Game has audio log collectibles

>Game has audio log collectibles

Mao is the best gj-bu. This is undisputible.

>game has unlockable concept art

Isn't this a boy crossdressed by his female friends?

The boy's hair is darker

My dick says yes

Metroid Prime is so good it made me a collectorfag for 1 game so I could get more of the unlockables.

>no subtitle or transcript

>real final boss battle is after the credits

>game has WORK EMAILS that get more interesting as the game progresses

I don't know why I like them so much. Maybe because I'm a wagey.

kys animeposters

>complaining about anime on Sup Forums and using youtube language

Return home.

Sup Forums - video games
Sup Forums - anime

HMMM where will i post anime.
perfect, Sup Forums

>Game has title screen

>game has audio log collectibles
>but it you have to remain in the collection screen because the log wont play as you keep exploring

two posts are related to videogames
yours isnt
stay mad

>game uses gendered pronouns

there's nothing more reddit than anime

>Game has audio log collectibles
>You can't play them while actually playing the game, and have to sit in the pause menu to listen to them


>real final boss IS the credits

>Game has character model galleries

Muh dick