So why is mimic Sachiko better than any chest full of treasure?

So why is mimic Sachiko better than any chest full of treasure?

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I want to grab her chest

Who were making those fancy chests in the first place? I mean what the point of them? To put valuables there so the chest would for as thief magnet?

What a cute treasure.

I don't know a lot of chests seem very nice to me

She's not cute


>open chest
>mimic baps itself

What a useless chest.

I rather have Koume's chest

Oh yes she is. *unzips pants*


Easy xp at least

Sachiko's a dork.

Because she fills my chest with pleasure.

No wonder this slut is always sending poor Mika mixed signals dressing like that.

Miria dresses completely purely. Mika still belongs in jail.

CG thread?

i think it's a Sachiko admiration thread.

>Sup Forums likes traps

what a surprise

no you hide mimics in them and you also hide your treasure in them.

when an adventurer sees that its like 50/50 chance a mimic, while some boring brown box probably has some gold in it but has little to no chance to be a mimic.

So the adventurers take the gold from that boring box, satisfied, leaves with their pocket of gold and their life.


wait is 4chans mascot a fucking mimic?

Yes. She's also the gatkeeper to hell

>Yes. She's also the gatkeeper to hell

I wouldn't call Sup Forums hell.
I mean on a good day.

>Do idol event
>Suddenly have like 50 idols
The fuck am I going to do with all these.


Does Miria still randomly swap spots with other members?

Rank them all up to get the only good character

Not as far as I can tell. Though I pretty much just keep her in the backrow all the time. It's nice that she gives the front row an attack buff every now and then.

Don't you have to use the ranko summon 666 times to get her or some shit?

So do I have to crawl in there or can I take her out for sex?

What a fattie.

That's a rude thing to say to such a lovable Idol

Flab isn't lovable

Punchable tummy.

punishable offense

Kanako is pretty loveable for a fat idol

Is that the official 4 Chan girl?

You bet it is.

No, they removed that after the nips kept on complaining. That was a cute drawback for her unique backrow attack buff.

A cutie indeed!

Please don't tell me "hara-pan" means what I think it does.

What wont she put in her mouth? some veggies?

yes it is BAP


I imagine she will eat anything when hungry


That's gotta be ultra illegal. I'm pretty sure Idols aren't made for that.

Brunnhilde summon, but yeah, that's the thing that starts her recruitment chain. Personally I didn't find that part too bad. Giving the summon attack last hits on the six primals was far worse.

why is the cow so cute?

Are you playing her event?

no. haven't played since a while before summer of Sachiko

Is it worth it?

Who is this cute girl and why is she on the front page?

It's best member of the 142s coworker sachiko

So in your delusional mind who is the best 142?

The only cute one.

Good taste

When more Takumi SSRs?
And does Bamco keep on pushing the cow when Takumi ranks higher than her in popularity contests?

probably next year. for now they are planning to give way more shit to whoever scored well in the election a while ago.

When will that girl kick that horrible addiction?

I wanna milk those cows