What is it that makes YuGiOh so satisfying in video games vs Magic or Pokemon?
What is it that makes YuGiOh so satisfying in video games vs Magic or Pokemon?
No resource management.
Casual shit
better card design, better mechanics, better hair
>What is it that makes YuGiOh so satisfying in video games
Link monsters will hopefully slow this shit down, but I still don't like them because they effectively killed my Odd-Eyes Magician and Synchron decks.
i can use my waifu in every deck
No mana/energies and, until recently, less archetype driven.
>less archetype driven
Really? How?
I wish we could go back to when decks had themes instead of archetypes
>expecting that when Firewall got actually fuvking printed
Lmaoing at ur life
>until recently, less archetype driven.
Yugioh has been archetype driven since 5Ds era
I've never played competitively, I just hate the fact that I won't be able to play with anyone other than myself because everyone's going to be playing with the new format.
>Once while face-up on the field (Quick Effect): You can target monsters on the field and/or GY up to the number of monsters co-linked to this card; return them to the hand. If a monster this card points to is destroyed by battle or sent to the GY: You can Special Summon 1 monster from your hand.
What the fuck am I reading? It's the first time a yugioh card actually confuses me
Dark World was my shit years ago.
I hope the Switch game has an option to only use these sets online
What part of that effect confuses you? Its pretty simple to understand.
Ah, yeah, Dark World. GX archetype. I guess Gravekeepers were around back then too. Archetypes have always been a part of Yugioh
>Switch game
I just don't quite get the new mechanics yet
Sorry nothing confirmed yet, but every handheld ever has had one
It's weird to hear "GX." I divide Yugioh into pre synchro and post synchro
The link part confuses you? By link it means other cards the arrows around the picture points to.
What the FUCK man, since when do they call the Graveyard "GY"? Shit's fucking retarded. I hate this game sometimes.
yugioh should be divided into pre-chaos and post-chaos
nostalgia and anime
I understand that IOC changed the game but it's no where near as drastic as the monthly total overhauls that started with synchro. I know Konami has always just wanted people to buy the new pack, but now you literally can't win unless you do.
Mods just deleted a Little Witch thread where there was game discussion going on.
This thread is probably next.
I hate this board.
>Nostalgiafags constantly whine that newer cards have too many words
>Now when they try to shorten words to make it easier to read the newer cards they whine about that too
Fuck you and fuck everyone like you.
I can still make a functional zombie deck that thrives on generic cards that fit the playstyle, and even 5Ds has tons of really good generic synchro cards. Nowdays, every new card effect is "Raidraptor" this and "Fluffal" that. Even zombies are going to get in on that with Vendread.
I never complained about textwalls, as long as my opponent explains what the fuck they do instead of playing solitaire in silence like an autist.
What's your favorite rarity and why?
synchro is just an extension of what IOC started
not even like all decks in synchro were reliant on synchro either like glad beasts
>where there was game discussion going on.
>vidya discussions on Sup Forums
ahahahah yeah sure faggot. The thread was prob anime shitposting for the most part.
This is why pre synchro is the real yugioh.
Ultra, it just looks nice
Ghost rare.
Not having to physically interact with the jittery skeletons, pedophiles, edgelords, walking autism advertisements, and that 40 year-old that only showers when his parents threaten to kick him out of the house.
>Retards are posting in 1 (ONE) thread
>Better delete the thread so the shitposting goes elsewhere and probably scatters around several threads instead of a containment one.
Pleb as fuck, Synchros were Yugioh's golden age. Xyz were where it went downhill, and Pendulum is just raping the corpse
but muh beatdown.
>playing a childrens card game marketed towards children
>not playing Magic instead which is mainly an audience of adults
pendulum was way better than xyz fuck you
Magic isn't fun.
Nothing. Yugioh is a terrible card game.
Magic's problem with video games is just Wizards being jews and refusing to make a good video game adaptation. Everything's either gimped like hell in card selection or has a UI straight out of 2001.
Pokemon's problem is that EX cards are pure fucking cancer but I can't fault the online client for that. It's by far the best modern online card game (fuck hearthstone, though it's still overall better than yugioh) and the two gameboy color games are the best card games period.
synchro era was pretty good, it was alot more balanced than vanilla
>playing Magic "I just draw the second puzzle piece and am now going to jerk off onto my deck for 20 minutes until I win" The Gathering.
Secret, it's a secret
fantasy card games are still fantasy card games user
5d'sfag who could nevee get back into the game during the pendulum shit after taking an extended break, is it now easier to get back into things now that the whole Link summoning thing is just getting started?
if you liked to spam synchros out the ass then you got fucked hard by the new rules.
>better card design, better mechanics
please be bait
depends on the card usually but ultimate rares post DUEA are all great
Yugioh has always been the most archetype driven card game.
>Get the YuGiOh game on the PS4
>End matches in minutes
I always thought the game would last as long as they do in the anime.
I already know, I found it enjoyable way back when playing casually but I'm willing to adjust. Synchro's have been taking shit for a while if I recall.
It's the truth.
It was (keyword:was) simple and amazing when it came out. That and the anime series was great compared to Pokemon.
Then Yugioh GX started and it all went downhill from there.
Added more card types than pokemon and magic combined
Favored OTK decks
Effect monster after effect monster
Long ass card descriptions
Making the game for adhd kids who can't sit and play a card game for more than 30 mins.
What a shame.
Yugioh didn't even have archetypes until Legacy of Darkness.
>playing resourceless solitaire for ten minutes during your turn
>good mechanics
>cards that literally refer to each other by name so they're only usable in one specific context or set of cards
>good card design
I like the monsters
I got an apple magician girl a little while back
very happy
Meanwhile, magic has never had them
Well that
1) Magic is shit
2) Pokemon have absolutely nothing to do with yugioh
3) A wide variety of monster designs for everyone to like.
It makes for better video games since generally the game is faster and with less things to manage.
I prefer tabletops and board games to video games by a large margin, but video games don't require preptime, teaching someone the rules, and almost always allow you to simply play by yourself. Yugioh is a much simpler card game at its core than Magic, but I'd put it similar to Pokemon currently.
Even Links, Xyz and Synchros are easy enough to fit into a 5 minute tutorial. There's a reason Duel Links is one of Konami's most profitable games. It's fast and mindless/.
>TCG video games
What? They're all unbearable grindfests with seemingly cheating AIs.
That said, there's no competition anyways. Wizards only has MTGO and Duels, which are absolute garbage. Pokemon has 2 GBC games but they have a solid online client. And Vanguard has 3 3DS games that have not and never will be released in the states.
And it's not like Yugioh has a good video game post 2011 either, because Legacy of the Duelist sucks.
Well for starters there are games (but a surprising lack of them now)
I'd kill for a new Pokemon tcg rpg or magic one.
A willingness to tell the rules to go fuck themselves and just make a vaguely related game.
>long ass card descriptions
>Relinquished literally didn't have "this must be ritual summoned" on the card at first because it had too much text on it to begin with
You're retarded.
You still have to use mana for everything. You can't just throw a green card in a black deck because it has an effect that would help it.
>You can't just splash a color
Yes you can?
So you've never played Reanimator?
Legacy Reanimator doesn't care about mana cost, because it never pays them. Same with Through The Breach or Sneak n Show.
Phyrexian mana, and color fixing artifacts. You aren't locked to using specific cards, you just need to make the mana. There's tons of different lands and spells that cause you to create mana.
I literally use cards for black but pay life instead so I don't use swamps.
I started playing YGO in january (never played it in real life but my last time was playing 5Ds 2010 Reverse of Arcadia) and it has been a little bit overwhelming.
I still can't understand what the fuck is going on when I'm playing against a zoodiac.
Prove me wrong. No protip. You just can't.
Should we post this on /dng/ at /vg/ just for keks and lels?
Yugifriends, help me understand face-down stuff. Am I allowed to perform certain summoning techniques if the monsters on my side of the field are face-down? I know I can tribute, but can I perform fusion/synchro/xyz/ritual/link if the monster is face-down on the field?
Animated series isn't supposed to be correct user.
Punchline sucks too. TP is supposed to be edgy, which would mean Dragon Rulers format. CD-I would be Bandai Cards. Overall poor work. 2/10 try again.
Look, I know you think you know a lot about Magic, but I know way more, so just stop talking before you embarrass yourselves, okay?
Didn't make it, I just found it a long time ago and never had the chance to post it.
What should be changed? I like the CD-i one, metafags are annoying.
Heard you guys were comparing TCGs
Whenever I play, I just kind of assume whatever they're doing is fine.
I play a stupid Magician deck that I can clown on people with, but I have no idea what people are talking about half the time. I barely understand the vernacular they're using, let alone the context of whatever they're saying.
Get this shit out of here. I should kill you.
I accept your surrender.
Ya got a problem with a great card game ruined by its name?
>No resource management.
>a good thing
I hope you're just shitposting and don't seriously think this.
supers before 2006. idk but the card's quality today feels more shitty.
you can't synchro face-down
Ritual summons yes (exception being if the Ritual Spell specifies face-up), the rest of those special summons no, the monsters must be face-up on the field
>Thread full of magicfags spamming "MUH RESOURCES"
lmao fucking idiots
your cards are your resources
Not an argument.
not an argument.
Because magic games still won't let me kill other people by hurting myself.
Every game mentioned has that. The issue is that using cards as a resource in YGO means nothing because everyone has ways to turn the graveyard into a second hand
Burning Abyss was a mistake
Nekroz was a mistake
Mana isn't archetypes. Yugioh doens't have only 5 archetypes with tons of compatibility. You're a moron.
The nigger chimp outs over them
Even if you didn't make it, that doesn't make it not shit.
For starters, a Metagame has always been in the game since set 1, so it doesn't make sense for CD-I to say META because that'd mean the entire game's life and isn't a format nor a golden age.
Secondly, the template is supposed to be OoT gives a straight answer, LoZ gives no-nonsense, WW innocence, TP edgy, AS weird, CD-I punchline.
What it should be is OoT saying GX, because that's when most "normal" people grew out of it, LoZ saying GOAT Control, WW saying non-tryhards, alternatively not having a golden age because he's a kid, TP Dragon Rulers, AS Bandai Cards, CD-I making a season zero or duelist kingdom joke.
>Implying this isn't edgy
>muh monster effects - the game
YGO went to shit long time ago
This. Yugioh is absolutely shitfaced in this aspect. There are too many A card that ONLY work with B card, starting from elemental hero era, and that kills the game for me.
I don't know what's the word. Synergy? Yugioh seems to lack something like that.
That helps. Thank you.
Alright how do we trigger /dng/?
Is there a reason they keep introducing new summoning mechanics, or are they just introducing new gimmicks to keep things "fresh"?
Stopped playing/watching yugioh after the original series
Ignore gx completely
See card games on motorcycles and decide to check out new yugioh because red dragon archfiend looked cool
Synchro sounds interesting, actually synchronizes your deck towards summoning a synchro monster
XYZ sounds dumb/op, but it limits itself with xyz material cost
Stop paying attention just as xyz begins
Come back again
Pendulum- where the cards are spell and monster ???
Link summoning ????
Why are there so many now?