These are the only MMBN games I haven't played, why are they said to be the worst ones?
These are the only MMBN games I haven't played, why are they said to be the worst ones?
to get to the endgame area, and get every chip you have to beat the game 3 times
not joking
also which of these is the best one and why?
Barely existent plot with a bunch of tedious filler scenarios (most of which have you backtrack across the internet again but with an annoying gimmick). The second tournament in particular makes you go across the same few areas to the exact same spot like 4 times depending on which filler scenarios get selected during your play through.
Don't forget the translation errors. Those were awful.
It's a pain in the ass if you care about post-game stuff.
>Lol let's make the player beat the game FOUR FUCKING TIMES to get everything
Also BN4 has a lot of "That one part" shit in it. To be fair all BN games do. But 4 is on a whole another level of that bullshit.
>Also BN4 has a lot of "That one part" shit in it.
the entire game can count as "that one part"
Ah yes, how could I forget with those chip descriptions that were complete nonsense.
Either one, just look up the souls/gigachips for each version to see which seems better.
the only two parts that really pissed me of was having to run around chip farming for the coldman part and then there was finding the navi selling the slider
Dangerous powder
on all grass
To be fair they had very little space to work with, Japanese can say a lot more in much smaller space
It's nothing but fucking tournament arcs, the entire game is a tournament
Just thinking about BN4 gets me mad as fuck
Capcom sure loves punching boulders
Yes but this wasn't as much of an issue in the previous three games in the series or the following two
I downloaded a bug fixing patch but idk how to know if the rom was patched correctly
Yeah but these could have been easily changed to make sense.
>A laser pierces 1 thru!
>A laser pierces 1 row
>Fire atk damages you
>Explosion counters fire atk (explosion can fit, see pic)
>Attack tape slam 2. 5 in ???
>2x2 Tape attack 5 times (I'm guessing, I can't remember exactly)
>Assassin who sneak into enmy
>Assassin throws many stars
All of these should fit and they actually describe the chips.
I don't remember doing that unless Bass wasn't the secret boss or did's been like 15 years
You might be thinking of 3, not 4
but 4 did have bass, I clearly remember using the hockey puck instakill and I remember his chip was just shooting his circle I did beat it multiple times, I just can't remember at all
You don't even get all of the souls until the third play through (you get three on the first play, two more on the second, and the final soul on the third), and also need the third play through to get the lv3 standard chips unless you used the chip trader to get every single one.
Bass was in the game (he's in every game) but IIRC you fight him in the normal undernet, then you went to the endgame area (which is just a green version of the undernet), and then Bass had an ultimate form that was a random encounter in the endgame area after you fight DS versions of the soul navis and have a rematch with the darksoul in that area.
so if I got his chip, how much did I do?
I played 1-3 a dozen times likely, and then started playing 4 when it came into my rotation, I would replay them all 4 over and over, I loved it. But I disliked 4 the most, and what really bothered me was in 1-3 the sprites were all mainly the same size on the overhead screen. But in 4, they were shorter a degree that was irritating to me.I'm sure someone here has the exact reason why, but still, fuck that noise.
Going by the wikia, to fight Bass even the first time required you to have all chips and souls, so you had to be on the third playthrough. You only had to do the first fight to get his chip (the SP form drops DeltaRay or Black Barrier) If you stopped there, you only would have needed five more specific chips to go to the endgame area.
Yeah they changed the art style. It does make more sense that the elementary school students would be shorter but I liked the old ones more too.
I'm probably the only one who loved mmbn4 for introducing the Soul Unison mechanic. As a kid, I was always fascinated by mmbn's element system so I loved mmbn4 for introducing new battlechip elements like Air, Sword, Break, Heal, Math, Ground, Stealth and Obstacle. Then mmbn5 came and refined that by adding the Cursor element and coming up with a new Element cycle of Sword>Air>Cursor>Break. It was just so creative to younger me.
is this the game where using dark chips permanently lowered your health by 1hp every time you used one?? I always wondered if it was possible to actually fuck your hp up hard enough that you would permanently only have 1hp for the rest of the game
I absolutely hated that sprite change as well. Just made everything look worse, even if it did add more detail with it's additional colors.
Its pretty much like with pokemon, both games are identical besides different selection of pokemon (chips in this case).
It takes quite a while to do that if you bought a reasonable amount hp memories. I two play throughs using dark chips every battle and got my hp down to 47 before I quit playing.
So which ones in the series are most worth playing? I can't even remember which of them I played as a kid.
2, 3, and 5 were my favorites, 6 was also ok but for whatever reason had a butchered postgame.
I'm pretty sure the bosses and allied navis are different as well so you'll have different soul unisons and stories. Though the stories are mostly filler.
kek, did you make it very far into the story? atleast beat one prlaythrough
Red Sun is better because it has Search Soul and Holy Dream. I cleared both 100% and in the endgame Red Sun's exclusive content was way better.
3 obviously, 5 depending how you feel on the missions, then 6
2, 3, and 6 are all great.
5 is good if you don't mind the liberation missions.
1 is not very good but not terrible either
IMO the only one not worth playing is 4.
I was doing the post game, trying to get all of the Megachips when I quit. Random virus encounters weren't too bad because when you're about to die as dark Megaman you get a free DarkInvis effect. It's best not to get hit when trying to get S-ranks too so that wasn't too much worse either. Duo was hell both times, because he disables the DarkInvis and dark chips don't show up during his fight.
I thought this would be the one to stand up to replays a bit better seeing as you'd have new content each run, but you'd still have to go to that damned theme park and other shit. Seeing as I only did a run of it, same with all the BNs, it's the one that seems more interesting to replay. If someone fixed the translation/made some parts skippable it'd be a decent entry, and it's still better than the first in everything but story.