Trails of Cold Steel PC

"Dawn of The Last Day"-edition.

After a few good threads leading up to the release of Cold Steel on Steam, we've had some surprisingly comfy threads on the topic. Considering there are no such threads in the catalog currently, I'll do the honors.

Steam page:
Gameplay: (recorded at 1080p but uploaded in 720p for some silly reason)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is the dlc released on day 1?

>dub only

>inb4 all the comfy threads go to shit when the game is released as console-war shitposting overtakes us

Also, can anyone explain to me the difference in difficulties? I played it onVita on normal and am thinking either hard or nightmare this time.

>implying undub mod isn't already being worked on

Honestly, the dub did a better job at covering the identity of a major villain in the game than the jp version because they remembered that voice filters exist.

I'm about to buy the same game for the third time. Is this that fabled autism you lot always talk about?

Fuck off normie.

They haven't really said. It might be, but who knows?

Welcome to the fold brother.

Th-thank you? Also, how much harder is "nightmare" over "hard"? I liked "hard" last time, I felt it was perfect balance-wise, and I'd rather re-experience that then have the game just add extra 0s to boss-HP.

>recorded at 1080p but uploaded in 720p

Fucking, why? Who the fuck sits down and records for 2 hours, only to conclude that they're not going to upload in recorded resolution?

Jesus I know Africa doesn't have the best internet but step the fuck up.

Uchiyama using his Banagher voice makes Rean sound like an even bigger faggot.

>trails shit
call me when Ys5 gets remade.

>Caring about the worst Ys game

Not the guy you're replying too, but I agree. I tried playing the Jap version when it first came out and it makes him sound like a turbo-faggot.

Thats why I want it remade. Oath was pretty good and I liked Celceta

The girls are great and some of the guys are solid but character that i'm going to be hearing the most sounding like a faggot ruins it. I hope that CSIII Rean doesn't sound like that.

Wait, hold on. I haven't finished Kevin's game yet.

Why would you play a Trails game on anything but nightmare?


laura is best girl

that is all

None of the Sky games were balanced around Nightmare mode (or even Hard) because they was added in later versions which is what the steam version that we got was based on.

hard was only fun for me in new game plus otherwise its really annoying

>dub only


>not caring about best Ys game

How will it run on my 970? I'm a little worried the old boy is starting to show his age.

This is some downright kys-tier opinion right here.

I can't imagine that it would require anything close to a 970.

Do we know if the game is going to support 4k?

which cold steel 3 would you sen no kiseki

Because I'm casual as shit.

It is. It supports everything from 720p to 4k and everything in between.

You shut your whore mouth.

The twist was still pathetically obvious

Thank you based XSeed.

That little animation will never cease to amuse me. Bet she gives a mean handjob.

DLC should be available from the get-go, with a certain portion included while other DLC's sold separately. We won't know more until launch.

Difficulty balancing doesn't work the same between Ys and Trails. For Ys, higher difficulties are the benchmark, while Normal and Hard are usually more balanced in Trails. Cold Steel's Hard mode is still rather easy later on aside from a few boss fights (C, Loa, Ordine).

Ys V deserves the best remake it can get, not that weird Taito PS2 release. It's got all the foundation for a great adventure in a more unusual setting.

This port can run on a GPD Win with PS3-tier performance/features, and that's a fucking toaster. Durante's responsible for most of the port as we'll experience it and has tested on high-end rigs and crappy laptops; almost everyone will get an experience as good as they would on console, or better. CS PC's just that optimized and the game itself never was high-tech or technical to begin with.

And it definitely supports 4k and downsampling.

Still too small for Jaeger dick, that's why she mastered foreplay.

>"Dawn of The Last Day"-edition.

So when exactly is this coming out? I have a great need to start putting money into this, but I never get what timezone Steam operates in.

Like are we thinking Jap-2nd-of-August, or what?

Thanks for the info on the difficulties user. I think I'm gonna' go Nightmare then.

>posts 39
>IPs 15

There is some hardcore samefagging going on ITT.

A 970 is fine for pretty much anything at 1080p and total overkill for a Tails of game.

I just barely upgraded to a 1080 and that was only because I run triple monitors and I got the thing for dirt cheap.

10 AM PST, so in a bit less than 12 hours. I'm not sure when Durante's last blog for the port process goes up.

If you really want to do Nightmare, make sure to level up Rean at least into the 70s. This has a lot to do with the true final boss, and it's a big pain on this difficulty. I'd honestly recommend Hard for a first run since Normal's just too easy but it's not as spiky as Nightmare gets starting around Chapter 5. Also research late-game Master Quartz if you want to have an easier time breaking combat.

>people having a conversation
You know, if it was like 35/39 or hell even 30/39 I could have met you half-way and agreed that there was a lot of samefagging. But 15 people making a little over 2 posts each is not a stretch.


That's such a fucking cute webm, holy shit.

>10 AM PST


That's true of the Sky games, yeah, but in the Cold Steel games they were there from the get-go and they're generally easy enough that you can probably muscle through them on Nightmare without serious difficulty.
Hard is pretty much the same difficulty as SC Normal. Nightmare is a bit above that but not as hard as SC Hard. I never played below that so I don't know how easy it gets.
You need to do two playthroughs anyway for 100% so if you only care about the achievement there's nothing stopping you from pussing out and doing it on NG+.

More Fie

Have you guys read up on the latest info?

It's good stuff.

Here's a question for some of y'all who have played this game before.

What DLC is good?

I don't like stuff that breaks the game's balance in any way, so cheat-items and other "packs of in-game consumables" are garbage. But I will be willing to pay for costumes and stuff if it fits the lore and it looks good.

What DLC should I get/avoid?

>of the ~40 characters depicted here, at least half of them are already confirmed to be playable
>much of the remaining half has been playable before and is likely to reprise their role
who's ready for balance to surpass cs2


This screen raises more questions than it answers.


No dual audio sadly. XSEED didn't want to use any money to give Japanese voices and wasted tons on making a badly done dub.


Has someone made a JP audio patch yet?
Otherwise I'm not interested.

>dub only

will wait for undub patch, this one looks less interesting than TiTS thanks to being set in japanese highschool like some kind of persona game anyway.

>Skip Intro Movies
>Skip Startup Logo
You'd think they wouldn't even bother with those as long as this was an option, right? Or is this some sort of contractual thing? Like if company X has contributed to the project, they HAVE to show up when booting the game, even though one can easily skip it?

The game isn't out yet you simpleton. And why the fuck would you want the jap-patch when the English VAs are actually good in this game?

It's a credits thing. They have to put the companies who contributed to the project in the credits, and some of those companies like it when they get a nice full-screen splash.

It's goofy, especially when it's skippable anyway, but there you go.

>What DLC should I get/avoid?
You can pretty much avoid all of it to be honest. Some of the casual clothes look good but they're individually overpriced and probably not good enough in general to be worth buying for everyone, and if you don't do so it makes the characters you did buy it for stand out in the first game due to school uniforms (though they carry over to the second game where this isn't an issue.) Pic related is sadly the best group shot I can find.
All of the other DLC is shit and should be avoided. Frankly you should avoid the above too but I'm not going to stop you from letting you save your waifu Emma/Fie/Elliot/whatever from the shitty school uniform since that gets really tiring after a while.

>XSEED didn't want to use any money to give Japanese voices and wasted tons on making a badly done dub.
To be fair here, Falcom did such a shit job with the original voices to begin with that Xseed had to dub new lines in the first place.
Voice acting in general was a mistake and gaming was better without it.

>English VAs are actually good in this game?
Because they're poorly directed.
I've played the dub on PS3 already and I know exactly how flawed it is, don't think you can try and shill the dub onto me.
The only thing which would convince me to get the PC version is original audio.

Xseed is shit, they also lied and said Falcom was the one that was not allowing the japanese voices in the localization.

Thanks for the DLC info user. I'll keep my money locked in my wallet and maybe only buck-up for replays if I really need to.

No wonder Kondo went straight to BTFO them and gave Ys VIII to NISA instead.

Fieposting is illegal ITT.

The funny part is the Steam forums are filled with SHILLS who keep spreading the fake news as an attempt to defend that dub-only release.

I implore you to reconsider.



Why do this when the game's actually good? In Persona I can totally see it, because that's all they have, but Cold Steel is actually a good game.

Say what you want about this shitshow but fuck it has good music. Not TITS-good, but still good.

Shit, I finally played through the first two Cold Steel games a few months ago. Guess I'll wait for a discount.

>no pre-order


Fieposting is highly preferable to shitposting about dual audio for the millionth time. And let's be honest here, attractive characters are part of what makes a game good. Fie is cute and pleasing to look at, therefore, posting Fie to build morale and lower tension in an environment that is otherwise highly volatile.

>Fieposting is highly preferable to shitposting about dual audio for the millionth time.
Okay you got me on the ropes there.

That's... actually a surprisingly good argument. As you were Fieposter.

>Not TITS-good
What the fuck are you smoking you fucking sub-human filth, Cold Steel's ost is miles ahead of anything in the sky triology. Get your fucking ears checked.

>shills can't defend lack of dual audio so they resort to waifu fagging and pretend that's a good thing
Can't make this up.

Oh motherfucker it is on now. Name a more comfy theme from Cold Steel than this:

I dare your silly ass.

>dual audio

I'm never going to understand this meme. In Cold Steel the English VAs do a fine job portraying the emotions and context of the characters.

Especially the protagonist sounds miles fucking better in English.

Fucking Ruan you goofy motherfucker:

Calvard when?

It's not a matter of which is better, it's a matter of choice. And the fact that a choice where all the leg-work is already done is retarded.

You want comfy?
That's comfy.

I got baited so hard, I don't care though

2 towers were not enough.

Okay I'll meet you half-way. That's pretty comfy. But don't just call any opinion you don't agree with bait, user. That's not cool.


I really need to get around to beating TiTS2.

Fieposters need to kneel to REAL best girl.

>40 bucks for a 2 years port
probably the 2nd one will cost the same too, I would buy it day one if this made them release the third one on PC same day PS4 gets it on the west but this is XSeed so I have 0 trust that will happen.

I'm still struggling with the first one. I swear I put 40 hours into that game and I'm sooo fucking close to done, but I just can't clear that final chapter. It's been such an endurance-round just getting this far and it's such a fucking slow-ass game.

I know it picks up near the end, but I'm practically burnt out already.

Hope you guys enjoy them.

>40 bux
Is XSEED fucking kidding?
Are they taking us for retards?
This game is gonna flop HARD.

I didn't have that much of a problem with 1, I just know I should beat TiTS2 before starting Cold Steel 2.

Man those are pretty covers tripfag. Especially that top one. Is that a special edition?

You're right, sorry user. Have another comfy and a nice Fie

All is forgiven user. You have even reminded me of a what a great soundtrack Cold Steel has.

>people being nice to each other

Am I on the wrong board?

Who else has CS1 on PS3 still going to buy it on Steam?