Defend this choice of design for the female.
Etrian Odyssey
It's cute
I can't, looks terrible
Why are Japanese EO class names so fucking stupid?
what's the problem?
are they even female?
they look more like robots.
What, you don't like Phalanx and Beast King either?
Hoplite/Phalanx are both good and Beast King is alright but I prefer Wildling. But then you get stupid shit like Andro (Yggdroid), Ballista (Arbalest), Cestus (Pugilist), Hound (Rover), and fucking Pet (Beast).
Too bad they were piece of shit.
Still got one but I basicaly had a four pan party while the robot was doing whatever.
I like the male ones. Pretty neat looking.
They were awful, if they at least looked like the actual female yggdroid you see, thye'd be good, but noipe, males are cool bots and females are whatever.
Still used one as immortal tank with core dump.
I cant choose which one I love more, bottom left or bottom right
They look so good
Fuck the shitty looking humanoid ones
They established the feminine Yggdroids to have humanoid faces with Olympia (who had such a face to fool early game players into thinking she was a human/elf/whatever). They're assumedly a similar model of Yggdroid and thus they gave them human female faces.
It's a newer model of Olympia's design. The biggest difference is the belly plate actually, Olympia only looked like an evil robot skeleton because she lacked the belly plate. They have a similar spine based body behind the plate. As far as robot girls go they aren't actually that bad, but the melee weapon armed males look better overall due to the robotic knight aesthetic compared to the robotic human disguise aesthetic of the ranged female style.
ballista and arbalest are both types of bows and cestus is an armored glove you can punch with. how are those stupid?
'Arbalest' is both the name of the archer and the weapon he carries. Ballista is just the weapon. Calling a class 'Cestus' is the same as calling your class 'Sword.' Pugilist makes sense because it specifically refers to a fist fighter, a brawler, one who punches.
Defend this
lore reasons. They were designed after Olympia
It makes my dick hard and my hard dick sells their games.
>Olympia loks like a woman
>they look like bean-shaped lolis
Pretty good size for being a sample, I doubt anyone will ever scan them
So since this is the designated EO thread does anybody know where to pre order the special edition of EOV? I can't find it on amazon.
There is no special edition. The first run of copies always come in a shitty box with a shitty pamphlet "artbook" and a 6 track "soundtrack."
So my amazon pre order will be the limited edition automatically? Kickass. Thanks user.
If you want to think about it that way sure. Your bonus is that thing on the bottom. Hell the US version is always paper too, the Japanese ones are all nice cardboard
Why would a robot wear glasses?
Do you guys actually believe Untold 3 will be a thing someday? Honestly, if it happens and it's good I'd have no problems with the series going dormant.
>EO1 is full of lolis.
>EO5 is full of old hags.
How can they make Yggdroids not suck in EOU3?
>Gunner Nano
I will find you.
As longa as they kept subclassing and didn't do grimoires, I'd be happy, even the story actually had potential and was generally cool for a story mode.
What kind of class would you add to the series? What role would they serve?
How do you make Medic not shit?
>eo5 news month or two ago
>super excite
>play eo1u as celebrate
>fly through game
>feel burnt
>like cumming after just cumming after just cumming
>worry for weeks
>pick up eo2u
eo5 coming close
>no will to play
fuck fuck fuck
>How do you make Medic not shit?
Remove Medics completely, healing-focused classes always suck
If I enjoy Mystery Dungeon (Pokemon and Shiren) along with EO should I try Etrian Mystery Dungeon? I've heard mixed reception to it from fans mostly.
Take a break user
Give them some solid debuffs and maybe even offensive buffs to make them more than just heal bots, something like Arcanist/Medic in EOIV.
They're kinda needed in this series though. From my experiences at least.
I don't know if I just grew to hate PMD, or if EMD just does it poorly. "Random dungeons" just means that every floor is just square rooms connected by narrow corridors, it's really boring and repetitive.
Healing is always what ruins JRPGs, it's never balanced. A healing class always either is useless or completely obligatory.
Give them worthwhile buffs/debuffs.
They've always been some of the best classes both offensive and defensively. In 4 they sucked because all that healing wasn't needed but they had Star drop which is godly on a Lands.
for shits and giggles, give them an entire specialization that makes them really good at dealing heavy bash damage (instead of a single, costly skill that has no synergy with anything) or being a tank
>healing focused
>eo1 caducious medic
>eo2 curse/sleep cut war magi
yeah kinda
>eo4 star dropping fucks to buff the rest of the team
>eo1/2u tec smash was great for ELM teams and regular smash kinda nerfed but still viable, high TEC however for grimoire attacks
>vampire war magi
ara ara, bitch.
It's a solid game and worth playing if you like that genre.
It's just not a dungeon crawler and people that went into it expecting more EO goodness were probably super disappointed. If you like mystery dungeon games I don't see why you wouldn't enjoy it though
I want to rub their andro tummies
That's every mystery dungeon game though. I'd like those games much more if they had actually well designed maps and didn't try to do the whole roguelike procedural map generation meme.
give them War Magus mechanics
Resurrecting both at the begining and the end of the turn was such a useful mechanic becauyse you just know enemies will target the character for no reason at all.
I don't think I've ever seen enemies kill someone just revive that same turn unless it was a party hitting move, the enemies decide who to attack as the as your last member ends their turn.
please don't bully the loli
Mechanic / Inventor
>can build bots to move enemies from back row/extend a party member's range, deal DoT via drone strikes to rows per turn, build force fields or temporary barriers, etc
>creates temporary items from your inventory in battle or post-exploration to sustain or deal damage
>passive resource gathering and item drop gain increase
>Loli in oversized labcoat tinkering gadgets
>Woman with same coat with goggles on forehead holding blueprints
>Mad Scientist man with crazed grin holding various items
>scholarly man with glasses and stern/serious expression in vest
A man can dream
item based class is the only thing not really touched. Either that or a combination or a Mage and a Tank
3 is already a good game. All they have to do is not fuck up.
There aren't any Summoners either
Wildlings were pretty similar, then you have necromancers for corpses.
>3 had multiple summon classes
What did he mean by this?
They could always do something similar to yggdroid but shooting elemental lasers from the front row and with enough TP to keep up.
A shame 5 has no lolis to bully. I guess this is close enough
What about something liek Cat Sith from ffvii? Heavy rng gambler class.
Some sort of Astronaut class would be cool especially since the last stratum in EOV takes place in space.
Le milenom girl
Should I actually play the Untold games? What did it add to things besides better graphics. Ive never played EO 1or2
If you're bored and have nothing to play sure. It changes up most of the dungeons too so it's basically a different game with the same story on classic mode
Futuristic would be cool, considering the setting in general for EO.
i got addicted to eo2u's restaurant and unlocking meals
Don't expect better from a lalashitter
2 is probably my favourite in the series, I liked story mode a lot too, the cast was charming without being overbearing and the extra dungeon was cool, so was the final boss.
The potatoes are actually cute in this game
Make satellites useful instead of a waste of SP. Maybe it's just me, but they're really good tanks and outclassed by everything else at combat. Which sucks because I want to like them. They're the coolest class in the game, Special Beam Cannon is a fun setup, and they're /m/ as fuck.
They should expand the autobind system instead, maybe even focus on that for yggs because it was unique enough.
Seems to me like the "females" would be better going by design alone, the others look like they'd be clunky as fuck