Recommend me some comfy 3DS games Sup Forums just finished 3D land...

Recommend me some comfy 3DS games Sup Forums just finished 3D land. Heard SMT overclocked 1 & 2 and fire emblem echoes are good so might check them out

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Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon

>Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
not a big fan of pokemon but it seems interesting, i'll check it out



If you dont like Pokemon but like the premise of Mystery Dungeon then play a different Mystery Dungeon game, like Etrian Mystery Dunegon or Persona Q

If you enjoy town building and dungeon delving Ever Oasis is fucking awesome. The town building starts off really slow but I promise it picks way up after it's done explaining shit to you.

ciangel is way better, freeshop was taken down by Nintendo so no new games there

yeah got Persona Q so might play that next
oh i hear that game is really fun, i'll defo check it out
i would use ciangel but you need double the space cause it downloads and then installs cia files. Freeshop installs while its downloading

I don't mind 64gb sd

it still gets new games you just have to change the titlekeys url as the old one got taken down

sauce? you can point freeshop to whatever repo you want so I don't see how that can be true.

I bought a 32gb sd thinking that would be plenty of space, didnt realize that the 3DS had this many good games


>No pokemon games
Anyways, play Xenoblade Chronicles if is a new
Or Animal Crossing

Ace Combat Assault Horizion Legacy +. Make sure to get the + version as it comes with circle pad pro support.

animal crossing looks really comfy
yeah nah there are new repos
fuck yeah dude. Was actually thinking of playing that tonight, isnt it a remake of AC2?

I wouldn't consider Xenoblade "comfy" and animal crossing makes me die out of boredom. Not OP btw.

Is it safe to hack the 3DS/New 3DS?

I want to play GBA games

Nintendo did a massive banwave a few months back.

Its safe if your smart about it and dont hack online games. GBA games are awesome on the 3DS cause its running on native hardware

7th Dragon has been a fantastic experience for me. It's the most uncensored, comfy rpg in a long time. Create a cat Cafe, kill dragons in awesome ways, fuck literally everybody.

>7th Dragon
never heard of it, just did a quick google and seems really interesting, do you mean the DS or 3DS version?

So I'm safe as long as I don't hack any online games?

Alright. Thanks m8

I've been thinking about trying that one out. Could you talk more about it, user?

What's the game like? Are there waifus?

little battlers experience, never see anyone talking about it but it reminded me of custom robo. its a decent lil game

Hell yeah i've got that one, its level5 isnt it?

>isnt it a remake of AC2?
I believe it is yes. I have never played AC2 though so I can't comment on how it stacks up to it's remake.

3ds. The fantranslated DS game is quite grindy.

A couple. It's a quite over the top anime story, with decent characters, Japanese only fun and really fast paced standard jrpg combat. The connections to previous games is really well explained and you don't feel like you're missing key parts.

30-40 hours of gameplay (35h for me, missing 41 dragons, out of 266)

Steamworld Heist

Maybe try out Cave Story? I haven't played much of it myself,but I know it's considered to be pretty great.

Forgot to add: the level of depth in Bravely Default is brilliant. This doesn't reach those levels, but the classes themselves are all much more interesting. The standard spell caster has a card game twist, the healer is a major damage dealer, the swordsman has various stances to utilize.

It sounds pretty interesting and I'll be needing an RPG soon to kill some serious time.
Thanks for the rec, friend.

Stella Glow

Rune Factory 4. Both animal crossing and fantasy life suck btw.