Who did you free first and why was it Hedwyn?
Jodariel best girl
Pyre thread
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If I had to do it all over again I would have freed Rukey first, he doesn't angst over being first like Jodi and Hedwyn does anyone else.
visual novel
I don't remember that character.
for those who haven't heard it, some user found this in the sound files:
The game felt like it rushed too quickly to the first liberation rite, despite it taking the most amount of time to get there. You don't get to learn much about the characters until after it, and if you send anyone but Hedwyn up, i'm pretty sure you won't even know the past of the person you're liberating. It creates a vacuum that feels unnecessary. I knew nothing about Jodi because I sent her up first, and I would need to replay the game just to learn basic things about her if it weren't for these threads.
The game was great, I just felt like it would have done well to have side objectives or more downtime between rites rather than every rite ending with "now let's go look outside"
Man, I thought Hedwyn would be happy about being picked. He gets to go home to his waifu and it's a step towards fulfilling his promise to you. I didn't realize he was taking such personal responsibility towards that promise, really kind of a mood-killer
i agree, they probably should have offered bios for 2/3 of the starting trio before the first rite so you could judge who deserved liberation most, as it stands someone's story has to go unresolved until next playthrough
though there's something to be said about confronting the player with a tough decision out of the blue and forcing them to live with the consequences
Yeah. I think it was their intent to force a difficult decision on you, but I just think the decision could have been made even more difficult if you knew everyone's backstories. I'm sure some people would struggle more with who to liberate if they knew the pasts of the people fighting for their freedom. However for a lot of other people, I'm sure the answer would be clear and it would remove the gravity of the situation.
Even just offering you the chance to ask the characters about their lives, like Hedwyn, would have done well to help people get to know the trio better, in the chance that it would be one of them that would be liberated.
Pretty much this.
Also felt like nothing get resolved in the main game until the epilogue where everything becomes alright with a couple lines of text
First for me was Ti'zo, I just said to myself let's get my buddies out last so I can spend more time with them (since I cannot leave);
Second one was sir Gilman, but then when Volfred said there may be not enough liberation rites left for everybody I got Rukey's Jodi's and Edwyn's ass out of there ASAP
Does this shitty game have a platinum guide already or nah
I honestly think the game could have used a fakeout on the first liberation rite. Instead of giving a rite, Celeste is upset with you,
both for your long absence and for no-showing at another ritual site. Volfred eventually pieces together that an extra Triumvirate threw off the league. You go to rematch to fix the count (I'd personally go with the Accusers to give more backstory for the Nightwings), and return to Solaim. This gives time for a short despair spot (Where even Volfred has to ponder if they screwed up), an opportunity for another backstory and foreshadowing on both a rogue triumvirate and the cycle of rites being damaged.
I feel like the last liberation rite should have been The Reader vs Oralech.
It's kinda an artifact of the plot; You can't give anyone a final ending until you know how the plan went.
I think that it should act as a normal liberation rite until either pyre gets to 50%.
Your annointed should collapse, having hidden banishment sickness to avoid letting down the team.
Orlech's companions move to continue the rite,
but Orlech orders them back. You go onto the field to check on your annointed and he/she is down for the count. You help take him/her off the field and weigh your options. Any spare players cannot be used because they did not pledge themselves to the annointed, and would ruin the rite. You return to the field, as technically you've always been a part of the three. You are slow and and have a small aura, but have a transcendent hope stat:Your aura reflects enemy aura casts and you respawn quickly. The exact mechanics would be tweaked to favor hammer and anvil tactics:
The Reader cannot really make any plays,
but is an excellent place to stage for one. Orlech is the only enemy who can effectively banish the Reader, so his speed is somewhat tempered by his divided responsiblity.
Win or lose, Orlech finds it hard to maintain his disdain for you, and even regrets calling you the Nightwing's shadow, noting he can't get you off his back.
What happens if you lose every Liberation Rite?
is the plan's chance of success literally a dice roll based on the % amount?
there's no golden ending that saves everyone, at least someone gets sort of screwed
though whether they're okay with being screwed is kind of up to interpretation
The Sandlewood Uprising fails miserably, but the Highwing remnant uses the chaos to destroy the Commonwealth violently.
The union is formed as in all other endings and most people are miserable as hell for all the bloodshed and bullshit that transpired.
harpies ruin everything but the country is still rebuilt from the ashes
I sent Rukey first.
Afterward I lost to the Withdrawn, then got Hedwyn, Jodariel, Pamitha, Volfred and on my last I got the Stowaway out. I have no regrets
But I would have liked to know what would have happened if I let Oralech go
>Afterward I lost to the Withdrawn
Fuck those guys so much. I don't know why but I always choke when I have to fight them. I'm like 1-3 on them.
Crones can jump REALLY fucking far. I started using Bertrude to make sick plays after I got her.
Thank god I didn't let the Chastity go. Manley's end was well deserved.
I do like this version becuase it kinda combines the other triumvirate themes, I like how it seems like the rites are restarting after a long time. I leaves for some good speculation if the proto song wasn't alterd
snakes are the best unit in the game and they can have 3 of them
If you win and don't send Orlech, he casts himself from Mount Solaim. It may be suicide, but he's survived that fall before.
If you win and send him up, he goes right back to medical work. Either to heal the wounded during the uprising or to help with the new Union.
If you lose and send him up, he does the same thing, but reconciles with Volfred and Ti'zo,
since you beamed the truth of the matter into his head. Best ending for Orlech (IMO)
If he wins and you go up on his offer, he finds peace with himself in the Downside, and reconciles with Volfred and Ti'zo. Best overall ending (Barring poor liberation choices)
what's the thing on the right called, I need to do some research.
It's really good to know he wouldn't cause trouble. He really did deserve it but I felt like my decision was made.
I didn't send Ti'zo, Sir Gilman and Bertrude because I liked them the most,
and I felt they could deal with being in the Downside the best. I felt like I was right on that regard.
A moustache?
The Nightwing affiliated Cur smuggler and momma's boy Rukey Greentail?
there's no porn
I don't think there's any good R34 for the game aside from a few Jodi pics
Daily reminder that her name is Mae.
he's very suave, I like the general style of this game.
I platinum'd bastion the other week but need to get around to transistor soon then I can finally start this afterwards.
Ti'zo is mostly concerned with his friends.
He's least happy alone, and prefers an ending with Orlech, Fae, Volfred or Reader.
Sir Gilman is happy in either location since his freedom is not rooted in his exile, since he chose exile personally. As long as he's finished his business with Sir Deluge, he can be happy.
Bertrude is happy either in downside or the new union, though she prefers Sir Gilman,
Volfred and Pamitha(?)'s company. She's remarkably useful in the union however,
Big Bertrudes basically runs itself at this point.
I personally prefer trading Ti'zo for Volfred;
There's something poetic about the man who could never see the world he build with his great plan. If he's with the Reader, they run a downside newspaper together.
>they write a newspaper together
Damn, That's a pretty good end. But hey, prime minister's not so bad either.
I freed Jodi first, and only freed Hedwyn after her and Rukey had been freed. Now they're all bros in the Union.
Sorry Hedwyn, I was weak, I freed Oralech ;_;
>let the psycho Lovecraft cultist go free
>no regrets
expel yourself
>Rumor has it that she's returned to the downside to be closer to Yslach.
All that fucking effort wasted.
well if you let her stay she blows herself to kingdom come so maybe you've saved a senile old woman
You're implying one does not immediately lead into the other.
does she blow herself up anyway? well shoot
wonder what the rest of the withdrawn did after they no longer had to attempt to revive a dead god day in and day out
Not on screen, since there's no evidence where Ulmlath went. Personally it makes sense though. Yslach never shows up topside, so the "logical" solution is to go back down there and see if you can give it a kick in the pants.
here's a doodle of best couple
taking similar simple requests, thread will probably archive so i'll post them in the next pyre thread
I'm considering buying this game, but I heard the AI is braindead and winning is easy which doesn't sound ideal for a game that already has very little actual gameplay.
My best ending:
Rukey, Jodariel, Edwyn, Pamtha, Tamitha, sir Gilman and Reader (and Sandra)
Not liberated:
Volfred, Bertrude, _ae, Ti'zo, Oralech (loose against him and try to comfort him)
Rukey got to his mama and with Pamtha, Jodi got her bffs with her, Tamitha and pamtha worked it out, Edwyn gets the pusspuss and keeps his promise, reader goes lewd with Sandra.
Ti'zo reunites with Oralech, _ae gets dogboy, Bertrude and Volfred toghether, Volfred & Oralech bro it out their differences
Also Sandra suffers an advanced form of best girl syndrome
Why are humans the only ones to grow horns after staying in downside.
Does anyone have this bigger? I'd love it as a wallapaper.
I never lost a liberation rite, so I got everyone but Volfred, Bertrude and Ti'zo out. I took Ti'zo's offer to return to commonwealth myself, with Oralech offing himself due to my dunks. And of course I took Sandra with me. Honestly, no regrets, really satisfied with the ending I got.
Fuck you
I almost got the same ending, but I sent off Bertrude instead of winged whore.
For the final rite I sent off Volfred to make sure he'll see the fruits of his revolution. Felt pretty bad for Oralech and Sandra, so I replayed the final rite twice to see other two endings. Oralech is a surprisingly cool guy.
Is the person on the middle a guy?
She's called curly horns.
I freed Ignacius, Ti'Zo, Sir Gilman, Gae, Hedwyn, Rukey, then Oralech.
Someone skipped legday
do best ghost
So does being a demon make you big and strong, or do only big and strong people live long enough to become demons?
Being a big guy would require you to eat more and the exile is not a place you can find food. Bae seemed to survive fine without being a big gal.
Stowawae will eventually turn into a muscle chick if she remains down there. Someone gets a hard on for that.
So is this game the same emotional bait that bastion and transistor were or the story is better now? Also how about the gameplay?
My man.
>not Fae or Rhae
Is this game more like a JPRG or WRPG? There's no retarded SJW elements are there? Is it actually good?
>help me i can't think for myself
Its a sports game with oregon trail style choose your own adventure style bits. There really isnt any SJW bits. Yes its pretty good.
it's a mediocre visual novel
In much the same way that the NBA games are bad Role-playing games. Please try again.
>lose the liberation rite against the Fate
>Dalbert gives up his spot for his son
I was pretty surprised by that.
Who /Tizo/ here?
>insanely mobile
>aura almost as big as Jodi's
>cute as fuck
>actually has a developed personality beyond party mascot
>too good for this world, too pure
Best fucking character coming through.
Who's the playable character in this game?
Imp master race coming through
but seriously, why wouldn't you use Ti'zo all the time, especially after you get his trial talisman?
(you) are
Do you think the game would've been better if the Rites consisted of a turn-based RPG battle instead of what we got?
I thoroughly enjoyed the game, and liked the magical NBA bits, but they're also the part that I liked the least.
So what you can customize the appearance or something?
No, but you can determine your backstory and your gender
Nah. Sportsball in a game like this made it more memorable, for better or worse.
pic related
This, although I would like to see Supergiant do a turn-based RPG focused around team composition, like Darkest Dungeon.
Lastly I've heard that once you lose a battle the game still continues, is there a way to replay said battle until you win?
Before you lose, pause the game and click on "Restart Rite". Either that, or load the last checkpoint.
>Barely any good fanart of this series yet
I want my solemn Tariq/Celeste wallpaper
Thanks for the info.
There's so many screens on this game that could work as wallpapers.
>Oralech is a surprisingly cool guy.
His only problem is being misguided. With that out of the way he's the most selfless character in the damn game.
>you can't liberate all of them
Anyone know where I can download the soundtrack?
>Saves your life even before he's sure you're a Reader
>Cooks for the whole team
>Always puts others happiness before his own
>Leads the revolution
>Was exiled because he loved a monstergirl
We should all strive to be more like Hedwyn.
You think that is bad
I failed 2 liberations
Pyre is easily the least accessible of all Supergiant's games
>expecting either him or Volfred to turn out to be dicks
>they're not
>they're genuinely both total bros
Me too, i deliberately lost against the Tempers and the Fate.
>lost to the Withdrawn
I lost to Essence and Oralech
The harps are real fucking bitch to win against
>The Essence
It was the only time I broke my "no restarts, you lose you live with it" rule because honestly their whole start-from-the-middle bullshit was too much especially since even the second it takes to switch between characters spelled death.
By platinum, do you mean a 100% achievement/trophy guide?
If so, there are some on Steam already, and the achievements are the same on PS4 AFAIK, so it shouldn't be a problem.
The whole game is about living with mistakes
It is echoed in everything in the game