What is the best Resident Evil game and why is it REmake?

What is the best Resident Evil game and why is it REmake?

That's the worst one. Resident Evil for the Playstation was the best.

Resident Evil 0.





It's not, and REmake is massively over rated. Typically it's the first one people are introduced now.

It doesn't fix any of the bad design of RE1 at all, such as the inventory system. If anything, it makes it worse by requiring you to have more items like the lighter/fuel to burn zombies. The colors are all gone. Do you like brown and dark green? Because that's all your'e getting.

The mansion is not believable at all as it's SUPER SPOOKY to unbelievable degrees. It's not supposed to be a huanted house or anything supernatural. It's supposed to be a normal manison that people lived and worked in. The original mansion was fairly colorful and completely normal looking.

I'm not saying it's bad, I quite like it. But I prefer RE1,2, and RE4 over it. 1 because it was the original, and you could forigve some quirkiness. 2 because it polished the formula perfectly and got rid of a lot of the quirkiness. 4 because it felt like a true 3D modern game fully taking advantage of modern hardware that re-invented the series.

>Complaining about the inventory system
Holy shit what kind of casual are you?

RE's inventory system is completely retarded and i love the games. A gun, a key, a jewel all take up 1 space. And you only have 6-8 spaces. It's completely idiotic.

I know RE4 started the "new direction" for the RE games after 3, but that inventory system was so damn satisfying. When 5 dropped it I was pissed.

On your first playthrough sure, but learn how to item manage, you would be solid.
Real Survivor mode in REmake isn't hard at all if you know what you're doing.

still gorgeous after 13 years

My personal favorites in the RE series are the Outbreak games. There's just something magical about them that I sets them apart from 2/REmake.

4 is the best op, sorry.

Pretty easy: it is a masterclass in backtracking
it could be called the best metroidvania ever, but there is no leveling to backup the claim


It's alright but I do want the option to drop an item

are they still worth playing without the online? Do they add anything to the overall plot?

Don't start shit like this.

RE4 fags are the ones that do that.

It's almost like you have to manage your inventory or some shit!

If only there were drop boxes and you had to remember where they are!



I know you prefer RE4's inventory because you can hold all the things and just hoard ammo and healing items from the spanish pinatas but RE4 isn't a survival horror game. It's a horror themed action TPS.

RE4 is my favorite but there are no bad mainline Resident Evil games, I like them all even RE6.

>thats the worst one

The worst one user? THE WORST ONE?? WHAT? WORSE THAN EVEN GUN SURVIVOR 2? fucking faggot.

>It's not, and REmake is massively over rated. Typically it's the first one people are introduced now.

With good reason.

>The mansion is not believable at all as it's SUPER SPOOKY to unbelievable degrees. It's not supposed to be a huanted house or anything supernatural. It's supposed to be a normal manison that people lived and worked in. The original mansion was fairly colorful and completely normal looking

There is nothing supernatural about it. It's just detailed in Remake and in fact, better furnished. Also, no one really "lived" in that mansion day to day, it was fucking filthy, at best the residence was the only used property.