I ran out of ammo early on even though I barely missed any shots. Apparently you're meant to dodge most zombies...

I ran out of ammo early on even though I barely missed any shots. Apparently you're meant to dodge most zombies, including the ones in narrow corridors, planning your route to minimize backtracking. I feel like it clashes with the adventure aspect of the game, since I will backtrack often to solve puzzles and check if I can open doors already, and I can't be bothered to dodge zombies with tank controls again and again, especially with limited saves. Should I be a scrub and follow a walkthrough, or should I just switch to easy?

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It requires skill but you can use your knife like a badass.


How far in are you? Consider that this game can be completed in 3-4hrs if you knew where everything is and without speedrunning, so if you restart you could follow a guide up until your current point and resume from there. Also, if you didn't know already, regular zombies not killed with a headshot or burned return as crimson head zombies that can run .

Early RE games were built around a cycle of Save->Fuck around for awhile->Waste supplies, get hurt->Reload save->Deal with the new stuff efficiently and don't fuck up this time.

You are not expected as a new player to finish the game in a single uninterrupted playthrough. Reloading due to wasted supplies or just outright getting killed is typical until you "know" the game.

Its more about killing the most difficult to bypass zombies, if you try to kill every zombie you'll soon run out of ammo, if you don't kill any zombies, you'll probably be getting grabbed a lot and running out of healing items and dying.

Can I get away with only avoiding zombies that are easy to avoid (like one of the two in dining room second floor)?

Don't ask Sup Forums how to play the game you paid money for. Play it in a way that you'll find most enjoyable. Jesus, how is that so hard to figure out?

Play outbreak, it has the post powerful Resident evil characters in the franchise.

How the fuck did you run out of ammo? The low ammo meme for RE games is literally just that, a meme. You will constantly have like 4-7 bullets left making you think you are out, but you will constantly find a few bullets here and there as well, so you don't actually run out.

You can shoot and kill every enemy in the game and still finish it with like 30+ bullets left. You must have been missing a fuckload of times user, or you are actually right at the beginning and haven't explored enough to find more ammo yet.

I wish it was actually possible to run out of ammo for real in RE without having to waste it being a scrub.

I never had problems managing resources in Resident Evil. I think you can kill everything. The game gives you enough ammo, but some of it it's hidden.

If he hasn't developed the obsessive X-hammering trait RE players eventually get, odds are he's missing upwards of 50% of the ammo in the game. Shit, I still run into people who don't know that Kenneth has a whopping 2 M9 mags on him.

It kinda runs out as the zombies come back in this game. In the second and third one the zombies stay dead tho.

But you are suposed to use your knife in these games. There's a trick to it but once you get it you can use it all the times.


I'm at a point where I explored a good chunk of the west wing and have 10 bullets. There are 6+ zombies in the east wing that I just don't have the ammo for even if I grab more in the room with the crows.

shoot to the head, my boi
just wait for the creatures to be near you
then shoot while pressing up
1 shot kills

That only applies to the shotgun, don't confuse the wee lad.

>10 bullets

You got plenty of ammo.

You take down one of those zombies I guarantee you will find a few bullets in the next room he was guarding.

Why am I even telling you this, it will spoil you, just enjoy the feeling of having to conserve things, remember this is Survival Horror, with a big emphasis on survival. You gotta survive and ration out stuff.

Yeah OP sounds pretty new.

Just burn the Crimson Heads in REmake and then the 1 or 2 corpses you don't have enough fuel to burn, strategically burn the corpses in heavy use corridors only. Or save a few shotgun shells or use a GL round to kill the Crimson Head.

that is not true at all
you can head shot zombies if you are near enough


Thats the idea, only kill the zombies hard to pass, also pretty much kill any dog or hunter

While playing for the first time, I went out of ammo a couple of times
but IMO it is somewhat scripted: maybe you have to backtrack a little bit just running around, but in a matter of 2 minutes you get into a save room, and there is plenty of supply on the ground, out of the blue
if you want to avoid this situation, and call your save done, to each its own, but I assure you, on normal playing Chris, you can kill almost every enemy in the game, and still keep up

Only in the director's cut version tho

>you will never play this game again for the first time

The cutscene gave me nightmares when I was a kid

You guys talk out the ass, I myself killed every enemy in the game on hard, because for the fact that other than the secret 3-4 ammos hidden around certain parts, if you explore and do things correctly (as well as using the knife on enemies that have certain patterns/when they are down/almost dead) you get extra ammo for any weapon in the game to deal with anything alive. Tl:dr You can kill everything and have extra ammo at the end if you get good.

That's only in the Remake.


didn't knew that
thanks for the info, lad

Has anyone played the Saturn version? Is it any good? Kinda wanna play battle mode


By the end I was using Rocket Launchers on regular zombies because I literally had that much ammo. By far the easiest of the old school RE games.

Jill's Sarah Conner outfit is her best outfit.

The hardest is probably 0. If only for the cumbersome dual character controlling.

I found DC's arrange mode to be the hardest. Its just fucking hunters paradise

I had my box in RE3 so full of items by the end after dominating the game.

Comfiest room in the game.

It was pretty scary in the original

>crapcom will never make a RE mmo

In RE1 pistol ammo is l literally worthless beyond certain point. Ammo drought is only issue until you get shotgun.



Get the shotgun and learn how to pop zombie heads with it.


I just started RE0, I reached Cohen but so far I have not killed anyone because I could not aim for shit.
The RE I finished were 7 and 4.

You aren't playing as Chris, are you?

First off, 0 isn't worth playing at all since it adds nothing to the story and is really bad. Probably best for the last game to play
Second, Start with the PS1 games before going to the HD games
Third, how are you missing? Isn't it set to auto aim by default?

This. Play Jill's campaign first and then once you know the layout of the mansion, switch to Chris.

what the fuck? who does this shit, it completely ruins the experience

autoaim? I don't remember (I don't have the game with me unless I redownload it), I can't aim for the head, it either goes too low or too high.

It is the only way to survive.
You prefer to reach the final boss with a single bullet and be unable to pass and have to restart the whole campaign?

>kids these days

I wanna suck her titties

>Second, Start with the PS1 games before going to the HD games

You can only hit the head when they are right in front of you.
Also don't do it unless you're a knife god or have a shotgun.

>He didn't play RE1 first
You poor sod


The Train segment is the best part of 0 and its all downhill after that.

you need to be at least 18 to post here

>knife god

I'm 31 you edgy little tryhards.

Playing the PS1 games should only be done when there's no other choice. RE1 (Directors Cut or not) is a dated piece of shit that looked rough around the edges when we were kids. Now it looks like shit on a plate.

There's nothing wrong with playing the better version of a game when the choice is available.
RE2 Remake never ever

why does the guy call him stranger?

like I said, you need to be at least 18 to post here, sonny

>Want to get into a series
>Not starting with the first game in said series
RE1 and REmake are two different games, with two different experiences. That's like saying why play MGS1 when you can just play Twin Snakes.

Why are you playing the original? Just play the remake, it's a much better game.

Leon>Chris. Leon actually has a sense of humor.

don't kill the dogs outside

if you just walk by they don't notice you (guess they can smell fear)


>It is old so it is shit
Don't lie, you aren't 31.
I am 31 and an old game should be played based on the time it came out.
Graphics are not essential, in the case remakes are literally just updated graphics with some extra content, then they are ok (I won't speak for REmake because I haven't played it yet).

I played the first RE blind when it was first released; I'm old and winter is coming.

If I ever saw anyone play RE like that I would literally bitch slap them, take the disk out and snap it; they don't deserve to play vidya, let alone RE.

Only in RE4 and Damnation, Leon in RE2 is just a normal dude, and 6 and the Vendetta he's in edgelord.
Chris is the only character to stay consistence through out the entire series.

You must be 18 to post here.
Either that or nice b8.

Was this true in REmake, or did they increase ammunition? I didn't do particularly well and still had enough ammo for the entire game without any reloads or suicide runs.

>I didn't play director's cut
That said, if you're playing GC version, you barely have to fight anything. Hell, it's wise to avoid it because they'll just come back as crimson heads.

If you're playing the PC/PS4 versions, they let you turn on the fly so you can avoid attacks and just pass through during the enemy's recovery animation.

I got to the part of the crows in ps1 RE and I was out of fucking ammo there, had to restart ALL OVER
So yeah, nah. I rather play and learn then reload savefile than go far and end defenseless, unable to pass the boss because no ammo.

Game design philosophy changed a smidge in that 5 year time gap or so, that sort of thing was on its way out during that gen so it wouldn't surprise me if that was reflected in the REmake's overall balance versus the original.

I'm 31.

Yes and no.
Technically RE1 does give you a shit ton of ammo, but you're not gonna know that on your first run. If you plan accordingly, you can kill basically every zombie without ever having you worry about ammo.

You act like if you are mentally 16. People plays the way they feel like. You are not going to change the way I play just because of your entitlement.
Come back when you act like a fucking adult.

If you think I actually give a fuck about how a scared kid plays his video games, you're the only who has the mentality of a 16 year old.

Every generation gets stupider and lazier, it's pretty funny to see as you get older. You'll see soon enough.

Winter is coming.

I am as old as you stupid fuck.
Kill yourself. But seriously great b8.

but it's summer

Thanks, senpai; I'm a master ruseman.

Also, go to bed grandpa.

No, fuck off.

It's August, senpai; it's technically Fall.

College starts up on the 21st for me but I digress.

Drop this trash and play the good ones.

>august is fall

You posted the garbage games instead of REmake and REmake 0, senpai.

This. The first blind run of a classic RE is night and day compared to a "this is my 50th playthrough and I'm still playing this game 20 years later" run.

Newbies are going to miss scads of ammo and supplies, waste shots killing unnecessary enemies, use the wrong weapons for a given fight, and otherwise flub the whole thing repeatedly.

Erstwhile, the wizened master will end the game in 2 hours flat with enough spare supplies to play the whole game over with again, and otherwise make a joke out of the entire thing.

4 is ok but 5 and 6? fuck off.

>5 and 6
Is this bait?

August is Fall and more amazing facts only on your local Sup Forums.


To the people telling you that you can just go around shooting everything, they are doing it from the perspective of knowing where all the hidden ammo is and stuff like easy headshots, for a casual playthrough like it sounds you are doing, the only piece of advice I can really offer is always kill a zombie, never just shoot it, the game remembers which zombies you've killed but not which ones you've just damaged.

Fun fact. There are only 2 places where you have to kill zombies in Resident Evil 2. Everything else can be skipped either through shooting them in the leg a few times or running by.

Similarly there are only 2 rooms where you need to kill lickers.

In my last RE2 run, I did a mock speedrun to test out my dodging and shit it was fun as hell. I saved twice, once before the Gator because some times I skip over the shit to kill him, and right before the final boss. I didn't pick up anything ammo that was out of the way and avoided pretty much everything.
By the end I had just enough ammo to kill the final boss and ended with a 1:20 or so time.

I really need to do it again, speed running is actually fun as hell if you don't take it seriously

Don't tell him lies

>T H I C C

False. For you see, Cowgirl Rebecca is not "really" Rebecca at all

When creating The rebecca cowgirl costume, Capcom oddly reused assetts from Jills lower half without shrinking them down to normal size.

You can see this for yourself clearly if you have Resident evil 0HD. Scroll through all if her alt costumes and you will see that Only with the cowgirl costume, Rebecca is carrying way more ass, wider hips and her lower half is thicker in general, oweing to the cut and pasting from Jill, a bigger, thicker older woman.

Sorry about that guise, for your comparison see:

The RE2 leaderboards are reeeeally easy to make for whatever reason. I guess people don't run it often cause the times are unimpressive.

4 is the only good one there, do you just like gwtting rekt by replies in threads or something? You knew what was coming.

>another guy who doesn't know
press up while near, and shot to the head

Yeah, RE2, or at least Scenario A, is probably the easiest game in the series, so maybe that's why people don't like to speed run it.

You must look like a fucking tool when you play these games. The chance of getting a headshot with a handgun is not worth it desu