be able to explain his change of character in any satisfying way, or what became of the other human gods.

Your taking this game too seriously man. All 3 factions are voiced and written by the same people such that beyond namesakes they will all function pretty similarly. (Tell you their options and motives which are reskinned versions of each other in a monotonous voice).

I mean your character gets basically all their 'common' skills at level 10, what more do you expect from this game?

Lol.. Play witcher 3 for an hour and come back to play this GW2 storyline. I have no idea how 'humans' can make storylines as engaging as witcher 3.... then turn around and pump out garbage like GW2.

I'm sure it's going to be like a scooby doo episode where they pull the mask off and it's one guy, but they realize that he's wearing another mask and it turns out to be someone entirely different

my guess is scarlett

You're with your order for a VERY short time, go with what feels right.

Personally went whispers on my engy. Was leaning hard on priory, but the whispers just consistently had the most practical solutions beyond brute force.

I played a Charr Engineer and had this exact fucking choice, so I feel your pain.

You know what I did? I picked Priory, grinded to level 53, and then quite the game and never picked it back up because I couldn't take it anymore.

I'm sure you can find some advice in that somewhere.

Be lucky colin isn't the lead creative dev anymore, He okayed the abomination that was living story season 1

The head lore "master" was a failed dnd novel author who think being progressive is the best thing ever. No, she hasn't quit.

Those choice doesn't mean jack shit in the long run. Your character will become irrelevant, your warband forgotten, and your Charr, a god hater, will bow down to the Pale Tree, a "god" of the sylvari.

Priory's not so great huh?

The only correct option is the option with the order armor that you like the most.

Shut the fuck up, shill.


You aren't even the main character in this shit story.

advertisers don't even bother hiding it anymore

jesus fucking christ I'm tired of this

Its sad that to get into the industry on the technical side (art/ programming) you need real credentials/ skills, but for writing and for a lot of the design elements, this just doesn't exist. I look at some of the people that are hired in these positions and I have no idea how they get vetted in the first place. Its crazy how good art has gotten but game design (especially in AAA titles) has been stagnant for over a decade.

they're all shit
it all goes out the window pretty quickly so there is no reason to spend any time worrying about it

>No new races
>no new class
>developers promised that whenever a new expansion released you'd only need to buy said expansion to get access to all content
>HoT doesn't come with it

they're accusing other people of being shills now it's pathetic

you're just starved for content and excited anet is finally releasing some, this might be good for the stockholm syndrome playerbase but its more of the same shit. if you didnt like things then, you wont now.

Yes. You're essentially doing Trahearne's wild hunt for him and he was trying to say it was more important than killing the elder dragon. Then again, Angel McCoy circlejerk her plant race so much she disregard your character. What is sad is that you got players that think this was the right way to pay a file and rank soldier/nothero character, which isn't when you're doing all the work anyways.