>that kid with a N64
That kid with a N64
Other urls found in this thread:
>the most technically advanced console on the market at the time with revolutionary games
>gets shit on in 2017 because people play in shitty emulators
the water in this is better than gta 4
>Saturn in any way being on par with PlayStation
N64 mini soon fellow nintenbro
>be the kid who had the N64
>go over to see friend who had a PS1
>told me how awesome Digmon World was and how much better it was than Pokemon
>he starts playing can't make it past first part, gets mad and turns system off
>he turned into that kid who had an Xbox
Oh Sony fans
The only thing the PS1 had over the N64 was texture quality, the N64 blew the PS1 out of the water in every way in model detail.
Also remember when you played Super Mario 64 and jumped in a painting and the game took a minute to load? Me neither.
Playstation girl should be all pixelated and wobbly.
>The only thing the PS1 had over the N64 was games
nice water
The n64 had the sharpest games, this is the weakest bait of the year.
The controllers weren't retarded
If that picture was accurate, the bottom picture would have fog and that girl would be made of pixelated cubes.
Yeah, thanks to fog and blur
the scene shows him having perfect vision without the glasses so the comparisons should be switched.
I don't think PS1 would load that quickly. Also it's not warping constantly.
>Thanks to blur
totally not retarded
i just wanna say thank you for including the saturn in your picture.
wave race was fucking awesome, I played the shit out of that game
N64 would have been awesome with decent storage. The first in a long line of blunders for Nintendo.
Its designed for you to hold either the left or middle handle, not both. Why are people so incredibly stupid?
what is up with the frequent 5th gen shitposting?
the PS1 also beat the n64 by using disks instead of cartridges.
>but muh loading times.
cartridges are stupid expensive, it's why I cringe every time some faggot redditor says "but gaems have always been expensive"
you getting enough oxygen, friend?
N64 would have put PS1 to shame if they allowed devs to turn off texture filtering, z buffering & perspective corrected texture mapping
It could push like 700k textured polygons if those were off, but no, Nintendo had to be retarded
why is the design stupid?
though the dreamcast was worse in terms of 1 analog stick idiocy.
dual analog sticks werent standard yet when the dreamcast came out
Saying the counter to your argument before you finish your argument does not make that counter not exist.
Loading times are fine now. They were fucking atrocious in the PS1 era.
Top Gear Rally has a easter egg that makes the whole game looks like a ps1 game
>implying it doesn't warp like that
More like
The N64 didn't have a single worthwhile Pokemon game, though.
How pas1 was even allowed to be so damaged?
Those shattered textures on all objects dancing back and forth.
it had more potential than the ps1 but it was a bitch to do it
>have a circle that lends dozens of psx to each other at school every week
>that one kid keeps asking of anyone has n64
>always gets laughed out of the schoolyard
>some weird thai pingh pok or whatever joins our class
>has n64
>but they both have the exact same three games
>they become friends anyway
>call n64-kid and thai-kid gay lovers like the mature people we are
>thai gets sick of it and buys a psx
>becomes part of our group
>n64 becomes severely autistic over the abandonment
>becomes a problem student and gets violent
>even attacks teachers when they try to calm him down
>get sent to class for problem students
>gets wedgied and otherwise physically bullied for the rest of his school years by the chad bullies in that class
I thank my father everyday for not getting me an n64
Lana Rhoades
not enough warping
Sony just expected devs to work around it, only Mark Cerny & a couple of others could do it though (See Crash & Spyro)
It had three of the four worthwhile Pokemon games that generation. Or rather five, six if you count TCG2.
it was cheaper
...The Nintendo 64? Not the Gameboy.
Or are you seriously saying Pokemon Stadium and Snap are worthwhile?
Wave Race comeback when
t. things that definitely 100% happened
I wonder how different the market would have been had Sega not completely fucked up the Saturns launch.
Or no. No wait.
Hey You fucking Pikachu.
>got shit on in 1998 because it had all of three games
t. kid with the N64 who got bullied into getting a PSX to fit in
this argument is so silly to me. I had both.
I also had a genesis and a snes.
Jokes on me tho I stopped gaming for a while right before the ps2 came out, so I missed on everything there
No, I'm saying Stadium 1, 2 and Puzzle League were. And Puzzle Challenge, TCG1 and TCG2 on GB.
if that girl was heavily pixelated and with wonky jaggies this image would be accurate
Would have been pushed out by Microsoft in 6th gen anyway
The better question is what would happen to Sony if Nintendo released the N64 in 95, had a CD drive like they originally planned & Nintendo didn't piss off 3rd parties?
>weaklings who give into peer pressure and bullying are the same people who talk shit about the N64's library
Causes one to ponder.
I'm not really sure why you're bringing up the GB.
Stadium was just a 3D adaptation of the Gameboy battle system, and Puzzle League was a far cry from what you would expect from an actual Pokemon game.
man i love shitposting and console wars
>>but muh loading times.
It was a damn fine console generation to switch to PC.
I kept both and enjoyed both. True cucks are those who engage in baser tribal warfare. Squabble over which half of the swamp you wish to shit in all you want. Idorts are the men you pay your taxes to for the right to do so at the end of the day.
>Stadium was just a 3D adaptation of the Gameboy battle system
Stadium was Pokemon Party with battles on the side.
>and Puzzle League was a far cry from what you would expect from an actual Pokemon game.
Actual Pokemon games are garbage. Puzzle League is gold.
>bullying the guy with Golden Eye and Perfect Dark
Never happened.
What does this even mean?
What about Saturn's audio?
>years later there will be a thread called:
>That kid with a switch
>PSX image is emulated at a super high res with texture filtering
>Saturn's sound doesn't show how its sound effects were complete ass since it didn't support compressed audio files
...I don't get you, mind friend. I really don't.
war....war never changes
Oh, the other guy implied Pokemon was good. I see.
There were fucks like me back then that saw Sony as a completely alien force entering the market that simply did not belong. It was like Zenith making a console. I think to this day some people have a similar view about Microsoft.
If nintendo had released with a setup that 3rd party devs would've been fine with Sony never would've gotten a foothold. Just another oddball cd console alongside the cd-i or Jaguar
reminder the saturn had a internet browser and online gaming
Do you not know what the word sound means?
what did they mean?!?
>Perfect Dark
And the three Normie Approved™ games I halfway mentioned earlier at the time were Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, and Golden Eye.
That only got you so far. Like "Okay user that game is pretty cool so I won't give you a black eye but you still gotta suck my cock and get a PSX by the end of the year or else!" far.
>doesn't believe in tve cruelty of kids
were you homeschooled?
How is Saturn's audio any better than PS1, dumb shitposting aside?
That sounds oddly specific
>That only got you so far.
That was literally all you need. Entire LAN parties can be dominated by a single game if it was god tier.
Also, you're projecting a lot.
Why isn't she spazzing the fuck out? Oh right becuase it's a still image.
That's strange, in my (Western European upper class neighborhood) many kids either had a PS or N64 and traded games back and forth without bullying anyone. Must be an American nigger thing.
>Girls don't look at me that way
>They look at me like I have a cannibal fetish
>.....The thought of ripping Stacy's flesh with my teeth actually does turn me on
>90s: N64 vs. PSX
>Early 00s: Gamecube vs. PS2
>Late 00s: Nintendo Wii vs. PS3
>10s: Nintendo Switch vs. PS4
>20s: Nintendo Flip vs. PS5
>30s: Nintendo Rotation vs. PS6
>40s: Nintendo Swivel vs. PS7
Can't wait
Sega Saturn will dominate the world
The bottom one should just be a bunch of pixels.
>stadium games
>not worthwhile
>even attacks teachers
His only mistake desu
You don't go after prison wardens while on the inside
>90s: N64 vs. PSX
Did you forgot the war between Nintendo and Sega?
>not getting a playstation from your dad for your birthday
>and then getting a N64 with 10 games a year later when your dad bought it from his coworker for $5
>and then a few years later winning an Xbox in a school competition
>and then a PS2 from a boy scout fundraiser
For someone growing up so poor I had a shitton of games, and the only console my parents ever bought was a playstation.
Man, I was so fucking disappointed when I got Pokemon Stadium. Here's kid me excited as fuck at the idea of 3D Pokemon, and what do I get? Menus and preset Pokemon. Best you could do was transfer stuff into the game from your Gameboy.
I wouldn't even know what to call it. It was kinda like a cross-console expansion pack.
Not accurate.
PS1 and Saturn should be a vibrating content aware gif.
how are you gonna ignore the only console war worth debating
Just slip a late in front of that 90s
Genesis and SNES are too cool to be in my list
That's actually how I felt. I even thought the name "PlayStation" sounded kind of stupid.
This is the most innacurate portrayal of how these consoles looked, especially since NO 3D game at the time ran at 60fps.
I turned off texture filtering in Ocarina of Time once. Some of the wall textures were actually just 3 pixels. Carts in 1997 baka
Is it strange that I think this looks awesome? I love the look of some early 3d games, like all Playstation games. I wish there was a full game that used the aesthetic of Devil's Dagger. I don't know how do describe the look exactly, but something along the lines of low screen and texture resolution, low poly count, no anti aliasing, no/low texture filtering.