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Post your best moments and stories
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I liked the demo quite a bit, does the full game have more options or is it just more of the same?
I'm really enjoying this game.
I don't understand why I've been playing it all day
There's new classes you unlock as you go, more events, sidequests later on, a sizeable postgame and a final party size of 10.
Where do i get dank qr codes m8s
How sizeable are we talking about?
>mfw first party was generic Warrior - Rogue - Mage - Cleric
I need to diversify, what would be a good team for the 2nd party? Right now I have a Scientist and a Chef.
I have the exact team setup. Only I was a mage instead. Actually, making yourself as a mage makes the game much easier because since you can control yourself, you can actually just spam explosion to wipe out foes.
Though I can't say that would be great throughout the game because I just defeated the princess boss.
I don't know exactly, but there's 7 major bosses
Anyone else using this game to live out their dream of sleeping with their waifu every night?
I wish there was more to the combat. Third world in and it's PISS easy. The dialogue between miis is also quickly repetitive.
I want a sequel. I love the miis but this is leaving a lot to be desired.
Wait, is this game actually good?
Unironically it doesnt deserve to be this good
This game is utter fucking shit. It's your usual shitty BING BING WAHOO Shitendo RPG, which is extremely basic to the point you are treated like a retarded 3 year old with a brick for a brain, and you have no control over your other partners. The story is most likely your typical bubbly, kiddy dogshit named """""plot""""", and the music is just as bland. Don't buy this.
Fuck me I'm gonna pirate it then and give it a spin.
I've seen people playing it but they were the same fags who enjoyed dream daddy so I wasn't sure.
>bing bing wahoo
I don't know, were you trying to give a warning or were you just trying to seem like a regular autist instead?
When you use this many buzzwords it's kinda hard to take you seriously. You may as well be a robot spewing words from a scripted response.
But translating what you mean to say, is that it's a quite simple game. If you are looking for any sort of challenge, you won't find it here. It's almost more like directing an RPG, where you get to pick the characters and "play" it as an RPG.
It's amusing to see the characters you place in the story interact with each other, so I'm having fun for that. But that's about it. "It's alright."
I agree on everything. Except the music. The music is great.
Aside from NTR and capture cards, what can I use to screenshot and record this ?
Great Sage theme and prince's theme is great. I also like Boss Battle III.
Only question is how the fuck are these great awesome music in such a lighthearted game!?
The game gets a massive difficulty spike after that though, you're just getting started.
>still no US titlekey
Ever Oasis took a fucking month. What's up with this shit lately
here's the USA .cia
>the titlekeydb canged URL and nobody told me
To those playing, does this game feel good and have longevity and variety, or does it seem like it'll get old and easily forgotten? I loved Tomodachi Life for a solid month but then immediately got tired of it for reasons I can't explain.
Should I get this game? Got a long flight coming up and trying to decide on what to play.
Does this game have clothes to buy/wear like Tomodachi Life/Miitomo?
>tfw doing postgame trying to get Elf job
>go into a stage and have to fight Red Dragon miniboss
>my MC is a vampire so I use Enthrall on my cleric
>it fucking wipes my whole team in 2 hits
>cleric is dead
>knight is dead
>imp is dead
>the only one alive is my MC at 44 HP
>cleric fucking revives thanks to Enthrall
>I use a life sprinkle on my knight and I don't remember what the fuck I did with the imp
>cleric uses Righteous Anger
>it fucking works and we win
Elf and Vampire are pretty fun.