What are some games that tried to appeal to a different audience?

What are some games that tried to appeal to a different audience?

the gaming community has always been liberal and progressive
anyone who says otherwise is an alt-right troll drumpfkin.

>the gaming community has always been liberal and progressive

This is true, but batshit crazy SJ stuff =/= progressiveness in general

"liberal" and "progressive" are becoming more distant as times goes.

That ass is made for the BBC.

That's fake tho

You know, people like you are the worst who think they know what they're talking about but are just as retarded as every other shitbposter on here.

>tfw being liberal and progressive used to mean you liked sex and hated censorship

That butt looks just a little bit too fat to be Karin. Is that really her?

I have a hard time believing that's real.
What's even the point of the thread if it's fake?

That literally never happened though and the rest of this thread is going to be Sup Forums bitching about SJWs over fake controversy. I fucking hate this place and I hate you stupid niggers so fucking much.

>Street fighter was /ourgame/ all along

We could have had it all. Normies die.

That ass is made for BC of all colors not tiny cocks allowed

>redid Juri entirely
Nah it was never /our/ game because they ruined /our/ girl.

I don't get it, where is her ass crack? She's wearing off-white leggings, it's not her skin.


How is he wrong?
You are a fucking idiot.

The game that brings you back to a special time. My friend introduced me to THPS and we played the hell out of it. I probably played THPS2 more than most games of my childhood. I know the entire soundtrack by heart, I knew every secret and every inch of every map. I knew every trick, and even when I had nothing left to do in the game I would just make levels and play in them as Spider-Man. I miss myself at that age.

Meant to start a thread with this but I'm drunk. I'll just try again tomorrow ffs.

I mean, I remember the main menu, the Neversoft logo animation, the sounds of the UI, I have all of it inside my head.

Since when did being liberal mean being anti sex/nudity and being a prude?
The people who are on a crusade against sexuality and only that which appeals to straight men can go back to whatever hole they climbed out of.
I honestly don't know how anyone that isn't a very traditionally religious person can find this controversial.
If you are not religious, under what basis is this considered unacceptable?

>the gaming community has always been liberal and progressive

Speak for yourself, faggot.

SJW/Cultural marxism is the logical extension of the progressivement, and has been since the 60's.

>hated censorship

You faggots were always the ones pushing "hate speech laws".

Progressive is another word for socialism

Liberal didn't used to mean sharia law.

>and Overwatch

>You faggots

Who are you grouping me with?

Being liberal literally means more freedom. Being progressive literally used to mean supporting free love.

I rarely phrase things like this, but "hate speech" is a meme, and should be laughed at in a country where freedom of speech is supposed to be a guaranteed right.

"Liberal" has meant favouring greater centralized state control since the Enlightenment.

What exactly is progressive?

>Being liberal literally means more freedom.

That's what propagandists have spent the last 300 years trying to tell people, but somehow it always results in a more powerful, centralized government.

seconding this

>People have more freedom being ruled by 1 man/woman, and their family

This is largely an American thing, you realize.

Also 300 years is a pretty big overstatement.

McDonald's or Burger King, some freedom.

Actually, yes. France had fewer laws before the Revolution than after.

>Forgetting about the "Enlightened" European despots.

The united states of america is not a liberal country.It use to be.

It use to mean you were a useful idiot for cultural marxists.